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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Archived Changes > Team Demotion/Resets Rules
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
I say they follow what they have outlined. Why should you get the benefit of cheating the system?

He was saying punish the people who cheat.
i still don't see how they're going to prevent a huge glut of teams at the higher levels, though, because nobody will want to demote now. if you can't field 30 human players i guess, but that just means whoever has the best recruiters will get to stick around, everyone better line up the best recruiters NOW and hold on to them for dear freaking life.

i don't like it, i think there was a compromise somewhere in the middle.
Originally posted by David Stern
Originally posted by blln4lyf

I say you at least reset the cash on these teams to say 30 mill or so. They will keep the advantage, but it won't be as drastic as it can currently be now...teams having 100+ mill is too big of an advantage and if you tone it down to something still way ahead of the curve but respectable...I think everyone will be happier with the change.

Then you would have 4000 teams renegotiating contracts for the next 23 days, and then you have every user who is a avg user who is sitting on 100 million, but can't game plan out of a paper bag, or build a dot that can win an uncapped trophy quitting bc they feel like they were targeted and got screwed by GLB. It is best to do this going forward, not for balance, bc every new team so far has been at such a huge disadvantage that it isn't even funny, but now this will never be an issue again, and you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere.

Agree .. AND it will take only a few seasons before they burn cash and it gets more "even" again... Thanks commish!
Rumble Bee
Originally posted by jgifford
Dot ball is srs

srs cash spent every season on dot ball. srs game it is to the paying members!!

IMO - admins should never belittle a paying customer in any manner. I always say if the phone company or any other service treated you in a demeaning manner you would change services. I think many people will just ride out the flex they have till it is gone and then they to will leave. I think a full reset and relaunch of GLB would solve the problems and get many more people to sign on and play and spend $$$ again. (Yeah I know we are not going to get a reset) I understand that much.

There are way too many friends and "suck up's" of admins playing the game to expect FAIR changes to be made across the board.

***And to think last week I was worried about my players names... I wonder if there will be any real meat left to GLB once all the changes take place.
Originally posted by mlcaiazzo
Agree .. AND it will take only a few seasons before they burn cash and it gets more "even" again... Thanks commish!

That reminds me of the Patrick Ewing quote which was almost solely responsible for getting those athletes (thugs) back on the court. "We might make a lot of money but, we also spend a lot of money."
Edited by David Stern on Feb 24, 2010 17:51:00
Originally posted by Rumble Bee
srs cash spent every season on dot ball. srs game it is to the paying members!!

IMO - admins should never belittle a paying customer in any manner. I always say if the phone company or any other service treated you in a demeaning manner you would change services. I think many people will just ride out the flex they have till it is gone and then they to will leave. I think a full reset and relaunch of GLB would solve the problems and get many more people to sign on and play and spend $$$ again. (Yeah I know we are not going to get a reset) I understand that much.

There are way too many friends and "suck up's" of admins playing the game to expect FAIR changes to be made across the board.

***And to think last week I was worried about my players names... I wonder if there will be any real meat left to GLB once all the changes take place.

Do you even know what the complaint was about? DD posted a harmless jpeg that had nothing to do with anything other than trying to inject a little levity into the situation.

Nobody was belittled. And believe me, I'm not a friend or a "suck up" of anybody on here.
can we kill the Gif issue guys ... it was a lame gif anyway and the dude took it the wrong way ... or not ... doesnt matter in this thread... Go make an " I hate Jed" thread or add to the million that are out there already....


This is a step in the right direction - would be nice to couple it with a reduction in equipment costs too! I think that the problems are symbiotic.
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
I say they follow what they have outlined. Why should you get the benefit of cheating the system?

And why do we do what you say? I have had a team a long time, and you are saying that cant keep what I have worked hard to have? I did not restart last season so now I have to start over? When there are teams that restarted this season and they get to keep there money and stadium? If they want "fair", then they need to be fair across the board and clean all minors up.
Originally posted by ImTheScientist
Originally posted by blln4lyf

Originally posted by jdbolick

DD, can you at least answer this:
Originally posted by jdbolick

If we accept the premise that piles of cash are an advantage in this game, then it's inescapable that teams who dropped down prior to S14 will possess such an advantage over teams that dropped down prior to S15. And those teams will end up competing against one another over the long-haul.

