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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > USA A#1 League thread
Originally posted by Cerneo

Im all for some friendly banter every now and then about who is better. I agree with some others on here that this thread really went to shit by people just posting nonsense to boost the thread count or keep it "active". Both parties have their points and they play this game for different reasons. Constantly refering to smegma (WTF is that?) janet reno jokes, roid fueled capslock binges, etc gets very old.

Can we at least have posts relevant to the game, rankings, players, statistics, upcoming games, etc? The first couple hundred posts of this thread was very fun to be around and made me love this league. It has gone down the shitter thanks to a few select posters.

Go read one of the 104 pages of this thread. If you account for over 30% of all the posts on a single page you are part of the problem. I do not enjoy wading through 6 pages of childish banter and humor (debatable) to find intellictual, insightful, relevant posts.

Look, I understand that there are a lot of different types of people out there and not everyone is going to get along. Not everyone plays this game, or more importantly post on this thread for the same reasons. If you use this thread to make inside joeks between you and your team mates, you have YOUR OWN team thread to post that crap on.

This thread is dead to me because of the actions of some more recent posters. The vast majority of you I enjoy your input. There are a small % of the people that fuck it up for the rest of us.

I am going to start a new thread for people that feel the same way as I do. Whatsdufus, and similar thinking people are welcome. Please come and post you power rankings there. Cerneo of course is welcome as well, as long as you leave your alphabet game in this thread. Come join me in the "Adults Club" to enjoy the early days of this thread.
GLB = SERIOUS business
Are you serious. I dont know whats more childish. Passing time in the leagues commmunity thread or you crying about it.

This thread is for league #1. It's soul perpose as from post one was to talk trash. Which ill go ahead and say is a community thread for everyone to post in, get to know eachother, mess around, talk smack, add info on games and what not.

Then, some of you "adults" as you say it, get bent out of shape, have a dry personality and sense of humor, and cry about it. Look, if you dont like it, dont read it. Skip over it. sifting through pages on a thread that is 106 long is inevitable.

From your post it seems you are not a very friendly person to get to know or be around. I feel sorry for you, Mr. Adult. We can all learn something here. When you grow up, dont lose your sense of humor. Or you will become a huge dick.
A had a huge dick once. I got married had three kids, and now I am a sad pitiful little man with little to no self esteem not to mention the shrinkage that occurred. My life is dribble now and this thread has kept me interested for the past few days. Its been the best days of my sad pitiful little life.
BTW, The Janet Reno conversation, The gentlemen who owns the Steelheads asked who she was. We had a conversation and talked about it. Political jargon is considered childish and loads of crap. Blasphemy. I thought I and a few others covered her pretty well for the young man.
Week 10 power rankings

Rank.-(last weeks)- Team name - Power points-(last weeks)

1--(1)--Caribbean Sphere------------ 84.04 -- (81.64)
2--(2)--Chicago "MB" Bears---------- 81.31 -- (79.34)
3--(3)--Minnesota Drillers---------- 80.98 -- (78.82)
4--(4)--Care Bears------------------ 80.22 -- (77.53)
5--(5)--Tallahassee Seminoles------- 79.37 -- (75.40)
6--(6)--Houston Orangebloods-------- 78.49 -- (75.26)
7--(8)--Texas Roughnecks------------ 76.51 -- (73.43)
8--(7)--Orlando Pirates------------- 75.41 -- (73.45)
9--(10)-NEW YORK STEEL-HEADS-------- 75.31 -- (72.41)
10-(11)-French Lick Dirty Whorns---- 74.58 -- (71.55)
11-(18)-Allen Zephyrs--------------- 72.98 -- (68.49)
12-(13)-Omaha Mavericks------------- 72.86 -- (70.07)
13-(23)-Dallas Horns---------------- 72.82 -- (66.43)
14-(9)--Colorado Storm-------------- 72.36 -- (72.55)
15-(20)-D.C. Warriors--------------- 72.25 -- (68.11)
16-(14)-Chicago CBMB Bears---------- 72.06 -- (69.06)
17-(15)-West Bend Warlocks---------- 71.29 -- (68.93)
18-(19)-Columbus Spartans----------- 71.18 -- (68.17)
19-(12)-Chicago Grizzlies----------- 70.47 -- (71.01)
20-(17)-Pennsylvania Lions---------- 71.05 -- (68.59)
21-(16)-Los Angeles Sharks---------- 69.89 -- (68.82)
22-(22)-K-Town Hates Phil----------- 69.84 -- (66.64)
23-(21)-The Real Austin Longhorns--- 69.47 -- (68.01)
24-(25)-Chicago LMG buddies--------- 67.90 -- (64.13)
25-(24)-Dallas Death---------------- 65.97 -- (64.24)
26-(26)-San Fran Stonecutters------- 64.70 -- (62.81)
27-(27)-Austin Longhorns------------ 64.56 -- (61.43)
29-(29)-Cleveland Greyhounds-------- 61.80 -- (56.69)
28-(28)-Oklahoma City Outlaws------- 60.00 -- (58.16)
30-(30)-D.C. Sonics----------------- 59.15 -- (56.54)
31-(31)-Miami Sharks---------------- 46.66 -- (49.05)
32-(32)-New Jersey Vikings---------- 42.24 -- (38.16)

