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Forum > Game Changes Discussion > Announced Changes > Revision of Defensive Play Creator - Limiting Player Movement
Originally posted by baumusc
I think this will take a lot of the individualism and creativity out of the game by even limiting the DPC. It is already limited to some point as you can only shift players so far. We might as well just go back to casual leagues.

Originally posted by jdros13
did you guys really delete that other thread? there were some pretty good ideas in there.

No, it's here:
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by baumusc
We might as well just go back to casual leagues.

No complaints or big whiners there. I'll take that any day of the week over issues and threads like this ....
Originally posted by jdros13
Originally posted by Catch22

Where the DL and LB'ers can start the play. We'll also probably adjust boundaries of the box secondary players are allowed to be in further out.

if I can make a suggestion in this thread.....please consider making the boundaries wider off the line of scrimmage for the LBs. I'm envisioning their outside boundary moving further outside as they move away from the line of scrimmage, like this:

so if you have a tight, shift left setting he's further inside than a normal shift left or a deep shift left. Or as someone else mentioned the restricted positioning is only for pass rushing dots (which would have to include anyone who has their 2ndary read as a blitz as well).

Thanks for listening. The game is better with this than without it imo.

The Avenger
Hulk Smash
In all seriousness, why can't this be the most viable option and leave the DPC as is? :

All they had to do was not do some crazy inside-out blocking coding on pass plays to be honest!

The OT's should drop back 100% of the time regardless or overload blitzes or quick LB gap blitzes. DE's will be forced to beat OT's via builds and player tactics as they do in Pro Casual BUT still challenge OC's by holding certain players back like a HB to handle gap blitzes and TE's on either side to handle overload blitzes!

That's it that's all that has to be done. Add a few 2 TE sets to handle both side overload blitzes ad it gets even better.

I'm not a defensive guru with the DPC but it sure helps stop some easier then normal runs and all-slant passing routes i suspect!
Edited by The Avenger on Oct 22, 2010 17:53:05
Originally posted by jdros13
if I can make a suggestion in this thread.....please consider making the boundaries wider off the line of scrimmage for the LBs. I'm envisioning their outside boundary moving further outside as they move away from the line of scrimmage, like this:

so if you have a tight, shift left setting he's further inside than a normal shift left or a deep shift left. Or as someone else mentioned the restricted positioning is only for pass rushing dots (which would have to include anyone who has their 2ndary read as a blitz as well).

Thanks for listening. The game is better with this than without it imo.

I like that - will copy for Bort to review.
Originally posted by The Avenger
In all seriousness, why can't this be the most viable option and leave the DPC as is? :

All they had to do was not do some crazy inside-out blocking coding on pass plays to be honest!

The OT's should drop back 100% of the time regardless or overload blitzes or quick LB gap blitzes. DE's will be forced to beat OT's via builds and player tactics as they do in Pro Casual BUT still challenge OC's by holding certain players back like a HB to handle gap blitzes and TE's on either side to handle overload blitzes!

That's it that's all that has to be done. Add a few 2 TE sets to handle both side overload blitzes ad it gets even better.

I'm not a defensive guru with the DPC but it sure helps stop some easier then normal runs and all-slant passing routes i suspect!

I understand why you think this would work, but trust me when I say this sort of thing has been tried.

There is no sufficiently sophisticated blocking algorithm accessible to this game that can handle the variety and ingenuity possible from a human controlled DPC with near infinite placement and build variation.

It is perfectly reasonable to put some strict limits on initial positions so that blocking schemes can be tailored to spcific blitz patterns if necessary.

Originally posted by tautology

I agree with this.

D-line can have discrete set up positions, that makes sense.

You can have a whole second row of positions where you can assign players to blitz from pre-determined spots (making blitzing very regulated).

But a player who does not have a blitz assignment as either a primary or secondary fucntion ought to have very free movement...this allows all sorts of defenses that utilize zones, half-zones, and double coverage on certain spots.

Makes a ton of sense to me.... retains the ability for DCs to be creative and use non-traditional builds in interesting ways, and still provides plenty of ammunition to control "exploit" blitzing.

Agree in principle with most of this - will copy for Bort to review.
Originally posted by bacardi

jd i agree with you in principle, especially coming from a DGM perspective. but the sim still lets things like happen. keep-the-TE-to-block is not the answer.

Dude, that's a bug. It's not caused by the blitz, it's caused by something going wonky in the code. Trying to use once-in-a-blue-moon bugs as an argument that keeping the TE in doesn't work is just silly. It does work.

Originally posted by Bort
The main things that I find dumb are the completely unrealistic D line setups some people make with a DE way outside on one side and the DT shifted way the other way, etc. Does not resemble a real formation in any way.

Actually that's something you see on any given Sunday for certain teams like Indy and Minnesota who split their DEs even wider in pure pass situations. I agree that it wouldn't happen on 1st or 2nd down, but 3rd & long it definitely does.

Originally posted by Ubasstards
such nonsense. They make a good change and jdbollick posts a bunch of nonsense and influences catch & bort to remove the change. I am sick and tired of jdbollick deciding the changes that are the best for this game since he doesnt know WTF he is talking about. I am disappointed that catch & Bort always listen to him

Nobody listens to me.
Originally posted by jdbolick

Nobody listens to me.


And as I mentioned somewhere previously - we'll be adding a few more defensive formations to the mix (5-2 for sure). We'll also still be adding more preset GLB defensive plays for users to use... who knows maybe Engage Eight won't be the only preset defensive play ever used after we do that.
Originally posted by Mightyhalo
There are plenty of them posted in various bug threads, and they are typically different season to season. It's like a mad game of whack-a-mole. Limitations on the movement was what was expected in the first place so that is a good call, although it will probably just end up opening new holes. I would think about going back to last seasons blocking code would be better and work from that.

Actually, you could not be more wrong. As I keep saying, there were "exploit blitzes" in S17 where blockers consistently failed to pick up the right people in certain alignments, but Bort's inside-out blocking change fixed that. All hail Bort, in fact, because he didn't get enough credit for that improvement. Now that we have it, "exploit blitzes" don't exist anymore if you're willing to keep the TE in to block. And even if you don't keep the TE in to block, the only way DCs get a consistently unblocked man is to send 6 defenders.
The Avenger
Hulk Smash
Originally posted by jdbolick

Actually, you could not be more wrong. As I keep saying, there were "exploit blitzes" in S17 where blockers consistently failed to pick up the right people in certain alignments, but Bort's inside-out blocking change fixed that. All hail Bort, in fact, because he didn't get enough credit for that improvement. Now that we have it, "exploit blitzes" don't exist anymore if you're willing to keep the TE in to block. And even if you don't keep the TE in to block, the only way DCs get a consistently unblocked man is to send 6 defenders.

Really, they don't exist, LOL?
Originally posted by The Avenger
Really, they don't exist, LOL?

I'm in the same conference as Moose Jaw, and I promise you that does not work consistently. The problem there was that the RT tried to cross the formation instead of the RG. The HB also didn't even move on the play.

Also, please watch these highlights:
Edited by jdbolick on Oct 22, 2010 18:08:29
the one who knocks
I'm glad this was so well thought out that the entire idea would need to be revised a mere couple of hours after it was announced.

Just pure silliness

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