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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > If you were to change the league structure
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC
I would suggest that DD or whomever is interested in this take the ideas, make a thread for each, and have us pick them apart.

agreed, I see 3-4 separate good ideas in here that need to really be parsed out to figure out which ones make the most sense and really, are the easiest to implement.
Kendo 1
How many human teams are there in GLB ?

anyone know ?
Kendo 1
Originally posted by BP
Originally posted by DONKEIDIC

I would suggest that DD or whomever is interested in this take the ideas, make a thread for each, and have us pick them apart.

agreed, I see 3-4 separate good ideas in here that need to really be parsed out to figure out which ones make the most sense and really, are the easiest to implement.

good idea

Originally posted by Kendo 1
How many human teams are there in GLB ?

anyone know ?

Only bort knows how many and what kind.

There were around 30 leagues worth of teams handed out this season alone.

That is almost a pyramid of Pro-AAA-AA-A-BBB.
Kendo 1
Thanks. Was thinking if we knew how many human teams there are, we could work backwards to fit a structure to them.
Originally posted by BP

Just to qualify my plan, I currently own my own business...I did in gross transactions about 10 million dollars in 2008/2009 (no I didn't make that much..only a fraction, a small fraction, nobody ask me to buy them flex please ). I have no employees and do it all myself. I'm not some angry ass 16 year old with ideas, running businesses and putting together good solid plans is what I do. Take it for what it's worth.

Originally posted by BP

D, serious bro...I have good

1.) A real businessman wouldn't use the word - bro

Originally posted by Kendo 1
Thanks. Was thinking if we knew how many human teams there are, we could work backwards to fit a structure to them.

kind of hard to hit a moving target. Actually expanding and contracting to fit the available supply is kind of what created this problem in the first place. At one point the supply of players and the demands for team was much higher then it is now. Things expanded..and now that the demand for the teams isn't there, it's much harder to contract it then it was to expand it.

Honestly, there needs to be a set system in place with a set # of teams that reasonably approximates the demand minus 10% or so. You WANT there to be a waiting list, you WANT there to be crappy builds that don't get FA offers so that the agent gets a clue and tries again. For team ownership to mean anything, it has to be something special..a starting position on a AA team should be something coveted...not just given away to whoever is willing to sign with you.

There are always other ways for Bort and Co to make money beyond just making a shitload of leagues and teams and allowing anybody with 8 dollars in flex to own one and for every dot to have a starting spot somewhere. The coaching example is a way that the fellas are just adding extra income by creating something new. Also, I don't think many people would be opposed to raising the price of purchasing a team. The renewal fee is probably good where it was at, but buying a team the first time should cost 2000 make sure that the person is serious about things.
Originally posted by BP
kind of hard to hit a moving target.

That's why anything below AA shouldn't be organized in a pyramid structure. If you have boxes, then the size can remain fluid yet preserve regional identity and keep groups of teams together over the course of their development.
Originally posted by damo42
Originally posted by BP

Just to qualify my plan, I currently own my own business...I did in gross transactions about 10 million dollars in 2008/2009 (no I didn't make that much..only a fraction, a small fraction, nobody ask me to buy them flex please ). I have no employees and do it all myself. I'm not some angry ass 16 year old with ideas, running businesses and putting together good solid plans is what I do. Take it for what it's worth.

Originally posted by BP

D, serious bro...I have good

1.) A real businessman wouldn't use the word - bro

I'm not a "businessman" I don't "effort things", I don't "circle back", I'm never "out of pocket". I graduated college and did the suit and tie thing for 10 years and hated every minute of it, I wasn't allowed to use "bro" or even tell the truth about what I thought..I had to act like a robot.

Born in LA and still live there and running your own thing, your own way, can be very successful if you just be yourself and work like a maniac. When you REALLY believe in something, it's much easier to put the work in.

Now I get to take unlimited smoke breaks, use the word "Bro" and hit on my female customers...that's me, and I'm pretty good at it
no pyramid structure will ever work. it's impossible to find 32 people to own teams and guarantee that not one of them will fail to be competitive (either due to personal "I don't want to bother any more" choice or general "I can't recruit players/find adequate OC/DCs" recruiting failures) at any point during the season.

Unless you eliminate team ownership and have CPU-owned teams with CPU-generated schemes...
Kendo 1
Now I get to take unlimited smoke breaks, use the word "Bro" and hit on my female customers...that's me, and I'm pretty good at it

need an asst ?
Originally posted by oldskool
no pyramid structure will ever work. it's impossible to find 32 people to own teams and guarantee that not one of them will fail to be competitive (either due to personal "I don't want to bother any more" choice or general "I can't recruit players/find adequate OC/DCs" recruiting failures) at any point during the season.

Unless you eliminate team ownership and have CPU-owned teams with CPU-generated schemes...

That's all true...really any pyramid structure is flawed. Any type of minors system is going to be flawed inherantly because teams are just there because of their levels, not because of accomplishments. All Pro teams know how to compete and probably have decent coordinators and AI's, all cap 30 teams...well, good luck finding top notch coordinators running that show (at least for the vast majority).

What I'm more interested in is making minors FAIR by removing non-boosters who play casually (then go play casual) and making things just cleaner by consolidating the leagues to garner more competition.

If we are being totally honest, Minors don't mean anything. If you are a good coordinator or build great are going to cut through minors with amazing stats for your dots and's pretty easy right now. Let's just making things simplier and more competitive on that level and fix what is REALLY wrong...too many leagues, waaay too many AA's and non-boosters beating up on paying customers at the lowest levels. ya know?
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers
How would you change it?

The goal being to keep the leagues as competitive as possible.

Fire those ideas out here.

First, I would listen to what all the users had to say, then implement changes based what the majority of users (unhappy or not) suggested! We are doing all the thinking, just read and get busy!
Originally posted by Kendo 1
Now I get to take unlimited smoke breaks, use the word "Bro" and hit on my female customers...that's me, and I'm pretty good at it

need an asst ?

I am looking for a cute young chick who'll wear a bikini top and dance around with my sign on Saturdays on the corner during the summer. $10/ want it, it's yours.
anyway, so that's my suggestion. If anyone is interested in going into it in more detail or DD wants to run with it, just hit me up via PM. I think we all know what the problems are, it's just a matter of figuring out a realistic solution that isn't going to burn a crapload of dots or be too much of a burden on Bort in terms of work time.


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