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Originally posted by fixxxer101
Originally posted by Joebarber

Just so long as you realize we are just messing around and don't take it seriously you'll be cool. If you don't want to partake, no problem.

Oh no, I am just stating that my team will speak for itself now that we are set in EVERY position. I can take a joke as good as anyone. I like it when people underestimate me. It makes it that much sweeter to see everyone eat their words.

Right now everyone has about a 10 percent advantage on your team because of your chemistry.
Originally posted by Gator93
Top 25 mascots

Worst 25 article which is funny haha coming

Ok they fucked our article up

1) The eagle's name is NOVA not Tiger
2) Our mascot is not the eagle if it were we'd be like the Auburn War Eagles or something
3) The Eagle is more a symbol
4) Aubie is our mascot and owns a buffalo
Originally posted by Gator93

Right now everyone has about a 10 percent advantage on your team because of your chemistry.

I agree our chemistry is low, but I think our team will prevail. 1 trade left to go through and the rosters wont be touched from here on out. On paper, we will be the team to beat. Based on levels and builds. Of course I cant see all the players builds on your teams, but Not one team here will look at our team and think, "Oh, this will be easy." We may get 1 more loss this season due to chemistry, but otherwise, look out.
Originally posted by fixxxer101
I can take a joke as good as anyone. I like
it when people underestimate me. It makes it that much sweeter to see
everyone eat their words.

Return to sender. Narcissists denouncing egotists is like toilets denouncing urinals.
this really got 154 replies (155 now)?
Whats wrong with a toilet denouncing a Urinal? You guys can get shit on all you want, Ill only take the piss and cigarette butts. LOL
Originally posted by fixxxer101
Originally posted by Gator93

Right now everyone has about a 10 percent advantage on your team because of your chemistry.

I agree our chemistry is low, but I think our team will prevail. 1 trade left to go through and the rosters wont be touched from here on out. On paper, we will be the team to beat. Based on levels and builds. Of course I cant see all the players builds on your teams, but Not one team here will look at our team and think, "Oh, this will be easy." We may get 1 more loss this season due to chemistry, but otherwise, look out.

Non of my players builds are bad. I only sign builds I like and alot of that is speed. I still believe my team is the team to beat. I also made a thread for people who haven't boosted and I learned alot of my team hasn't boosted, I was shocked so I can always pull the trick out of the hat when I need it. Should be a fun year.
Originally posted by kevbk6222
this really got 154 replies (155 now)?

I make it do what it do
Originally posted by Gator93
Originally posted by fixxxer101

Originally posted by Gator93

Right now everyone has about a 10 percent advantage on your team because of your chemistry.

I agree our chemistry is low, but I think our team will prevail. 1 trade left to go through and the rosters wont be touched from here on out. On paper, we will be the team to beat. Based on levels and builds. Of course I cant see all the players builds on your teams, but Not one team here will look at our team and think, "Oh, this will be easy." We may get 1 more loss this season due to chemistry, but otherwise, look out.

Non of my players builds are bad. I only sign builds I like and alot of that is speed. I still believe my team is the team to beat. I also made a thread for people who haven't boosted and I learned alot of my team hasn't boosted, I was shocked so I can always pull the trick out of the hat when I need it. Should be a fun year.

I put all of my points into confidence...girls like guys with lots of confidence. You may kick my ass up and down the field, but I'm gonna feel good about it.
Originally posted by Joebarber
Originally posted by Gator93

Originally posted by fixxxer101

Originally posted by Gator93

Right now everyone has about a 10 percent advantage on your team because of your chemistry.

I agree our chemistry is low, but I think our team will prevail. 1 trade left to go through and the rosters wont be touched from here on out. On paper, we will be the team to beat. Based on levels and builds. Of course I cant see all the players builds on your teams, but Not one team here will look at our team and think, "Oh, this will be easy." We may get 1 more loss this season due to chemistry, but otherwise, look out.

Non of my players builds are bad. I only sign builds I like and alot of that is speed. I still believe my team is the team to beat. I also made a thread for people who haven't boosted and I learned alot of my team hasn't boosted, I was shocked so I can always pull the trick out of the hat when I need it. Should be a fun year.

I put all of my points into confidence...girls like guys with lots of confidence. You may kick my ass up and down the field, but I'm gonna feel good about it.

LMAO! Thats pretty funny
Originally posted by fixxxer101
Whats wrong with a toilet denouncing a Urinal? You guys can get shit on all you want, Ill only take the piss and cigarette butts. LOL

Wait a second...You're the toilet. You can't triple stamp a double stamp!!!
LOL, No, I am Mr. Hernandez, the janitor that gets paid 3.26 an hour to clean up all of you toilets and Urinals. It sux but someone has to do it. LOL
Did we just curb stomp you guys to the ground? American History X style.
Congrats Burgers. Good job. I really want to say good job to the Moose Jaw Mice though. We may have won, but you guys put up one hell of a fight. It went into OT.
The guy that made the threads team already lost?

Early loss for big talk.

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