Just a note: In the last 2 weeks of doing power rankings there has only been 6 "upsets". Meaning the power ranking scores have been 26-6 out of 32 games.
Last edited May 16, 2008 14:22:48
Janet reno convo was fine, I think the nonsense since then kind of got out of hand.
The only nonsense I saw was the abc stuff. The other nonsense is just joking around with other posters. There is nothing wrong with this thread. A bunch of guys talking crap, having a laugh, while other cry and complain and the other.
Now that the league has its own forum, this thread will probably just die out anyways and it will be much easier to avoid the topics you aren't interested in.
Sub-Forums are a nice addition, kudos to whomever got that ball rolling.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn
Janet reno convo was fine, I think the nonsense since then kind of got out of hand.

I think some jackass needs to start a thread about stadiums so we can get some really good trash talk going. . .

Oh wait
Originally posted by Buccs99
Are you serious. I dont know whats more childish. Passing time in the leagues commmunity thread or you crying about it.

This thread is for league #1. It's soul perpose as from post one was to talk trash.

You are incorrect sir. If the sole purpose was to talk trash it would be names "Smack Thread" or "Trash Talking" if you care to look at the forums available there are ones dedicated to this type of banter.

Why don't you go take a look at this thread before your group began posting. Night and day my friend. Im all for trash talk, but just like anything else in life moderation is the key.

I will not resort to name calling or defending what I stated before. As for me not being a friendly person or fun to be around, I chose to talk shit and joke around with my REAL LIFE friends. I do not have to rely on strangers on internet message boards to appreciate my humor. I come on here to fill my football fix in the off-season.

You seem to be a very intelligent person that can hold a mature conversation. I am not sure why you feel you have to resort to name calling and childish banter. I never attacked you personally or called you out by name. I refered to a group of people. If you view yourself as childish and immature and chose to lump youself with that group than so be it.
I agree with the spirit of the last few post, but let me point out this game is still just for shits and giggles. I have zero problems with anything thats been posted in this thread. I also have zero problems with posting data we post here to go into other threads now that we have our own sub form.

I infact I am planing to post all the projections in one big epic thread start back from the first time I did it for the CCC.

Everyone just needs to relax and follow the golden rule of the internets, if you don't like it don't read it. Its that simple. If your time is to valuable to be wasted reading a forum where people argue about fake football team stats and other shit spend it elsewhere. I don't really understand the need to get uptight about it.

The Pirate guys were just fucking around having a good time, I am good with that. If your not, maybe suggest they add an ignore feature on the forums, or simply scroll down and ignore it, up to you.
Hukton Vioxx
Thank the gods for subforums...
Originally posted by Whatsdafus
Originally posted by Angry Buccaneer

I love how people keep saying they are busting their balls when they are talking about posting a couple of numbers on a forum. I love it!

This thread has only deteriorated as much as you people have let it. It started out with hope, and promise. Don't blame the decline of it on my team, blame the decline of it on the brilliant western players who say things like "Wat" or "I'll miss this league next year...", and especially on retarded ideas like "hey let's recite the alphabet!".

Seriously, reciting the alphabet? Do you eat paint chips?

I agree and i have been telling those people to stop as well. i guess u missed the sandwich part or didnt want to bring that up in your list

as for a couple of #'s, you do the power rankings if you think they are a couple of #'s. Here since you think its so easy... here is the formulas, you have a go at it.

team is in the b column

Pass offense - ((B2+(B3*0.6)+B8+B9+(((B10+B11)/2)*0.6)+(B12/5)+((B13/5)*0.6)+((B14+B16+B18+B20+B22)/2)+(((B15+B17+B19+B21+B23)/2)*0.6))/2.7)
Rush offense - (B4+(B5*0.6)+(B6/5)+((B7/5)*0.6)+((B14+B16+B18+B20+B22)/2)+(((B15+B17+B19+B21+B23)/2)*0.6))/2.2
total offense - (B24+B25)/2

pass def - (B41+B42+(((B43+B44)/2)*0.6)+((B45+B47)/2)+(((B46+B48)/2)*0.6)+((B31+B33)/2)+(((B32+B34)/2)*0.6)+((B35+B37+B39)/3)+(((B36+B38+B40)/3)*0.6))/4.25
rush def - ((B27+B29)/2+(((B28+B30)/2)*0.6)+((B31+B33)/2)+(((B32+B34)/2)*0.6)+((B35+B37+B39)/3)+(((B36+B38+B40)/3)*0.6))/2.5
total def- (B49+B50)/2

total ranking - (B26+B51)/4

B2 to B23 is offensive players
b27 to B48 is defensive players

You do that for 32 teams every 2 days

This is exactly the point I was making when I made that first comment.

To be completely honest, I appreciate and enjoy the power rankings,and Cerneo's thread predictions. They add some flavor for people to talk about. My beef is that you are calling this "hard work", and are expecting to get all sorts of praise and accolades for it. That is doing it for the wrong reason. You do something for this game, because you enjoy the game and you enjoy the project you are working on. You don't work on a project and then gripe about it being hard work that no one appreciates.


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