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Forum > Prep Leagues > Season 30 Prep #1
Rank ... OFF ... DEF ... S.o.S. ........ W-L-T Team
1.. ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 0.458 ........ 12-0.... Grimless Ducks
2.. ........ 5 ........ 2 ........ 0.472 ........ 10-2.... DC Cyber Sharks
3.. ........ 7 ........ 7 ........ 0.521 ........ 10-2.... Mount Vernon Monsters
4.. ........ 2 ........ 4 ........ 0.431 ........ 11-1.... Troy Fighting Irish
5.. ........ 4 ........ 9 ........ 0.431 ........ 11-1.... Night's Watch
6.. ........ 6 ...... 11 ........ 0.486 ........ 10-2.... Portland Baby Ragers
7.. ........ 3 ...... 10 ........ 0.389 ........ 11-1.... Gold Coast War Hawks
8.. ........ 8 ........ 3 ........ 0.354 ........ 10-2.... Portland Blue Wave
9.. ...... 10 ........ 8 ........ 0.576 ........ 8-4...... Louisiana Screaming Pelicans
10 ........ 9 ........ 6 ........ 0.424 ........ 9-3...... The Walking Dead
11 ...... 15 ........ 5 ........ 0.396 ........ 10-2.... Oakland Suppressors
12 ...... 14 ...... 16 ........ 0.535 ........ 8-4...... Black Hand
13 ...... 12 ...... 12 ........ 0.507 ........ 7-5...... The Mullet Mafia
14 ...... 19 ...... 14 ........ 0.472 ........ 6-5-1.. Loquacious Mimes
15 ...... 13 ...... 13 ........ 0.465 ........ 6-6...... Madcow sayz eat mor chikin
16 ...... 11 ...... 17 ........ 0.361 ........ 7-5...... Dogs With Bees In Their Mouth
17 ...... 27 ...... 18 ........ 0.583 ........ 4-8...... Adriatic Sea Wasps
18 ...... 18 ...... 21 ........ 0.493 ........ 5-6-1.. Pittsburgh Underdogs
19 ...... 25 ...... 19 ........ 0.500 ........ 5-7...... San Francisco Tony Montana Squad
20 ...... 23 ...... 15 ........ 0.528 ........ 4-8...... Jamaican Inception
21 ...... 20 ...... 20 ........ 0.583 ........ 3-9...... Springwood Slashers
22 ...... 17 ...... 24 ........ 0.382 ........ 6-6...... Mongolian Horde
23 ...... 24 ...... 25 ........ 0.583 ........ 4-8...... B.C Lions
24 ...... 16 ...... 26 ........ 0.535 ........ 4-8...... Dayton Bengals
25 ...... 22 ...... 23 ........ 0.597 ........ 2-10.... Wacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tube Men
26 ...... 21 ...... 27 ........ 0.451 ........ 3-9...... Aberdeen Oilers
27 ...... 26 ...... 22 ........ 0.465 ........ 3-9...... Placitas Paletitas
28 ...... 28 ...... 30 ........ 0.618 ........ 1-11.... Tmb Super Rookies
29 ...... 30 ...... 32 ........ 0.542 ........ 0-11-1 Pensacola Orcs
30 ...... 31 ...... 31 ........ 0.549 ........ 0-11-1 Chernobyl Mutants
31 ...... 29 ...... 28 ........ 0.569 ........ 0-12.... Nagaz with Attitude
32 ...... 32 ...... 29 ........ 0.576 ........ 0-12.... Santarém Dragons

