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knows how to party
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by SheVegas

Want me to post your PM's soapy?????

Sure thing, go for it!

Edit: I'll do it for you

Originally posted by Soapbox

Thanks for the public and private message. I'd personally prefer we be on good terms of course, but seriously... as a friend I do mean it: you will not accomplish a single thing if you keep posting negatively about anyone.

I'm just asking you as a friend to ease up. It'll just improve everything in the forums. I'm not saying don't talk trash, I'm just saying that I think the negativity might end up hurting everyone involved.

But again, thanks for the pm. I would very much like to be friends.

That was in response to the first pm. And I meant it. But I won't try to be friends with someone that continues to distort the truth and intentionally ignore facts when it's detrimental to... everything. So thus, unless I think you make a valid point and it merits a valid response, I'm done trying to intellectually respond to you. And I wasn't suckering you for the org. If you tone down the insults a bit and act more rational, I would still very much like to be friends.


Originally posted by SheVegas

The APL has had a bigger A hole then Cali from day 1- Named HOKIEMAN

Whew, I thought you meant Hokiemon for a sec.

Soapey- Number 1...I type like shit....So make fun of me all you want....You MIGHT be the kind to make fun of someone that has a problem reading, or has a physical handicap...IDK....Second - I am 36...I don't know all of the computer lingo...QQ...Rst...DDT, etc....Sorry I don't....I also am a man of my word...I work with kids who have behavior problems...I deal with students who look for the easy way out everyday...That is why it is so easy to see the type of person RT and Hokie are...I read them like a book day 1 of the APL...On the other hand , you Soap got caught in the crossfire, sticking up for your team, which I respect.....I also said day 1 I would never respect the Coyotes, or LOL.....How could I....I spend 8 hours a day working with kids, telling them to always work hard and don't look for the easy way to get what you want....Have I made immature comments at times???? Hell yea!!!...Do I act on my teams forum like I do here...Hell no...Why??? Because honestly....I do not give 1 ounce of gay midget porn what any other owner or any other teammates of other teams in the APL think of me....I am not here to make friends, like LOL always says...I have "real" friends in real life that I care about...On here I care only about my team.....Maybe that his being selfish, but I don't come here to stir the pot...I come here to tell what has happened to the APL from day 1.....Also I will never swap out of the APL....You want to get rid of me, you will have to have the ABD relgated to AAA,,,Then I might look elsewhere...Until then I will always to my best for ABD, while reminding the new teams what a joke of an owner Hokieman, Hokiemon, Hokiemidget is.......So hate me if you want, I don't care, I hate nobody...I think and this is my opinon, that Hokie was a nobody growing up and he is somebody in GLB....So have all of your championships,,I am very happy with my real life.

Hokie is a joke as an owner? a nobody in real life? are you catching your reflection in your monitor?

I'm glad you think you are some kind of chronicler for the APL, but no need. You see history is written by the winners, that is their job. The losers job is to read about, what the winners wrote. So let the winners do their job, and you just continue to read
Originally posted by PackMan97 an e-mail from a Mod saying (and I paraphrase) "The swap makes sense. We will be moving the best teams into Pro Leagues".

Expect more Fight Clubs next season.

I just can't see why moving a team from one region to another is balancing out the Pro Leagues...Fight Club was in the USA AAA League and couldn't make it into the USA Pro League, so they get a free ticket to APL? USA AAA was formed when? Season 1! APL was formed in Season 3? I'm not bias and really don't give a shit what Cali wants to do, but when people take advantage of the game and want to move to another region b/c of finances, that's just BS!!

Fight Club went (6-10) there 1st season in EE...losing to over half the teams, so then they wanna move to USA where they go (8-8) the next season...losing to less teams, but still don't making a name for themselves, so they decided to stick the league out...Season 4 has them going (9-7), but once again, you guys lost to the better teams like the Monkeys and the Spartans (who are both now PRO), so season 5 comes around and the team goes (12-4) and has a chance to kick some ass, but just when the dream started, it ended. You guys lost in the 1st round of the playoffs and were tired of not getting any trophies and wanted to switch regions again.

So now season 6 starts and its a hole new league...I really hope every team cleans your house and sends you packing to another region next season. I hear Canada has some open spots if your interested...
knows how to party
Originally posted by tauboy4
I just can't see why moving a team from one region to another is balancing out the Pro Leagues...Fight Club was in the USA AAA League and couldn't make it into the USA Pro League, so they get a free ticket to APL? USA AAA was formed when? Season 1! APL was formed in Season 3? I'm not bias and really don't give a shit what Cali wants to do, but when people take advantage of the game and want to move to another region b/c of finances, that's just BS!!

