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Brett Snyder
thats why they were all leaving.... i got a a few guys to resign by telling them that u were crazy and to just ignore u i would try to keep u under control.... if u would have just told them sorry we would have never had to worry about it if u would have just said im sorry my bad it was me we would have resigned atleast 50%. u said it deal with it
Brett Snyder
the most wacked out 18 yr old ive ever heard ofi think ur like 13-15
Also Banned
Originally posted by Brett Snyder
thats why they were all leaving.... i got a a few guys to resign by telling them that u were crazy and to just ignore u i would try to keep u under control.... if u would have just told them sorry we would have never had to worry about it if u would have just said im sorry my bad it was me we would have resigned atleast 50%. u said it deal with it
sorry doesnt mean shit. thats like Mike Vick saying sorry for all the dog fighting and than saying its ok he said he was sorry. this is the real world not some fantasy world. sorry wont cut it

Brett Snyder
its a football simulation sir so sorry does cut it... mistakes r different mike was fucking killing dogs.... r u retarded? seriously tell them u screwed up and u had a bad day? seems like ur just hard nosed and a moron
thread seems fairly need for it anymore

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