Exp Score  Matchup
  23 -   15    Portland Blue Wave (10-2) def. Gold Coast War Hawks (11-1)
  47 -   21    Night's Watch (11-1) def. Dogs With Bees In Their Mouth (7-5)
  86 -   12    Portland Baby Ragers (10-2) def. B.C Lions (4-8)
  65 -   14    The Walking Dead (9-3) def. Mongolian Horde (6-6)
  56 -   15    Louisiana Screaming Pelicans (8-4) def. Pittsburgh Underdogs (5-6-1)
  80 -     0    Loquacious Mimes (6-5-1) def. Nagaz with Attitude (0-12)
  36 -   27    Wacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tube Men (2-10) def. Placitas Paletitas (3-9)
  11 -     0    Tmb Super Rookies (1-11) def. Santarém Dragons (0-12)
  40 -     7    Grimless Ducks (12-0) def. Madcow sayz eat mor chikin (6-6)
  52 -   12    Troy Fighting Irish (11-1) def. Black Hand (8-4)
200 -     0    DC Cyber Sharks (10-2) def. Pensacola Orcs (0-11-1)
160 -     0    Mount Vernon Monsters (10-2) def. Chernobyl Mutants (0-11-1)
  45 -     8    Oakland Suppressors (10-2) def. Springwood Slashers (3-9)
  47 -   10    The Mullet Mafia (7-5) def. San Francisco Tony Montana Squad (5-7)
  47 -   23    Adriatic Sea Wasps (4-8) def. Aberdeen Oilers (3-9)
  51 -   27    Jamaican Inception (4-8) def. Dayton Bengals (4-8)

Head-to-Head Fantasy matchup
Exp Score  Matchup
    6 -     0    Pensacola Orcs (0-11-1) def. Santarém Dragons (0-12)
Thanks spin.
Good luck to Grimless and MM in the prep league semi's.
Kid Cudi
GG Night's Watch
Originally posted by spindoctor02
Exp Score  Matchup
  23 -   15    Portland Blue Wave (10-2) def. Gold Coast War Hawks (11-1)

Edited by spindoctor02 on Sep 12, 2012 21:41:04
Rank ... OFF ... DEF ... S.o.S. ........ W-L-T Team
1.. ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 0.456 ........ 13-0.... Grimless Ducks
2.. ........ 3 ........ 2 ........ 0.438 ........ 11-2.... DC Cyber Sharks
3.. ........ 2 ........ 5 ........ 0.444 ........ 12-1.... Troy Fighting Irish
4.. ........ 9 ........ 6 ........ 0.479 ........ 11-2.... Mount Vernon Monsters
5.. ........ 4 ...... 12 ........ 0.444 ........ 12-1.... Night's Watch
6.. ........ 6 ...... 11 ........ 0.479 ........ 11-2.... Portland Baby Ragers
7.. ........ 5 ...... 10 ........ 0.432 ........ 11-2.... Gold Coast War Hawks
8.. ...... 10 ........ 4 ........ 0.396 ........ 11-2.... Portland Blue Wave
9.. ........ 8 ........ 9 ........ 0.556 ........ 9-4...... Louisiana Screaming Pelicans
10 ...... 15 ........ 3 ........ 0.385 ........ 11-2.... Oakland Suppressors
11 ........ 7 ........ 7 ........ 0.432 ........ 10-3.... The Walking Dead
12 ...... 13 ...... 17 ........ 0.562 ........ 8-5...... Black Hand
13 ...... 11 ........ 8 ........ 0.503 ........ 8-5...... The Mullet Mafia
14 ...... 14 ...... 13 ........ 0.509 ........ 6-7...... Madcow sayz eat mor chikin
15 ...... 19 ...... 14 ........ 0.444 ........ 7-5-1.. Loquacious Mimes
16 ...... 12 ...... 16 ........ 0.408 ........ 7-6...... Dogs With Bees In Their Mouth
17 ...... 24 ...... 15 ........ 0.550 ........ 5-8...... Adriatic Sea Wasps
18 ...... 18 ...... 23 ........ 0.509 ........ 5-7-1.. Pittsburgh Underdogs
19 ...... 21 ...... 18 ........ 0.509 ........ 5-8...... Jamaican Inception
20 ...... 27 ...... 20 ........ 0.509 ........ 5-8...... San Francisco Tony Montana Squad
21 ...... 20 ...... 19 ........ 0.598 ........ 3-10.... Springwood Slashers
22 ...... 17 ...... 24 ........ 0.414 ........ 6-7...... Mongolian Horde
23 ...... 25 ...... 25 ........ 0.604 ........ 4-9...... B.C Lions
24 ...... 16 ...... 26 ........ 0.515 ........ 4-9...... Dayton Bengals
25 ...... 22 ...... 22 ........ 0.574 ........ 2-11.... Wacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tube Men
26 ...... 26 ...... 21 ........ 0.438 ........ 4-9...... Placitas Paletitas
27 ...... 23 ...... 27 ........ 0.450 ........ 3-10.... Aberdeen Oilers
28 ...... 31 ...... 32 ........ 0.574 ........ 0-12-1 Pensacola Orcs
29 ...... 32 ...... 31 ........ 0.574 ........ 0-12-1 Chernobyl Mutants
30 ...... 28 ...... 30 ........ 0.568 ........ 1-12.... Tmb Super Rookies
31 ...... 30 ...... 29 ........ 0.533 ........ 1-12.... Santarém Dragons
32 ...... 29 ...... 28 ........ 0.562 ........ 0-13.... Nagaz with Attitude

