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i guess this is what happens when the #1 offense goes up against the #1 pass defense
Well, consider that without those 305 yards, they'd have an even bigger D-statistics lead on the conference...

Of course, all this is likely to be irrelevant soon. It'd be a major coup for the Horsemen to hold Tonga to roughly the same yards that Melbourne's D holds Uluru - meaning no offense to Uluru, who I really like as a scrappy team that finds ways to outperform their levels.
Originally posted by SCACE
i guess this is what happens when the #1 offense goes up against the #1 pass defense

All facts:true we did lose 31-0.But who else has held you to 31 points to date? Not much for braggin rights. But, considering your powerhouse offense, we'll take what we can get.
Originally posted by TEUFELHOUNDEN
Originally posted by SCACE

i guess this is what happens when the #1 offense goes up against the #1 pass defense

All facts:true we did lose 31-0.But who else has held you to 31 points to date? Not much for braggin rights. But, considering your powerhouse offense, we'll take what we can get.

That defense was quite solid; I'm very impressed with their effort. 23 points is all we could muster, but I'll take it. The Ramekins are up next, and they HAVE to be looking for some vindication after Coney Island ripped them today.

Originally posted by TEUFELHOUNDEN
Originally posted by SCACE

i guess this is what happens when the #1 offense goes up against the #1 pass defense

All facts:true we did lose 31-0.But who else has held you to 31 points to date? Not much for braggin rights. But, considering your powerhouse offense, we'll take what we can get.

Are you bragging about losing 0-31? 31-0 is bragging rights, your supposed to be a contender and you got shut out.
Originally posted by Chargerssuck the source of our defensive success.

LMAO, still LMAO
Zeta Conference Rankings - MIDSEASON

Formula Changes this week:
Reference level +1 to 20

1. Melbourne Thorny Devils (123.7) - Another week at the top, and with all due respect to Redscape, they'll be back next week, too. Looks like they added a new TE.

2. Tonga Thunderbirds (103.1) - Another week at the second spot, though the Ramekins are more likely to pose a threat.

3. Bikini Atoll Mushroom Clouds (99.6) - Yes, it's kind of boring up here at the top of these rankings, but remember, there's only one more week before the Shrooms take on Melbourne. The Chinese Bandits are a hard team to predict, but they don't have the roster to hang with the championship contenders just yet.

4. El Fuego (87.8) - Kind of an underwhelming way to take back their #4 spot. They failed to cover the spread against the Chenabogs, but the automatic 3 points for a victory was enough. With dates against Tasmania and Cimmeria on tap, they should have little trouble putting 6 more points on in the next two weeks.

5. Christchurch Knightmares (86.5) - A new height for the Knightmares. A playoff game in Christchurch? Not as crazy as it sounds. First, a huge test in the game of the week - it's the Clash of the Equines as the New Zealand Derby rolls around. Place your bets!

6. Four Horsemen (85.4) - They get a shot to staunch the bleeding at the Knightmares this week. The Horsemen have the superior roster, but Christchurch is used to that. Bring your zoom lenses, because I'm thinking this one's going to be a photo-finish.

7. NMI Ramekins (83.5) - They didn't get it done against the Warriors and now they need to respond. They don't necessarily have to beat Tonga, but they do need to win one of their next two games (the other one is Christchurch), or face El Fuego at a 10-point morale defecit.

8. Dunedin Wolverines (83.1) - Another important game here as the Warriors look to build on their big upset and restore their playoff chances. I can't figure out why this team doesn't have better offensive performance on the field, but Coney Island's not complaining.

9. Chinese Bandits (78.0) - The Shrooms game this week probably won't go so well for them, but they may well get to determine their playoff fate the week after when Coney Island drops in for a deathmatch.

10. Coney Island Warriors (75.4) - Their season will still be largely decided in the next two games. Win in Dunedin this week, and face the Bandits for control of the #8 seed and the tiebreaker. Lose in Dunedin this week and face the Bandits to avoid all but certain elimination.

11. Redscape Diplomats (60.1) - Ouch, Melbourne week on the heels of 4 straight losses. At least the league scheduler does offer FPQA the week after.

12. Uluru Rockies (56.6) - Get ready to make some noise, Ulurians! 3 straight weeks of winnable games.

13. Tasmania Sand Gnats (56.5) - Just get through the Fuego game this week and then get a 3-game winnable streak of your own!

14. Mauna Kea Chenabogs (56.3) - No streak here, but you do have Cimmeria up, so it's not all bad.

15. Cimmerian Barbarians (55.2) - There's two reasonable chances left to win another game this season - and both are in the next 3 weeks.

16. FPQA Ronnie Rockers (36.1) - Keep working on the roster, there's nothing to play for this season.
Originally posted by slappdogg
Originally posted by Chargerssuck the source of our defensive success.

