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Forum > Suggestions > Epic Suggestions > Reorganize National Pro Leagues
Originally posted by Kenshinzen
Get rid of WL elitism and let the Pro as they're. At least we have some rivalries in there!

+1 Pretty Please!

BTW - Can we also have a double sorting of the lower leagues after the preseason to balance the leagues again?
Originally posted by Catch22
Edit - Removed original suggestion after discussion. Replaced with below.

Let's face it. It's the only league level that has it's own unique structure and the question is why? The main reason is people want their regional affiliations. I am suggesting that for the good of the game we have to revamp this a bit and make the game about having competitive leagues that make sense. This is a bit of a merger of the Hemispheres suggestion and how the regular minor league structures work. Basically it would work like this:

Western Hemisphere (equivalent to Elite #1)
Eastern Hemisphere (equivalent to Elite #2)

(we can work on the regions that are used here, this is just the general concept being outlined)

Western Hemisphere Feeder leagues
North America
South America

Eastern Hemisphere Feeder leagues


The top 8 teams (winner of first round playoff games) from each Hemisphere would promote to World League. The bottom 16 teams (non playoff teams) from World League would demote to Hemisphere. The bottom 16 teams from each Hemisphere (non playoff teams) would demote back down to Feeder leagues. The losers of first round playoff games from each Hemisphere would be the only teams that would remain. There would be 8 open slots for each Hemisphere. They would be taken by the conference championship game participants in each feeder league and then the next 2 best teams based on current tiebreakers (W-L record first).

The bottom four teams from each conference for each feeder league (total of 48 teams) would demote to Regional Pro. Promoting teams from Regional Pro would take those slots.

Originally posted by jallowe
Make the Hemispheres the top 2 leagues (remove WL), then have the 2 winners from those leagues play on day 40. That mean they play on odd days so the finals of the hemisphere leagues would be on day 39.

Or just go with a tournament and the Hemisphere's do not have to play.
Edited by ImTheScientist on Mar 11, 2011 13:43:14
Originally posted by Time Trial
There are currently 24 uncapped leagues:

WL x 1
Pro x 8
Regional x 15

The proposal is asking for:

WL x 1
Hemisphere x 2
Feeder x 6
Regional x ???

One of the nice things about advancing through the minors in the Elite system is the development of rivalries and building the community. Teams that stay together will have something in common to talk about and will care more about the game. The current suggestion has WAY too much turnover of the top leagues. Half of the teams in the WL change every season, and you are asking for a 100% turnover of the teams in the hemispheres. This same problem will exist in the feeder system.

I think this idea could be vastly imporved by doing the following:

1) Reduce the number of teams dropping from WL from 16 to 12 or 10.
2) Reduce the number of teams promoting from hemispheres to WL to 12 or 10 (Winners, then Conference, tiebreaker)
3) Reduce the number of teams demoting from the hemispheres from 32 to 24 or 20.
4) Eliminate the 'Feeder Systems' and just make three Elite Pro leages, three competitive Pro leagues, and the rest normal Pro leagues.
5) Hemisphere would demote to Elite.
6) Teams would need to win their way into Elite in order to promote. No sandbaggers promoting through other leagues.

We have too many leagues at the top anyway. The hemispheres should be the Pro leagues and the regional should be just that. The only way to make things more competitive is to push teams down and make the Semi Pro where team jump into the higher leagues. This huge Regional Pro bubble we have now is what isn't competitive.

They really should have went to some form of lateral advancement even if they have to add some plateau to the player life.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Kenshinzen

EDIT: Btw EEPL was very competive the last two seasons.

The only team I game planned for in the regular season last season was Eden. I didn't even bother tagging 10 teams last season.

The season before I only game planned for Eden and Stewart in the regular season.
Originally posted by yello1
Yes it does, Australia, Indonesia, Micronesia, New Zealand, New Guinea, etc. The Southwest Pacific basically.

If there really is a bigger need for this, then you could change the names to Eurasia/Oceania/Africa I guess.
Seems like you could have the best of both worlds, both introducing hemispheres AND maintaining current regional affiliation

Instead of having 6 new feeder leagues for the hemispheres, just have 4 current Pro leagues feed into each hemisphere. Only conf champs promote, just like with WL now. It actually makes more sense having 4 leagues promote into 8 spots, as opposed to 3 leagues

You could even have the hemisphere names correspond mostly with geography:

western - usapl, cpl, slap, apl (bit of a stretch there)
eastern - wepl, eepl, seapl, opl


Northern - usapl, cpl, wepl, eepl
Southern - slap, seapl, opl, apl (again, a bit of a stretch since most of africa is in the northern hemisphere)

The hemisphere leagues obviously wouldn't be balanced at first, but currently opl gets 2 WL teams per season and the world hasn't ended yet
Originally posted by Kenshinzen
Really? Don't know how many teams you had at this level but I see no need to change Pro. This will not fix anything except more ragequits imo.

I have been here since season 1 and have had dots and/or helped run teams at the Pro level EVERY season. The Pro level is absolute garbage now (if you suggest different then you have probably always been stuck on a middle tier team that struggles to make the playoffs and has no shot against the better teams in the league), especially since Bort refuses to wipe gutted teams mid-offseason and promotes a bunch of crap from Regional Pro.