Fight Club went (6-10) there 1st season in EE...losing to over half the teams, so then they wanna move to USA where they go (8-8) the next season...losing to less teams, but still don't making a name for themselves, so they decided to stick the league out...Season 4 has them going (9-7), but once again, you guys lost to the better teams like the Monkeys and the Spartans (who are both now PRO), so season 5 comes around and the team goes (12-4) and has a chance to kick some ass, but just when the dream started, it ended. You guys lost in the 1st round of the playoffs and were tired of not getting any trophies and wanted to switch regions again.

So now season 6 starts and its a hole new league...I really hope every team cleans your house and sends you packing to another region next season. I hear Canada has some open spots if your interested...

Want to be our archivist?
ha...just puttin out some facts
knows how to party
Well here we are now. All that's left to do is play the games. I think we all could use the distraction.
Originally posted by thebigcali
I was skeptical that Bort would allow it but he did.

I think this is the most telling quote here. thebigcali knew he was pulling a fast one and the powers that be don't really care.

What to do?

Originally posted by SheVegas
Want me to post your PM's soapy?????

...please do....
Originally posted by pettymc

Isn't this a Pro league? I can see how this upsets the pond's natural habitat, but if you are afraid of competition, you are in the wrong league IMO. This is my first year on Fight Club, looking forward to playing against everyone.

Your owner moved the team here so he could win more games. He wants his fan support to be higher, which you accomplish by winning more games. Probably the only reason why he asked to be moved to a pro league is because he probably didn't think GLB would allow Fight Club to move to a non pro league.

Petty, your owner is the one that is avoiding competition. Too bad for you, you just joined a team ran by Sparrow Nuts.
Originally posted by PackMan97
Originally posted by thebigcali

I was skeptical that Bort would allow it but he did.

I think this is the most telling quote here. thebigcali knew he was pulling a fast one and the powers that be don't really care.

What to do?

EXACTLY! I'm more irritated at the powers that be than I am at bigcali. Cali can't help it he was born with sparrow nuts. He is sackless and has no heart, but GLB can't govern whether or not players are snakes. They CAN govern how they let the snakes and colluders interact and help owners that play within the spirit of the game. The challenge is that they choose not to.

What to do? Stop giving them money. I've stopped boosting some players, and will not add more players. The powers that be are ruining this game, imo. It is getting to the point where the entertainment value is not worth the cost.
Last edited Nov 7, 2008 09:02:12
Originally posted by majech
Originally posted by SheVegas

Want me to post your PM's soapy?????

...please do....

I already posted it

One pm, asking for a ceasefire. Wasn't granted.

Check below his post to see my response.

And... I'm not necessarily for this whole "let's bash the newcomer" thing (I know it's not just because FC are newcomers), but that last post made me giggle a bit.
knows how to party
Originally posted by majech
EXACTLY! I'm more irritated at the powers that be than I am at bigcali. Cali can't help it he was born with sparrow nuts. He is sackless and has no heart, but GLB can govern that. They CAN govern how they let the snakes and colluders interact with those owners that play within the spirit of the game. The challenge is that they choose not to.

What to do? Stop giving them money. I've stopped boosting some players, and will not add more players. The powers that be are ruining this game, imo. It is getting to the point where the entertainment value is not worth the cost.



Good point- But to me Hokie is/has done the same thing....breaking rules for the spirit of the game
Last edited Nov 7, 2008 08:22:41
The way I see it, a lot of us guys here at Fight Club are good guys, we just want to have fun in this league. However you are all making our owner, and team look like a bunch of pricks. So far, none of us have done anything to warrant such rash comments. Bort has already said that more teams such as Fight Club will be filtered into Pro Leagues all over, we were just the first. You all need to chill out and have fun by not taking this all so seriously. Apparently since our move over here, fight club has a lot of expectations, but if we have a losing season I am not going to care, because I still had fun, and that is what it came down too. The Evil Monkey crew can ridicule Fight Club all it wants, but I still had fun so it won't bother me.

I don't post that often on these type of forums, so this is a rarity, but most of you are grown men, or in college such as myself. I know competitiveness can get the best of people, but really it isn't the end of the world that Fight Club came over here. I can understand where you are all coming from, I can see why it is unfair. I do wish things had gone about better then they have, but this is how it played out.

I wish you all the best this season, and hopefully we can all have fun. Maybe get some fun rivalries going on? (anyone mind filling me in on any that already exist here in APL) That is all I got, sorry it was so long, and I hope this doesn't offend anyone, and I did not mean to come off as condescending if I did.
Nice post Audel...and good luck.

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