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46 Defense
Originally posted by LionsLover
What? What the fuck are you smoking? There is a HUGE disadvantage from a player with 100 energy and one with 10 energy. Couple that with players receiving out of position penalties at some positions, and there is no way a 20 man roster should beat a full staffed roster.

broncos do!!!
Originally posted by lVlellovv
pretty sure i know how to install an i have many trophies to prove it.

i used to like you

LOLgm does not count. Scout does not count for AI either. I have toned of lolgm trophies. But dont brag about them. Ands what acopout to we are waiting for the playoffs. Real teams show what they got and say come beat us at our game.
Originally posted by LionsLover
Originally posted by lVlellovv

you're not at a disadvantage..

there's no significant level of play drop from playing with 10 energy as opposed to playing with 100 energy. there's no significant level of play drop for a LB playing FB..

and everyone in every game will get max what's the disadvantage?

What? What the fuck are you smoking? There is a HUGE disadvantage from a player with 100 energy and one with 10 energy. Couple that with players receiving out of position penalties at some positions, and there is no way a 20 man roster should beat a full staffed roster.

that's why a RB with 60 speed (iron man) is outrunning someone with 85 speed (1 back-up)...makes sense now.

and we don't have a full roster, we have 1 back up for every position, i don't think that classifies as a full roster..

and i don't know any point in time when it would be even possible (even for us) to have a guy with 100 energy while the other team has 10.

you know a few seasons back i have a 25 man roster against teams with full man roster, i went 11-5 during the season

there is no SIGNIFICANT drop off.
Edited by lVlellovv on Feb 7, 2011 16:41:09
Edited by lVlellovv on Feb 7, 2011 16:40:58
Edited by lVlellovv on Feb 7, 2011 16:29:05
Originally posted by bafore
Originally posted by lVlellovv

pretty sure i know how to install an i have many trophies to prove it.

i used to like you

LOLgm does not count. Scout does not count for AI either. I have toned of lolgm trophies. But dont brag about them. Ands what acopout to we are waiting for the playoffs. Real teams show what they got and say come beat us at our game.

lolgms? lol...

and you mean bads show everything they got during the season so they can be defeated in the playoffs? right..
Edited by lVlellovv on Feb 7, 2011 16:29:42
Originally posted by joe
Originally posted by lVlellovv

pretty sure i know how to install an i have many trophies to prove it.

i used to like you

Well if your pretty sure on how to set up a AI then you guys have no excesses this game coming up.

O yeah I could give 2 shits if you like me. My turds opinions mean more to me then you.

obviously not, you're still responding.
GG Broncos...
Originally posted by PING72
GG Broncos...

GG man, way to kick our ass so all of these scrubs can feed off your glory
king of beers
Originally posted by PING72
GG Broncos...

GG maan!!
Just to answer a few questions (defensively) I made a couple of settings not very many! I think it was three and offensively we have none. We playing our game and we arent game planning against no one. I did a lil game planning against old english and they straight kicked our ass! Props to them!!! Promise you this we will make a run at it and this year after I retire my players we prolly gonna be in it again!!!
46 Defense
Originally posted by lVlellovv
obviously not, you're still responding.

Obviously not? Knowing how to set up a AI. We all knew that already...
Edited by joe on Feb 8, 2011 05:06:38
king of beers
Originally posted by joe
Obviously not? Knowing how to set up a AI. We all knew that already...

We know how to set up an AI... We know what we doing over here... We got two loses now and thats fine by me when playoffs come we gonna wreck it!!!
Originally posted by king of beers
Thats how we roll 3-0 and like Mellow said we didnt even make our time at the right time and we are still wrecking this biaatch!!!! No matter what you'll always be behind me.... here's a picture of our ass cuz all you'll see is our hiney!

I'm sorry where are you in the league?

Originally posted by king of beers
That happened before we had the team. Promise that wont happen again

So thats twice now....not much for promises are you

Originally posted by lVlellovv
you play to win the game

You're not doing so well then, getting beaten by two non boosting non custom Iron Man teams

Originally posted by lVlellovv

this is copper league #1, and we dominate, get over it.

