Originally posted by David Stern
lol? That guy is one of my top 10 allies in glb. He was referring to his opl team that he did the oc/dc, and if you think the jam is the same team back then than we are now, well your just trolling if you do. I took the best advice I ever got from gart and used it this season "lol at applying vas before the playoffs" hell check the scores of our 1st games with esl/Boston dogs/ I think we lost to Boston by over 100 in 2games before we set vas..
but yea - you can ask RJS, were about 80 pts better than that right now.
Is that the same strategy that you tried with the Pigs that had all of you guys thinking you would take a 6th seed team and actually do something, or were you guys just talking out of your asses? Just curious.