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Forum > Goal Line Blitz > Elusive pathing and vision discussion (with a foreword about spin)
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by CinTex

I assure you its not....

If Bort set up a private forum where the only rule was to not be an idiot when you post I promise you that 80% of the customers of GLB would apply for membeship and never get kicked out because they would just pay attention and not bitch, moan or complain one bit....

But those are not the rules on the main forums and we all pay money to play this game.... yet some of us get more info than others....

I would like an invite to said Private Forum.... I promise to never post anything even remotely controversial.....

Managing 10-20 users: easy. Managing 10-20,000: not so easy. Everyone can talk about whatever they want here, and ask questions of those who are appointed delegates. That's how an organizational structure works. The file clerk doesn't ask the CEO directly about things. He talks to his boss, who sends it up the chain. It keeps things more organized and less likely to be overrun by too much at once.

Cin, Blorf is right here.

I'm normally one of his biggest critics, but the structure at least is about as good as it can get. It's a giant pyramid with Blorf sitting on top coding. He's by himself, with no coding help. (Unless you count the incompetent graphics and web design guys)

In order for that pyramid structure to work, the people at the bottom have to bring forth problems and discuss them. Then the people that Blorf has delegated (Not enough, and possibly not all properly qualified) move the matter up the chain.

It doesn't always work, but it beats the shit out of an 80 page thread where the single coder of this game has to try to sift through the BS, bias and opportunism to find the real problems with the sim.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by jrry32

I think there are more people willing to do that...which would probably help you, Hazy and PP. Just sayin.

There's others too. Hazy and PP (and Deathblade) have been the most vocal on the main forum recently (which is why I bring them up - you've been chatting with them recently), but I get reports from Cryptotich, Mat McBriar, ZickZack, Jacob McCandles, the moderator team, and others I am probably forgetting at the moment, all the time. We even use bug tracking software for the bugs mods to help things move more smoothly. I also get ideas from the Project Bort crew via epic suggestions frequently. The info gets to me (and back to you) in a more streamlined way these days than it has in the past, and I feel it's helped quite a bit. There's room for improvement as always, and we're working on that as well.

Is there any news with how time is handled on QB spike plays?
Sik Wit It
I normally don't believe in stealth nerfs, but this time it really does seem like it has been tweaked behind the scenes.
I don't think the complaint is really that Bort isn't spending 4 hours a day on the forums. The complaint seems to be that we (meaning the player base) are not being kept in the loop about what's going on. For instance, hazy (who I think is fantastic) was locking FB threads and insisting that they weren't bugs. Now the player base knew that there was a bug and kept insisting that there was a bug, but it took days of banging heads against the wall before the bug was finally acknowledged.
Originally posted by Adderfist
Originally posted by Bort

Originally posted by jrry32

I think there are more people willing to do that...which would probably help you, Hazy and PP. Just sayin.

There's others too. Hazy and PP (and Deathblade) have been the most vocal on the main forum recently (which is why I bring them up - you've been chatting with them recently), but I get reports from Cryptotich, Mat McBriar, ZickZack, Jacob McCandles, the moderator team, and others I am probably forgetting at the moment, all the time. We even use bug tracking software for the bugs mods to help things move more smoothly. I also get ideas from the Project Bort crew via epic suggestions frequently. The info gets to me (and back to you) in a more streamlined way these days than it has in the past, and I feel it's helped quite a bit. There's room for improvement as always, and we're working on that as well.

Is there any news with how time is handled on QB spike plays?

I heard it's like The Matrix when Keanu Reeves dodges bullets and shit.
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
I normally don't believe in stealth nerfs, but this time it really does seem like it has been tweaked behind the scenes.

Yeah, I'm really still not convinced.

I know what I've seen.
jumpin da snark
It should be noted many of the "file clerks" of GLB are loyal customers who just want the game to be better, while some of the "trusted" inner circle have conspired to essentially break the game with collusion in the past and are generally just out to run in packs and harass the userbase together.
Originally posted by tautology

Speaking for myself (and judging from your own comments) it seems as though things work best when you have folks that can give you succinct and accurate information about the needs of the sim.

