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Forum > Casual Leagues > Casual Rookie Leagues > Who are the top 10 teams in this age bracket?
Goat Father
Originally posted by MV Thunder
hatch you remember that thread Kirghiz made about this not being the fact any longer or did I miss read it...

I think you misread it the whole purpose of building players the way we do is to maximize the training gains. By maximizing the training gains it takes less SP's to get the attribute to where you want it. and by doing that it leaves more SPs to allocate to your secondary attributes in the end of the build.
Dub J
Originally posted by MV Thunder
hatch you remember that thread Kirghiz made about this not being the fact any longer or did I miss read it...

The math states otherwise.
Dub J
I think the miscommunication is the "boosting early" part. MV, we're not talking about the 3 boosts in the proceeding offseason. Rather, the early boosts during the first season. While it's true you will lose out on some training benefits by boosting the previous offseason, it's superseded by reaching max level at end build.
Originally posted by robbi_knight34
I take myself very seriously. It takes hard work and effort to be as awesome as I am. Some people have a hard time understanding that, and I get it. No hard feelings, when you're "ready" to compete, let me know. I'd love to send you a friendly and see how potent your team can be when you actually care.

I probably won't go off relaxed until next season and I'll probably get around to buying all the gear by the end of this season. So probably sometime into next season we can have us a prick waving contest for fun.
Originally posted by Flu
I probably won't go off relaxed until next season and I'll probably get around to buying all the gear by the end of this season. So probably sometime into next season we can have us a prick waving contest for fun.

You do understand football is a competitive sport right?

Originally posted by Nokturnus
You do understand football is a competitive sport right?

No, I play for the girls!
Originally posted by robbi_knight34
No, I play for the girls!

I play in the ladies league. They are much more fun to tackle. All the extra padding.
Originally posted by Nokturnus
You do understand football is a competitive sport right?

Let me get this straight, you consider GLB a competitive sport?
Goat Father
Originally posted by Flu
Let me get this straight, you consider GLB a competitive sport?

No I do not consider GLB a sport. but yes I do consider it a form of competition. for people like myself that love to have competition you take it where you can get it. I am a little older now so Golf, online games, Poker and billiards are about the only competition I get now a days.
Dub J
I haven't really tried at this game since early 2009. Not much fun in winning at a dead site.
Goat Father
Originally posted by Dub J
I haven't really tried at this game since early 2009. Not much fun in winning at a dead site.

for the most part you are right most leagues in this game are awful. I am a GM on another team and their league forum has had roughly 12 to 15 posts all season. hell this league was sort of dead until we got the competitive juices going with some guys. now this has been one of the better leagues I have been in for a while.
Originally posted by Flu
Let me get this straight, you consider GLB a competitive sport?

GLB is competitive though not a sport. Sports-based though and the whole point of sport is competition. See where I'm going with this?

Maybe I'm asking the wrong question. Why the hell build dots and put them on a team if you aren't being competitive about it?

Dub J
Originally posted by hatchman
for the most part you are right most leagues in this game are awful. I am a GM on another team and their league forum has had roughly 12 to 15 posts all season. hell this league was sort of dead until we got the competitive juices going with some guys. now this has been one of the better leagues I have been in for a while.

Remember back when this game was so competitive that you busted your ass and prayed for a first round home game?
Originally posted by Dub J
Remember back when this game was so competitive that you busted your ass and prayed for a first round home game?

That's what Rookie Casual #2 has been At least on the Zeta side, I can't speak for the Alpha Conference.

Dub J
To be honest, the enthusiasm I have seen in this forum has swayed me to keep my prep team. We are going back to being plain ol' Homer's Donut Factory. Not sure if we're resetting or continuing on to University but this is too much fun to mess around with peewee.

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