Won't teams who dropped down prior to this season have a significant advantage over teams who drop down at the end of this season?

I say you at least reset the cash on these teams to say 30 mill or so. They will keep the advantage, but it won't be as drastic as it can currently be now...teams having 100+ mill is too big of an advantage and if you tone it down to something still way ahead of the curve but respectable...I think everyone will be happier with the change.

I say they follow what they have outlined. Why should you get the benefit of cheating the system?

What???? Currently those teams will be able to sit on 100+ mill where everyone else has to reset? Not exactly a great way to balance things.
I can see both good and bad in this change, but ignoring the EQ problem, makes it all a moot point. The EQ situtation should be dealt with NOW or this is like putting a tourniquet on a neck wound. That being said.....I'll not spend another dime on this game (and I've spent plenty) until all this nonsense is cleared up.

Looks to me like a good time to shut down my teams, which is the most fun part of the game and just manage my players until they retire, no more boosting, nothing that requires flex as it's idiotic to encourage this sort of thinking. I'll just wait until the cloud lifts from around their heads. If enough people follow suit, perhaps the sudden drop in cash flow will get their attention.
Rumble Bee
Originally posted by tordman
Do you even know what the complaint was about? DD posted a harmless jpeg that had nothing to do with anything other than trying to inject a little levity into the situation.

Nobody was belittled. And believe me, I'm not a friend or a "suck up" of anybody on here.

I am not just speaking about a silly Gif!! what I am talking about has been going on for sometime. I have read thread after thread where this stuff is going on. Maybe your not a friend or a suck up I dont know!! I never mentioned you did I?
Originally posted by David Stern
Originally posted by blln4lyf

I say you at least reset the cash on these teams to say 30 mill or so. They will keep the advantage, but it won't be as drastic as it can currently be now...teams having 100+ mill is too big of an advantage and if you tone it down to something still way ahead of the curve but respectable...I think everyone will be happier with the change.

Then you would have 4000 teams renegotiating contracts for the next 23 days, and then you have every user who is a avg user who is sitting on 100 million, but can't game plan out of a paper bag, or build a dot that can win an uncapped trophy quitting bc they feel like they were targeted and got screwed by GLB. It is best to do this going forward, not for balance, bc every new team so far has been at such a huge disadvantage that it isn't even funny, but now this will never be an issue again, and you have to draw a line in the sand somewhere.

Considering teams will handle EQ and not the players who gives a shit?
Originally posted by bafore
And why do we do what you say? I have had a team a long time, and you are saying that cant keep what I have worked hard to have? I did not restart last season so now I have to start over? When there are teams that restarted this season and they get to keep there money and stadium? If they want "fair", then they need to be fair across the board and clean all minors up.

Definition: People gamed the system before me, so I should also be able to do it.

Be grateful that it's being fixed and will work itself out in time. Basically, can't punish teams that did things that were allowed in the past.
Originally posted by Rumble Bee
Originally posted by tordman

Do you even know what the complaint was about? DD posted a harmless jpeg that had nothing to do with anything other than trying to inject a little levity into the situation.

Nobody was belittled. And believe me, I'm not a friend or a "suck up" of anybody on here.

I am not just speaking about a silly Gif!! what I am talking about has been going on for sometime. I have read thread after thread where this stuff is going on. Maybe your not a friend or a suck up I dont know!! I never mentioned you did I?

need any more exclamation points there?
Originally posted by Gonad The Barbarian
I can see both good and bad in this change, but ignoring the EQ problem, makes it all a moot point. The EQ situtation should be dealt with NOW or this is like putting a tourniquet on a neck wound. That being said.....I'll not spend another dime on this game (and I've spent plenty) until all this nonsense is cleared up.

Looks to me like a good time to shut down my teams, which is the most fun part of the game and just manage my players until they retire, no more boosting, nothing that requires flex as it's idiotic to encourage this sort of thinking. I'll just wait until the cloud lifts from around their heads. If enough people follow suit, perhaps the sudden drop in cash flow will get their attention.

I like most of what you say here ... "but ignoring the EQ problem, makes it all a moot point. The EQ situtation should be dealt with NOW or this is like putting a tourniquet on a neck wound".

I will not do anything drastic like, "shut down my teams" but to each his own .. your point is valid.

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