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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > ********ALL CANDA A OWNERS PLEASE READ**********
Originally posted by rbedgood
Originally posted by RWCol2011

Someone ask customer support because im interested to know as well

Bort posted earlier, but didn't leave a clear answer as to what will/won't happen.

Originally posted by Bort
So, it sounds like a majority is against promotion for this season, with some that are for it? How many owners (out of a total of 256 teams) have signed off on the idea?

We could skip the Canada A level in promotions, but I have a feeling that bottom of the barrel Canada AA teams (some of whom have CPU players) might not like the idea.

This was sort of an expiriment to see if we could add teams mid-season in a better way; seems like it worked out ok, except you didn't have 8 more games to play catchup with the higher league.

We're going to lift the cap next season, so you are all probably going to have to do some recruiting since some higher level guys will be able to move in. Will it really make a difference if you're moved up and recruit or stay in the same spot and recruit? Thoughts?

Nevermind I see
I would like a simple yes or no from Bort
Wow this is a long thread and just to let some of you know what a team that is facing regulation has to deal with also. by the way seanjansen i believe the worst team in AA is which most of you know currently is called montana hannah.
You're right that we would face an advantage if we're going to be regulated and our roster stays the same. But it's not most of the players who are level 12+ have express to me they want to be either traded, or they don't plan on resigning with the team. So even though right now it looks like we have a few level 15+ odds are by the offseason i'll be fortunate to have a handful.
As for recruiting, it's hard to lure a good level 15+ to a team that is loosing and facing regulation. So though your guys stats on percentages and levels and all that, in a matter of a week or so if you recalculate it we'll be about the same level as a Canadian A team.
Yukon Don
Originally posted by arai34
Wow this is a long thread and just to let some of you know what a team that is facing regulation has to deal with also. by the way seanjansen i believe the worst team in AA is which most of you know currently is called montana hannah.
You're right that we would face an advantage if we're going to be regulated and our roster stays the same. But it's not most of the players who are level 12+ have express to me they want to be either traded, or they don't plan on resigning with the team. So even though right now it looks like we have a few level 15+ odds are by the offseason i'll be fortunate to have a handful.
As for recruiting, it's hard to lure a good level 15+ to a team that is loosing and facing regulation. So though your guys stats on percentages and levels and all that, in a matter of a week or so if you recalculate it we'll be about the same level as a Canadian A team.

However the fair comparison isn't the "worst" team, but rather the typical 13th and 14th seeds. These are the teams that will still be in AA if promotion were to happen. Also look at some of the leagues like Canada AA#1...their teams will obliterate a team that is promoted.
What about the other A teams added two days before the season? I'm in Western Europe A and our new league would be level 20-22 across the board for all playoff teams. our team is mostly level 14-17. We have 3 level 18's. We are in the same position. We will have to gut, take a huge chemistry hit and hope be somewhere in the middle of the league. Once the playoff teams recruit better players to improve their team, they will probably be level 22-24 before boosting.
Everyone should read this thread. Very well thought out argument for why Canada A teams should not be promoted.
so when will the decision come out?
Originally posted by xeroboy
so when will the decision come out?

Who knows, thats the problem and why we have to continue bringup the issue. Its a huge deal for teams in the conference finals. but i wish they would just say something already.
As a GM on a team that would most likely be moving down I too would like to know so we can either go after higher level players to try to compete in AA again or make a few changes but let the chemistry come up and move down... It sucks all the way around.. I understand where A's beef is with moving up after an capped season... but also dont want to go through another season like last year after our team was basically shredded and had to be rebuilt.
Last edited Jul 18, 2008 15:57:58
Originally posted by scarpenter23
As a GM on a team that would most likely be moving down I too would like to know so we can either go after higher level players to try to compete in AA again or make a few changes but let the chemistry come up and move down... It sucks all the way around.. I understand where A's beef is with moving up after an capped season... but also dont want to go through another season like last year after our team was basically shredded and had to be rebuilt.

I fully understand your plight. I think that, without catching a break and moving down, you are doomed to another season of playing 'catch-up'.

My team was started when they opened-up the entire Canada AA section, but we got placed in AAA. we took some pretty severe beatings that first season. (Avoided the triple-digit embarrassment, and proud of it.)

We managed to win enough games to stay in AAA and wound-up at 4-12 this season.

Now, I believe that we are finally ready to compete in AAA. But the two seasons of humiliation can kill the morale of your agents. It makes it harder to keep your existing players interested, and willing to try another season, and it makes it even more difficult to recruit players that are good enough to help your team in the upper league.

I know that there have been many discussions about the problem with 'gutted' teams, but I feel that they have to find a better way to place those teams, after no more than one season.

Two seasons of trying to compete against teams with such a big advantage can cause a new team to be re-gutted, due to an inability to enjoy the game.
This may be off topic but if any Canadian A Team is looking for a recruiter, PM ME
James Murphy
Originally posted by OchO_CinCo
This may be off topic but if any Canadian A Team is looking for a recruiter, PM ME

Like I always say BAN HAMMER!
Has anyone heard for sure if we will be promoted? I am still waiting for an awnser, as I this point I am unsure and don't want to start ripping my team apart to be able to compete at 'AA' if not nessecary.
Originally posted by beanerz
Has anyone heard for sure if we will be promoted? I am still waiting for an awnser, as I this point I am unsure and don't want to start ripping my team apart to be able to compete at 'AA' if not nessecary.

I received a PM from one of the MOD's confirming Bort is still undecided.

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