LMAO, still LMAO

I was uhmmm...quoted out of context.

Link literally don't miss anything
Originally posted by sxewesley
Originally posted by slappdogg

Originally posted by Chargerssuck the source of our defensive success.

LMAO, still LMAO

I was uhmmm...quoted out of context.

yeah i know the drill...extra pushups tomorrow...thanks boss

Game Plan baby, game plan.
definitely a hell of a game with the horseman. captivating from the start. Lots of t/o's almost cost us.
Swung by the office to do the power rankings, but some church thing is going on at the complex and they've got everything locked up tight - doesn't look like I'm going to be able to get in there. I might try again a little later and see if someone opens the doors after whatever is going on is done.
Good luck. I look forward to reading them
Zeta Conference Rankings - Pre-week 11

After a brief hiatus, we're back! Reference level is still 20 - was debating on 21, but there's only a tiny fraction of players in the league that have hit 20, so we'll go one more week with this one. This means the overall score numbers will be a bit higher than we're used to.

1. Melbourne Thorny Devils (132.1) - Escaped one of their big games with a too-close-for-comfort scare, but I'm sure they're just happy to get the win in hindsight. This brings their chase for the #1 seed down to a single game. If they can defeat Tonga, even a 15-1 finish (presuming some team upsets them) would still land them #1 via the head-to-head tiebreak over the 'Shrooms.

2. Tonga Thunderbirds (112.1) - They'll be taking on the Bandits this week. It will be interesting to see if the Bandits can shore up their rush D in time for the conference's most run-heavy attack (49.3 att/game).

3. Bikini Atoll Mushroom Clouds (109.8) - Kind of ironic, the same week they finally catch Tonga in roster ranking, they lose their 3 point record advantage and remain in #3 for another week.

4. Christchurch Knightmares (98.0) - They face two desperate teams in the next two weeks. With the last minute stay of execution for the Coney Islanders, Dunedin and the Bandits desperately need to upset someone to keep their playoff bids alive. Christchurch is a good choice, because they don't have sheer levels the way other teams in this area of the rankings do. Of course, NMI was pretty desperate this week and got spanked, 30-3, so take it with a grain of salt.

5. El Fuego (97.3) - It's crunch time for the Fuegos: First they face the Horsemen, before getting the desperation tri-fecta as NMI, Dunedin and China will each try to save their seasons with upset wins - and each more desperate than the previous team. After that, they get Melbourne to close out intra-conference games.

6. Four Horsemen (91.4) - With a 6 win record, 3 "gimme games" still on the schedule, and 2 others they're favorites in, they don't necessarily need to beat the Fuegos this week, but you know they're going to want to make a statement.

7. Dunedin Wolverines (88.6) - Their roster and offensive stats help their score here, but that won't mean a lot come playoff time if they can't get ahead of the Warriors (1 game back and bad tiebreak) or the Ramekins (even with bad tiebreak). The really tough news is both those teams have 3 "really should win" games, while Dunedin has 2 + 1 even fight. They need someone to stumble, or they need an upset. The candidates are Christchurch, El Fuego and the Four Horsemen. Good luck.

8. North Marinara Island Ramekins (86.0) - Lower power ranking scores, but their tiebreaks on the Bandits and Wolverines, and rather soft remaining schedule mean all they have to do is take care of business to snag a playoff spot. The game in Mauna Kea this week is some business they better handle.

9. Coney Island Warriors (83.8) - Remember when I said they needed a three game sweep to secure a playoff spot? What did they go out and do? Thwapped the Ramekins and then had two games in which they were behind at the two minute warning - and won both. They may not be thrilled to have Melbourne and the Shrooms left on their schedule, but don't worry, Warriors - you don't need either one to get to the postseason.

10. Chinese Bandits (83.7) - They're not quite dead, but need to upset 2 out of 3 of: Christchurch, El Fuego and Tonga. Err, yeah.

11. Uluru Rockies (68.6) - Looking for a nice win in Redscape this week. Uluru still has 3 of the top 4 teams left on their schedule, so they should enjoy things while they last.

12. Redscape Diplomats (68.6) - They have real shots at posting wins in the next two weeks to double their season totals. Of course, Uluru and Tasmania might want to say something about that.

13. Mauna Kea Chenabogs (62.3) - Going to be a tough four weeks, but they still get to beat up on FPQA in week 15.

14. Tasmania Sand Gnats (58.8) - They also get two winnable games back to back with Cimmeria and Redscape.

15. Cimmerian Barbarians (56.1) - This may be your last chance to score a TD on someone other than FPQA. Better make the most of it - you might even win!

16. FPQA Ronnie Rockerz (38.8) - Just one more CPU starter to get rid of. Come on, you can do it!


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