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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
The more I think about this the more it bothers me. I had to suffer through many bad seasons just to build up enough stadium and money to compete. Why should new account guy have it easier than everyone else did?
Originally posted by Pantone
Take my money, I dont give a shit, my issue isnt about the cash, but I have spent a wack load of revenue on a stadium and fielded competitive teams, don't punish me cause i used my money wisely and put it towards a stadium. All my agents EQ were taken care of as well. Take my money I could care less.

But a team that gets to the end of the road and decides to rebuild shouldn't have their stadium taken away, maybe the fan support should stay low until that team starts winning again. I can understand losing the cash to drop down, but removing the stadium, why build it in the first place then..

Well said!!! Hell, charge 300 more flex points to demote, just don't take all our hard work and throw it away.
This is just silly... Why don't just have a massive reboot and all teams start at Lv1... It might be better than this atleast I demoted last season so i should keep my fully built stadium that i gave a few seasons up to built...
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by mm898989
The more I think about this the more it bothers me. I had to suffer through many bad seasons just to build up enough stadium and money to compete. Why should new account guy have it easier than everyone else did?

Originally posted by Akhmim
This is just silly... Why don't just have a massive reboot and all teams start at Lv1... It might be better than this atleast I demoted last season so i should keep my fully built stadium that i gave a few seasons up to built...

Edited by Team Nucleus on Feb 24, 2010 20:26:24
Edited by Team Nucleus on Feb 24, 2010 20:25:49
Originally posted by Akhmim
This is just silly... Why don't just have a massive reboot and all teams start at Lv1... It might be better than this atleast I demoted last season so i should keep my fully built stadium that i gave a few seasons up to built...

lol. You want a full reset? Why ? You have so much invested in your player I Can't believe how unselfish you are...
so why not allow owners that want a reset to get it and anyone who doesnt, put them in an uncapped league and let them play in their own skewed mess.
Originally posted by Pantone
so why not allow owners that want a reset to get it and anyone who doesnt, put them in an uncapped league and let them play in their own skewed mess.

Why would anyone want to have their stadium reset, and lose out on 50-100 million dollars?
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by Pantone
so why not allow owners that want a reset to get it and anyone who doesnt, put them in an uncapped league and let them play in their own skewed mess.

like a jail for bad owners.I like it,no i love it.

Originally posted by David Stern
Why would anyone want to have their stadium reset, and lose out on 50-100 million dollars?

because the change is gonna happen anyway, so I guess its time we all just deal with it or leave, I'm done fighting a losing battle.
The thread Team Demotion/Resets Rules--with ideas like this who needs profit has been merged into this thread
This is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

I understand the thinking is that teams with money have an advantage.

Is there any evidence to support that? No there is not. I have goofed around with a team with a lot of money for awhile and I can tell you it did not help me.

Winning, recruiting, and retention are all based on effort in this game. Fake GLB dollars have nothing to do with it. I have won and lost in this game and it has always been directly tied to the effort that I put in. When I lost it was because I was lazy and did not put in the effort. When I won it was because I worked hard. This is just another step in the complete wrong direction and brought about the guttural reactions of dullards.

The inherent problem with GLB is twofold.

1) Bort thinks the reason sales are down is because the tarnish has worn off instead of accepting the fact that mismanagement, and failure to give good value for the cost are the real reasons.

People will spend money on things they feel have value. If people are not spending money it should tell you something.

2) Catering to the lazy crap owners who want to win in non-casual leagues without putting forth the effort; which is what this is going to enhance, is no good for the game. Right now new players that join the game spend a season in the d leagues. They then move to a team that is not being built through an organized group. More times than not the team is owned by a lazy owner. New players are exposed to dead forums and people who do not care. Guess what they become part of that culture.

The difference between now and the way the game used to be is people used to try to win. People took owning a team seriously. That is now gone. Why is it gone though? What killed it?

I will tell you what killed it; bad owners! Bad owners sit at the bottom of the structure and reset many times. They flounder about and complain in the forums about not being able to afford gear or not being able to recruit. They cannot recruit or afford gear because they are bad owners, because they do not put in the time. That is why they have these problems.

Making it easier for bad owners and giving good owners a reason to quit is not going to make the game better. It will do the opposite.

The conclusion to this new system is very bleak. Good owners who did everything right and want to restart but find the financial part of GLB a hassle and completely uninspired boring tact on feature are going to question if it is worth it. Is GLB in the current state worth the money? Some of the good owners will say no it is not worth it.

The bad owners who never built proper stadiums and reset often will not be hindered at all and will continue being bad owners killing the moral of new players.

GLB should be taking the opposite approach. Pushing the lazy crappy owners out of ownership and rewarding people who do it right. If more owners cared and fostered a good team environment it would be better for all people especially new players.

Congratulations, I never thought it was possible, I have now seen something I never thought I would see—someone fuck up a wet dream.

PS Stadium building in this game is one of the most boring, not fun, uninspired features I have ever seen in a game and to ask people to do it more than once is just silly. Why on earth would you ask people playing a game to do the crappiest part of the game over again?
In before TLDR and the useless comments by the mildly illiterate.
there is already a thread for this..
jumpin da snark
Are you really saying that in-game money has no effect on teams when the EQ starts to get pricey?
jumpin da snark
Speaking of in-game money, after looking at your teams and your players, it is pretty clear why you don't want changes to the game.

How long will the max bonuses you gave all those players last while you SSB them while not on a team?

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