Exp Score  Matchup
  79 -   10    Night's Watch (12-1) def. Placitas Paletitas (4-9)
  33 -     8    Portland Blue Wave (11-2) def. Loquacious Mimes (7-5-1)
  84 -   17    Gold Coast War Hawks (11-2) def. Mongolian Horde (6-7)
138 -     0    Portland Baby Ragers (11-2) def. Nagaz with Attitude (0-13)
  36 -   17    The Walking Dead (10-3) def. Dogs With Bees In Their Mouth (7-6)
119 -     0    Louisiana Screaming Pelicans (9-4) def. Santarém Dragons (1-12)
  55 -   31    Pittsburgh Underdogs (5-7-1) def. B.C Lions (4-9)
  87 -     6    Wacky Waving Inflatable Flailing Arm Tube Men (2-11) def. Tmb Super Rookies (1-12)
  19 -     6    Grimless Ducks (13-0) def. Oakland Suppressors (11-2)
  26 -   13    Troy Fighting Irish (12-1) def. Mount Vernon Monsters (11-2)
  31 -     9    DC Cyber Sharks (11-2) def. Madcow sayz eat mor chikin (6-7)
  36 -   20    The Mullet Mafia (8-5) def. Black Hand (8-5)
  21 -   18    Jamaican Inception (5-8) def. Adriatic Sea Wasps (5-8)
  68 -     3    San Francisco Tony Montana Squad (5-8) def. Pensacola Orcs (0-12-1)
121 -     3    Dayton Bengals (4-9) def. Chernobyl Mutants (0-12-1)
  71 -   33    Springwood Slashers (3-10) def. Aberdeen Oilers (3-10)
Originally posted by VenomCoach
Good luck to Grimless and MM in the prep league semi's.

Pray for my team. We will need it.
Originally posted by cfeather
Pray for my team. We will need it.

