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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Q&A Archives > Player Archetypes Discussion #2
Originally posted by kcfdx
And I'm sure there will be exceptionally built PBs with the new system that will be featured backs. But we basically are agreeing that speed should not be a major for PBs.

I thought you were agreeing that you can't build an offense around a power back who doesn't have speed as a major. I was arguing against that.
What intensive does a S13 player at a position with 5 or more major skills have to not retire? I mean they should be level 22+ by S15 and will have missed out on all the best level gains.

Also sorry if this has already been asked. Maybe a summery or FAQ of the current information should be added to the OP.
Every other archetype has their best attributes as their majors. Elusives have Speed, Agility, scat backs have catching, speed, vision and agility... Pocket passers have throwing and vision, yet powerbacks only have strength and not speed? you show me any power back that took their agility past 68 naturally and i'll show you one that wasted their SPs.

maybe the power back and combo back archetypes are close together because they're basically the same thing. good combo back and a pure power back only differ in weight and how much speed they've got in equipment. you're giving people 2 crappy archetypes instead of one good one. elusive archetype is amazing, the powerback and combo back are average.
Titus Pullo
Originally posted by Catch22
Originally posted by Titus Pullo

Sticky Hands or Pass Deflection. A guy focused on laying big hits should suffer from poor skills at deflecting or catching a pass.

No one picks sticky hands for Safeties anyway, so that's not really a penalty and there is no Pass Deflection SA. About the only other one that would be possible is Swat Ball and in our discussion we thought Swat Ball had more value for Change Direction for a hard hitter. Also the reason it's Change Direction is it's the first SA in the Coverage Abilities tree so it discourages taking those abilities.

We're going to keep it as is.

Yeah, Swat Ball was what I was thinking of.

What exactly is a "Bonus SA", and "Penalty SA"
Originally posted by foofighter24
Would you really want those getting ALGs at the expense of other attributes?

It would be a small loss on the other minor attributes. In some positions I'd rather have 5 minors at .2 per level than 3 at .33. But that may just be me.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
What intensive does a S13 player at a position with 5 or more major skills have to not retire? I mean they should be level 22+ by S15 and will have missed out on all the best level gains.

Also sorry if this has already been asked. Maybe a summery or FAQ of the current information should be added to the OP.

I posted a link to the summary in the OP and to the OP containing all the details.
Originally posted by Staz
I thought you were agreeing that you can't build an offense around a power back who doesn't have speed as a major. I was arguing against that.

No problem. We were in agreement on the base point. We were just using different tactics to explain why it should be left as is.
OK - I'll post it here...

The basic premise for this idea is sound - level the experience per major attributes for progression within all positions and add SA bonuses - but I would like to point out that the whole point of Route Run for a power TE is to create speed that they normally wouldn't have - don't make it a penalty...
Originally posted by britdevine316
What exactly is a "Bonus SA", and "Penalty SA"

Bonus = This SA gets a performance bonus (unknown to the public)
Penalty = This SA receives a performance hit (unknown to the public)

The common example being tossed around is if you have 8 in a bonus SA, it acts as if there is 10 in that SA. If you have 10 in a penalty SA, it acts as if there is 8 in that SA.

Of course, I'd imagine those numbers are off, and that's just for an example.
Originally posted by britdevine316
What exactly is a "Bonus SA", and "Penalty SA"

They are SA's that will either have a percentage bonus (+% to the effectiveness of the SA) or a percentage penalty (-% to the effectiveness of the SA).
Originally posted by AlBarsch
OK - I'll post it here...

The basic premise for this idea is sound - level the experience per major attributes for progression within all positions and add SA bonuses - but I would like to point out that the whole point of Route Run for a power TE is to create speed that they normally wouldn't have - don't make it a penalty...

Power TEs aren't known to be fast, and generally aren't known to run great routes. They're known for what they do AFTER the catch. That is why Route Run takes a performance hit.
Originally posted by AlBarsch
OK - I'll post it here...

The basic premise for this idea is sound - level the experience per major attributes for progression within all positions and add SA bonuses - but I would like to point out that the whole point of Route Run for a power TE is to create speed that they normally wouldn't have - don't make it a penalty...

You might want to look at the list again - it's been revised.
Originally posted by Catch22
I posted a link to the summary in the OP and to the OP containing all the details.

ok, thanks but that is just a wall of text. this is a mess and I am done reading about it. Go ahead and gut this game as you wish. I will find a new game when this falls apart.
Originally posted by Staz
Power TEs aren't known to be fast, and generally aren't known to run great routes. They're known for what they do AFTER the catch. That is why Route Run takes a performance hit.

Actually it was an oversight that we missed. I corrected it. We are trying to avoid having penalties/bonuses on the same side of a tree and that one did just that.

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