Also, I am a huge OPL loyalist... I hate to see regional affiliation go but on the same token the regular season has become completely worthless for the top teams in the league. Seriously, what is the point when the season hasnt started and you know your team is guaranteed a playoffs spot. I could guarantee 6 (maybe 7) playoff teams from each conference in OPL right now. Sure it is probably challenging for those few on the bubble but who really cares as they have no shot to upset the 1/2 seeds in the playoffs anyway. That is boring and needs to change.
+10 Absolutely
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Catch22
Edit - Removed original suggestion after discussion. Replaced with below.

Let's face it. It's the only league level that has it's own unique structure and the question is why? The main reason is people want their regional affiliations. I am suggesting that for the good of the game we have to revamp this a bit and make the game about having competitive leagues that make sense. This is a bit of a merger of the Hemispheres suggestion and how the regular minor league structures work. Basically it would work like this:

Western Hemisphere (equivalent to Elite #1)
Eastern Hemisphere (equivalent to Elite #2)

(we can work on the regions that are used here, this is just the general concept being outlined)

Western Hemisphere Feeder leagues
North America
South America

Eastern Hemisphere Feeder leagues


The top 8 teams (winner of first round playoff games) from each Hemisphere would promote to World League. The bottom 16 teams (non playoff teams) from World League would demote to Hemisphere. The bottom 16 teams from each Hemisphere (non playoff teams) would demote back down to Feeder leagues. The losers of first round playoff games from each Hemisphere would be the only teams that would remain. There would be 8 open slots for each Hemisphere. They would be taken by the conference championship game participants in each feeder league and then the next 2 best teams based on current tiebreakers (W-L record first).

The bottom four teams from each conference for each feeder league (total of 48 teams) would demote to Regional Pro. Promoting teams from Regional Pro would take those slots.

Only the top 4 from each Hemisphere should promote to WL (teams that make CCG). Then bottom 4 of each WL conference demote.

The top 4 from each Feeder league (teams that make CCG) promote and the bottom 6 from each Hemisphere conference demote.

That would mean teams 1-12 in WL stay and teams 3-10 in the Hemisphere leagues stay.
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by Kenshinzen

Get rid of WL elitism and let the Pro as they're. At least we have some rivalries in there!

Keep track of/maintain your rivalries with this...

Have the best of both worlds... strong competitive leagues and the ability to track/keep up with your rivalries on the side.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
Originally posted by Catch22

Edit - Removed original suggestion after discussion. Replaced with below.

Let's face it. It's the only league level that has it's own unique structure and the question is why? The main reason is people want their regional affiliations. I am suggesting that for the good of the game we have to revamp this a bit and make the game about having competitive leagues that make sense. This is a bit of a merger of the Hemispheres suggestion and how the regular minor league structures work. Basically it would work like this:

Western Hemisphere (equivalent to Elite #1)
Eastern Hemisphere (equivalent to Elite #2)

(we can work on the regions that are used here, this is just the general concept being outlined)

Western Hemisphere Feeder leagues
North America
South America

Eastern Hemisphere Feeder leagues


The top 8 teams (winner of first round playoff games) from each Hemisphere would promote to World League. The bottom 16 teams (non playoff teams) from World League would demote to Hemisphere. The bottom 16 teams from each Hemisphere (non playoff teams) would demote back down to Feeder leagues. The losers of first round playoff games from each Hemisphere would be the only teams that would remain. There would be 8 open slots for each Hemisphere. They would be taken by the conference championship game participants in each feeder league and then the next 2 best teams based on current tiebreakers (W-L record first).

The bottom four teams from each conference for each feeder league (total of 48 teams) would demote to Regional Pro. Promoting teams from Regional Pro would take those slots.

Only the top 4 from each Hemisphere should promote to WL (teams that make CCG). Then bottom 4 of each WL conference demote.

The top 4 from each Feeder league (teams that make CCG) promote and the bottom 6 from each Hemisphere conference demote.

That would mean teams 1-12 in WL stay and teams 3-10 in the Hemisphere leagues stay.

I prefer this too... but there are just too many whiners that want the high turnover because without which they would never make WL.
I really don't see how changing to an elite tiered system is going to fix anything in the Pros. Change for the sake of change is not always a good thing. We will only be having this same conversation in a couple seasons if this crazy change is applied.
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
National Pro is a joke. Any team that fails to make playoffs (and some that slip in as 7 or 8 seeds) in National Pro right now, has no business being in National Pro.

Good teams can go through the season in National Pro and make the playoffs without changing their game plan all season, and will probably win over 1/2 their games by more than 40 pts.

Then we need to change the way promotion is done at the RPL level.. No need to change the National PRO's...
Originally posted by lardaddy
anybody who says the Pro leagues, as they are now, are competitive, is completely delusional

Depends on your definition smart guy. Does the #16 team have a chance to beat the #1 team every season....... hell no. But do the Mice win every season without competition? I think you KNOW the answer to that one.


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