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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
I would like to thank GLB for making this F*CKed up choice. Because they just saved me from spending about $800 on this site for the next 11 seasons of flex that I would have spent.
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by bafore
I would like to thank GLB for making this F*CKed up choice. Because they just saved me from spending about $800 on this site for the next 11 seasons of flex that I would have spent.

same here and others as well
Originally posted by bafore
I would like to thank GLB for making this F*CKed up choice. Because they just saved me from spending about $800 on this site for the next 11 seasons of flex that I would have spent.

I'm curious why you think this negatively affects you. You have an 8-0 Cap 14 team with 80 million in the bank. You'll promote to Cap 22 next season and have 80+ million in the bank. You're not losing anything with these rules.
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by rellascout
Originally posted by DigitalDaggers

Instead of links to fucking lame ass jpgs how about a real search feature of the forums. You might think you are cute but a lot of paying customers don't. You cavalier attitude is not amusing.

I couldn't say that any better in regards to some ppl of high positions on here.
Let's keep the discussion on topic please or this thread will be locked.
Originally posted by Catch22
I'm curious why you think this negatively affects you. You have an 8-0 Cap 14 team with 80 million in the bank. You'll promote to Cap 22 next season and have 80+ million in the bank. You're not losing anything with these rules.

I would not be losing anything if I was keeping that team of players. They are one and done. They were keeping the team warm waiting on NEXT season long term players.

And that is beyond the point. Unless you make it fair across the minor leagues you are screwing all new teams. The teams this season, like mine if was being kept, will have THE BIGGEST unfair advantage that you are trying to stop. You are just screwing the next 3 seasons of teams.
Originally posted by bafore
I would not be losing anything if I was keeping that team of players. They are one and done. They were keeping the team warm waiting on NEXT season long term players.

And that is beyond the point. Unless you make it fair across the minor leagues you are screwing all new teams. The teams this season, like mine if was being kept, will have THE BIGGEST unfair advantage that you are trying to stop. You are just screwing the next 3 seasons of teams.

How is that different from what is going on for new teams right now?
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by Catch22
Let's keep the discussion on topic please or this thread will be locked.

Why punish those that follow the rules.Why not just go after those breaking them?
Makes no sense whats so ever.Teams that were planning to reboot this season just got screwed.
Well actually GLB got screwed also in this one cuz those so called were going to reboot teams are now going to sell instead.
Well done
The bottom line with all of this is communication. There was no input from owners, just a decision made the admin, but if you are going to completely change the service I signed up for and spent real dollars on, then I should either have the option to cancel my service and be refunded my remaining money (flex dollars) or I should have a say In what happens, simple contract negotiation fellas.

I don't disagree that changes are needs, but I think the majority are right and a complete reboot is needed. It wont happen because with the abundance of flex dollars people will have, no one will buy anymore=Bort makes no $$$$$. These changes aren't about making the game better, it's a band aid fix for now.

The system IS flawed and the flaws continue to create massive changes every off-season, so why not do the sart thing and reboot everything, upload the changes, post a new rulebook and provide the customer service that SHOULD be your top priority. IMO the time spent on this game by all the owners is deserving of a permanent fix. You have had 14 seasons to figure things out., so lets get it figured out and reset it, so we can all get back to having fun.

I'm not against the changes, I think they could make it a better game, but why cause a huge uproar, just reset and let it be, those who want to stay will stay and those who want to leave will leave...

I will get grilled for this post, but then again, when someone doesn't agree they tear you down. And all the people who represent GLB, should act professional and treat the customer w respect. Even if it was humourous, if you worked for a company and someone took it the wrong way, you would have your ass canned. Just a thought!
We can't really retroactively take money from teams for doing something that wasn't against the rules though. Eventually over the course of 5-10 seasons, these rules will have every one on a level playing field. We're definitely not screwing the next 3 seasons of teams. If anything, we're making it so a new team owner in Cap 14 is competing against other teams that do not have an unfair monetary advantage.

If you want to leave the game because of this decision, that's your right, but this change is for the long term benefit of all of GLB.
Originally posted by Team Nucleus
Why punish those that follow the rules.Why not just go after those breaking them?
Makes no sense whats so ever.Teams that were planning to reboot this season just got screwed.
Well actually GLB got screwed also in this one cuz those so called were going to reboot teams are now going to sell instead.
Well done

But why did they get screwed? If this change didn't happen the new teams would have gotten screwed while the demoted teams had tons of cash.

This puts your team on the same level as a brand new team. Even. No one screwed.
Team Nucleus
Draft Man
Originally posted by Catch22
We can't really retroactively take money from teams for doing something that wasn't against the rules though. Eventually over the course of 5-10 seasons, these rules will have every one on a level playing field. We're definitely not screwing the next 3 seasons of teams. If anything, we're making it so a new team owner in Cap 14 is competing against other teams that do not have an unfair monetary advantage.

If you want to leave the game because of this decision, that's your right, but this change is for the long term benefit of all of GLB.

There is no long term benefit if your losing your steady veteran members and owners. O_o
Originally posted by Pantone
The bottom line with all of this is communication. There was no input from owners, just a decision made the admin, but if you are going to completely change the service I signed up for and spent real dollars on, then I should either have the option to cancel my service and be refunded my remaining money (flex dollars) or I should have a say In what happens, simple contract negotiation fellas.

I don't disagree that changes are needs, but I think the majority are right and a complete reboot is needed. It wont happen because with the abundance of flex dollars people will have, no one will buy anymore=Bort makes no $$$$$. These changes aren't about making the game better, it's a band aid fix for now.

The system IS flawed and the flaws continue to create massive changes every off-season, so why not do the sart thing and reboot everything, upload the changes, post a new rulebook and provide the customer service that SHOULD be your top priority. IMO the time spent on this game by all the owners is deserving of a permanent fix. You have had 14 seasons to figure things out., so lets get it figured out and reset it, so we can all get back to having fun.

I'm not against the changes, I think they could make it a better game, but why cause a huge uproar, just reset and let it be, those who want to stay will stay and those who want to leave will leave...

I will get grilled for this post, but then again, when someone doesn't agree they tear you down. And all the people who represent GLB, should act professional and treat the customer w respect. Even if it was humourous, if you worked for a company and someone took it the wrong way, you would have your ass canned. Just a thought!

What contract? You agreed GLB could change the rules at anytime.
Edited by joemalaka on Feb 24, 2010 18:34:08
Originally posted by joemalaka
How is that different from what is going on for new teams right now?

I am not totally disagreeing with you on this. My side is that I have walked in the new teams shoes at one point and have earned that money.

Now if you want to take it away, I am not for but if they do, you got to make it fair across the board not just new teams. All minors must be adjusted too.
Originally posted by Catch22
Let's keep the discussion on topic please or this thread will be locked.

That seems to be the admins response to anything they don't like or agree with, lets lock it down....ridiculous. You pose all these changes and then can't stand to hear the criticism. If you can dish it out without consulting us, then you should be able to take it as well.

Just saying is all!

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