It also seems to work well for the community when we have accessibale, mature and reliable folks like Hazy who act as a liaison between the larger community and yourself.

I think that is a good system and I encourage us all to foster seems to be very good for the game, and the community.

I will note that this system works best for all concerned when you have a *great* representative with the right communication skills and a true depth of understanding for the game.

It can actually be a very destructive thing with the wrong representatives.

I think that is a really important point and I hope you keep it in mind in the future..I think you have a great team right now.

Happy New Year, btw

Couldn't have said it better myself.
Originally posted by Forbin
Cin, Blorf is right here.

Whatever.... you just probably have one of his trusted as a GM....

I'll go away now and try to remember when I spent all my excess money on poker sites.....
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
I normally don't believe in stealth nerfs, but this time it really does seem like it has been tweaked behind the scenes.

what? come on sik...
Originally posted by foofighter24
It should be noted many of the "file clerks" of GLB are loyal customers who just want the game to be better, while some of the "trusted" inner circle have conspired to essentially break the game with collusion in the past and are generally just out to run in packs and harass the userbase together.

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Originally posted by Forbin
Cin, Blorf is right here.

I'm normally one of his biggest critics, but the structure at least is about as good as it can get. It's a giant pyramid with Blorf sitting on top coding. He's by himself, with no coding help. (Unless you count the incompetent graphics and web design guys)

In order for that pyramid structure to work, the people at the bottom have to bring forth problems and discuss them. Then the people that Blorf has delegated (Not enough, and possibly not all properly qualified) move the matter up the chain.

It doesn't always work, but it beats the shit out of an 80 page thread where the single coder of this game has to try to sift through the BS, bias and opportunism to find the real problems with the sim.

of course the pyramid structure is needed. what cintex wanted was to be able to read the private forum where things were being discussed.

even if we can't post in that forum we could talk about it here. Than an issue could be brought up in the private forum by those privileged individuals who have post rights.
Originally posted by CinTex
Well... shit.... I've been here since season 1 as well... how much do I have to spend before I earn the trusted status???....

You don't have to spend anything. Apply for a mod spot, or spend some time talking with some of the current testers, participating in discussions they are having. Approach things calmly and rationally, taking any selfishness out of the equation. Be proactive, but don't be a jerk.

There are a lot of users on the site. I can't personally talk to them all. Particular users have gone out of their way to show interest in improving the game, or the forums, in a respectful and constructive way. TBH, it usually tends to start with a lolmod job somewhere, these days, that moves on to things that are more involved over time.
Originally posted by Bort
Originally posted by jrry32

I think there are more people willing to do that...which would probably help you, Hazy and PP. Just sayin.

There's others too. Hazy and PP (and Deathblade) have been the most vocal on the main forum recently (which is why I bring them up - you've been chatting with them recently), but I get reports from Cryptotich, Mat McBriar, ZickZack, Jacob McCandles, the moderator team, and others I am probably forgetting at the moment, all the time. We even use bug tracking software for the bugs mods to help things move more smoothly. I also get ideas from the Project Bort crew via epic suggestions frequently. The info gets to me (and back to you) in a more streamlined way these days than it has in the past, and I feel it's helped quite a bit. There's room for improvement as always, and we're working on that as well.

If anything goes wrong, blame Mat McBriar, we all do.

That's good you have a system in place, may I just make a recommendation, I understand that this way is the easiest for you but do you mind just trying to get on here and post a few times a week just to let everyone know you are here and you are listening. We get the fainting goat when you don't post for week(s) at a time because we are attached to you and just want to know that our ideas are getting to you. Yes, the mods can say it but we aren't always trusting of them and when you come on here, it cements the idea that you are here and are accessible which I think is very important. That's my personal opinion and I don't code for games so I have no idea how hard it is so I am just assuming you have time to get on 3-4 days a week and post for 10-20 minutes in GLB main. Anyways, I think that would just help people know that you are here and are listening.
Originally posted by bhall43
Originally posted by Sik Wit It

I normally don't believe in stealth nerfs, but this time it really does seem like it has been tweaked behind the scenes.

what? come on sik...

lol what? everyone can't have an opinion?

more than a few people have said the same thing. I don't know why it is so unbelievable.

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