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I don't roam into Pro forums because they are so LOL. Your right not a lot of people know me. I don't go into forums and make myself look like an ass and try to talk up my shitty teams. But I can say I make really good dots. So you can move along to the kiddy table.

I thought this was the kiddy table?
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish
I thought this was the kiddy table?

Yeah, I don't mind the kiddie table so much, it's these damn little chairs that get me.
Jaxon Voom
Originally posted by Havo
Originally posted by IdRatherFlyFish

I thought this was the kiddy table?

Yeah, I don't mind the kiddie table so much, it's these damn little chairs that get me.

Reported for pedo.
Originally posted by Havo
Yeah, I don't mind the kiddie table so much, it's these damn little chairs that get me.

Originally posted by Jaxon Voom
Reported for pedo.

Who's pedro ?
Just wanted to say I'm looking forward to being in this new League with the Guam Sun Devils.
I'm also wondering how the Ocean City Crabs easily went Undefeated last Season, Won the League Championship Title Game and still is in a Reg. Pro Elite League? There closest Game was in the Title Game and they Won that by 4 TD's!! Are you kidding me...What does it take to get moved up to Pro around here,lol?
If I had a Team that good, I think I would be mad I didn't get a chance to move up.
Jaxon Voom
Originally posted by sehorn31
I'm also wondering how the Ocean City Crabs easily went Undefeated last Season, Won the League Championship Title Game and still is in a Reg. Pro Elite League? There closest Game was in the Title Game and they Won that by 4 TD's!! Are you kidding me...What does it take to get moved up to Pro around here,lol?

cos they pussays
Originally posted by sehorn31
I'm also wondering how the Ocean City Crabs easily went Undefeated last Season, Won the League Championship Title Game and still is in a Reg. Pro Elite League? There closest Game was in the Title Game and they Won that by 4 TD's!! Are you kidding me...What does it take to get moved up to Pro around here,lol?

If you can't go to a league where you out-level everyone. If you can't beat the best, you go where you can out-level the best!
Originally posted by sehorn31
I'm also wondering how the Ocean City Crabs easily went Undefeated last Season, Won the League Championship Title Game and still is in a Reg. Pro Elite League? There closest Game was in the Title Game and they Won that by 4 TD's!! Are you kidding me...What does it take to get moved up to Pro around here,lol?

You're not really saying anything that wasn't said last season. It is what it is. No one has to move to Nat Pro, and if they can recruit at Reg Pro every season (which they do), more power to them.
Jordan Love
Originally posted by sehorn31
I'm also wondering how the Ocean City Crabs easily went Undefeated last Season, Won the League Championship Title Game and still is in a Reg. Pro Elite League? There closest Game was in the Title Game and they Won that by 4 TD's!! Are you kidding me...What does it take to get moved up to Pro around here,lol?


Originally posted by sehorn31
If I had a Team that good, I think I would be mad I didn't get a chance to move up.

I did for about 5 sec and then realized I would be kicking some more easy assess in this league.

I mean seriously, no one gets it. I'll stay where ever I get put. If you want me to stop acting like I'm the best because I basically am, you better gameplan against us and prove us wrong. Or we'll be riding this thing all the way to day 40.
Jaxon Voom
Originally posted by Aaron Rodgers
Originally posted by sehorn31

I'm also wondering how the Ocean City Crabs easily went Undefeated last Season, Won the League Championship Title Game and still is in a Reg. Pro Elite League? There closest Game was in the Title Game and they Won that by 4 TD's!! Are you kidding me...What does it take to get moved up to Pro around here,lol?


Originally posted by sehorn31

If I had a Team that good, I think I would be mad I didn't get a chance to move up.

I did for about 5 sec and then realized I would be kicking some more easy assess in this league.

I mean seriously, no one gets it. I'll stay where ever I get put. If you want me to stop acting like I'm the best because I basically am, you better gameplan against us and prove us wrong. Or we'll be riding this thing all the way to day 40.

You're the big kid who plays football against 5 year olds, dominates them, then brags about it aren't you?

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