HAHAHAHA we will see what happens...
Good game Mafia!!!
GG Dogs.
Kid Cudi
gg superrookie
GG Walking Dead
Rank ... OFF ... DEF ... S.o.S. ........ W-L-T Team
1.. ........ 1 ........ 1 ........ 0.490 ........ 14-0.... Grimless Ducks
2.. ........ 2 ........ 4 ........ 0.469 ........ 13-1.... Troy Fighting Irish
3.. ........ 5 ........ 2 ........ 0.444 ........ 12-2.... DC Cyber Sharks
4.. ........ 9 ........ 7 ........ 0.510 ........ 11-3.... Mount Vernon Monsters
5.. ........ 3 ...... 11 ........ 0.429 ........ 13-1.... Night's Watch
6.. ........ 6 ........ 9 ........ 0.449 ........ 12-2.... Portland Baby Ragers
7.. ........ 4 ........ 8 ........ 0.434 ........ 12-2.... Gold Coast War Hawks
8.. ...... 10 ........ 3 ........ 0.408 ........ 12-2.... Portland Blue Wave
9.. ........ 7 ...... 10 ........ 0.515 ........ 10-4.... Louisiana Screaming Pelicans
10 ...... 16 ........ 5 ........ 0.434 ........ 11-3.... Oakland Suppressors
11 ........ 8 ........ 6 ........ 0.444 ........ 11-3.... The Walking Dead
12 ...... 11 ...... 13 ........ 0.510 ........ 9-5...... The Mullet Mafia
13 ...... 13 ...... 18 ........ 0.566 ........ 8-6...... Black Hand
14 ...... 15 ...... 12 ........ 0.541 ........ 6-8...... Madcow sayz eat mor chikin
15 ...... 18 ...... 14 ........ 0.480 ........ 7-6-1.. Loquacious Mimes
16 ...... 24 ...... 16 ........ 0.536 ........ 6-8...... Adriatic Sea Wasps
17 ...... 12 ...... 15 ........ 0.444 ........ 7-7...... Dogs With Bees In Their Mouth
18 ...... 26 ...... 20 ........ 0.474 ........ 6-8...... San Francisco Tony Montana Squad
19 ...... 22 ...... 17 ........ 0.495 ........ 5-9...... Jamaican Inception
20 ...... 20 ...... 19 ........ 0.566 ........ 4-10.... Springwood Slashers
21 ...... 19 ...... 23 ........ 0.500 ........ 5-8-1.. Pittsburgh Underdogs
22 ...... 25 ...... 25 ........ 0.582 ........ 5-9...... B.C Lions
23 ...... 17 ...... 24 ........ 0.454 ........ 6-8...... Mongolian Horde
24 ...... 14 ...... 26 ........ 0.469 ........ 5-9...... Dayton Bengals
25 ...... 21 ...... 21 ........ 0.531 ........ 3-11.... Kid Cudi And The Lonely Stoners
26 ...... 27 ...... 22 ........ 0.474 ........ 4-10.... Placitas Paletitas
27 ...... 23 ...... 27 ........ 0.434 ........ 3-11.... Aberdeen Oilers
28 ...... 31 ...... 32 ........ 0.566 ........ 0-13-1 Pensacola Orcs
29 ...... 32 ...... 31 ........ 0.546 ........ 0-13-1 Chernobyl Mutants
30 ...... 29 ...... 29 ........ 0.541 ........ 1-13.... Santarém Dragons
31 ...... 28 ...... 30 ........ 0.536 ........ 1-13.... Tmb Super Rookies
32 ...... 30 ...... 28 ........ 0.587 ........ 0-14.... Nagaz with Attitude

Exp Score  Matchup
  23 -   23    Night's Watch (13-1) ties The Walking Dead (11-3)
  21 -   14    Portland Blue Wave (12-2) def. Portland Baby Ragers (12-2)
  44 -   20    Gold Coast War Hawks (12-2) def. Dogs With Bees In Their Mouth (7-7)
  63 -   14    Louisiana Screaming Pelicans (10-4) def. Kid Cudi And The Lonely Stoners (3-11)
  44 -   24    Loquacious Mimes (7-6-1) def. Mongolian Horde (6-8)
  80 -     3    Pittsburgh Underdogs (5-8-1) def. Nagaz with Attitude (0-14)
  59 -     3    B.C Lions (5-9) def. Santarém Dragons (1-13)
  64 -     6    Placitas Paletitas (4-10) def. Tmb Super Rookies (1-13)
189 -     3    Grimless Ducks (14-0) def. Aberdeen Oilers (3-11)
121 -   13    Troy Fighting Irish (13-1) def. Dayton Bengals (5-9)
  20 -     8    DC Cyber Sharks (12-2) def. Oakland Suppressors (11-3)
  23 -   20    Mount Vernon Monsters (11-3) def. The Mullet Mafia (9-5)
  47 -   18    Black Hand (8-6) def. San Francisco Tony Montana Squad (6-8)
142 -     0    Madcow sayz eat mor chikin (6-8) def. Pensacola Orcs (0-13-1)
  81 -     0    Adriatic Sea Wasps (6-8) def. Chernobyl Mutants (0-13-1)
  30 -   25    Jamaican Inception (5-9) def. Springwood Slashers (4-10)
Good gamr lions

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