Doesn't dominating imply beating everyone else?


Ok and now some home truths.

Stamina does affect the players, in a big way. I barely spotted a single one of your players with even a single low stamina mark during that game while my team were practically all on 10 energy by the second half if not the second quarter. That means you were playing with at least a 10-20 energy advantage. If you really dont think stamina matters then go play in WL with 15 stamina and see what happens. You're an idiot for thinking otherwise.

All bar 7 of your points came from a glitched DPC play. I've tested this on the test server and got a similar result so its been filed and should be sorted pretty soon. We would likely have beaten you by even more if it weren't for that.

You keep on bragging about how you plan to dominate in the playoffs while complaining that our players are just as good as yours...nice contradiction. Either you have the players to beat us or you don't. We are lower level so will be gaining more xp and more training than you before the end of the season. Likelyhood is we will improve further than your players.

Mellow you said you had missed 7 seasons then in other posts you had players just a few seasons ago doing certain things....well which is it? If youre looking back to season 10 its a totally different game and not worth the comparison since not a single part of the game is still as it was back then in terms of coding.

Lets face it you're both morons. You boosted early to go 16-0 and have failed. You're now falling back on the explantion of 'it's ok as long as we make the playoffs' which completely contradicts your boosting strategy unless you are complete morons. If you'd really not cared about league position you would have boosted on day 33, not day 0.

As for your running back having 241 SPs compared to ours who have high 230's, 2 weeks of training doesnt compensate for 3 full levels of boosting (equivalent of around 25 or more SP's) which basically means you aren't very good at building dots!

Thanks for the game. Unlike you guys I'm not arrogant enough to claim we will beat you again later but at least we proved we have a good chance of competing.

Now I have to go and work on beating our real opponenets....Old English!

Originally posted by Arayel
Doesn't dominating imply beating everyone else?


Ok and now some home truths.

Stamina does affect the players, in a big way. I barely spotted a single one of your players with even a single low stamina mark during that game while my team were practically all on 10 energy by the second half if not the second quarter. That means you were playing with at least a 10-20 energy advantage. If you really dont think stamina matters then go play in WL with 15 stamina and see what happens. You're an idiot for thinking otherwise.

All bar 7 of your points came from a glitched DPC play. I've tested this on the test server and got a similar result so its been filed and should be sorted pretty soon. We would likely have beaten you by even more if it weren't for that.

You keep on bragging about how you plan to dominate in the playoffs while complaining that our players are just as good as yours...nice contradiction. Either you have the players to beat us or you don't. We are lower level so will be gaining more xp and more training than you before the end of the season. Likelyhood is we will improve further than your players.

Mellow you said you had missed 7 seasons then in other posts you had players just a few seasons ago doing certain things....well which is it? If youre looking back to season 10 its a totally different game and not worth the comparison since not a single part of the game is still as it was back then in terms of coding.

Lets face it you're both morons. You boosted early to go 16-0 and have failed. You're now falling back on the explantion of 'it's ok as long as we make the playoffs' which completely contradicts your boosting strategy unless you are complete morons. If you'd really not cared about league position you would have boosted on day 33, not day 0.

As for your running back having 241 SPs compared to ours who have high 230's, 2 weeks of training doesnt compensate for 3 full levels of boosting (equivalent of around 25 or more SP's) which basically means you aren't very good at building dots!

Thanks for the game. Unlike you guys I'm not arrogant enough to claim we will beat you again later but at least we proved we have a good chance of competing.

Now I have to go and work on beating our real opponenets....Old English!

every one is so srs. lol dotball is srs biz.
Originally posted by lVlellovv
every one is so srs. lol dotball is srs biz.

Spending money on a game is serious biz. If you don't understand that, your dumber than I already thought... which was pretty low to begin with.
46 Defense
Originally posted by lVlellovv
every one is so srs. lol dotball is srs biz.

You should change you screen name to excesses!!!

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