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Forum > Champion League > World League breakdown by former league -> Week 4 assessment
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
Most of the posters don't say other leagues are trash.

And if some did, who gives a shit? It's trash talking in a dotball game. You're acting like this is some huge overlooked injustice. Ohhh harsh criticism and prejudice. We must fight for our rights! All GLB leagues are created equal!!!


Give me a break and stop crying over it.


Gets it
Originally posted by GMathiasf
Going 6-0 in the WL is impressive no matter who you've played. Congrats and good luck the rest of the way.

I agree, but in all honesty most of those teams are struggling and Mayan was extremely fortunate with our schedule. We talked about it when it first came out that we had a chance to start off pretty good. Our last 6 games are hell but shouldn't finish with more than 5 or 6 losses. A playoff birth in year one WL would be nice
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
Most of the posters don't say other leagues are trash.

And if some did, who gives a shit? It's trash talking in a dotball game. You're acting like this is some huge overlooked injustice. Ohhh harsh criticism and prejudice. We must fight for our rights! All GLB leagues are created equal!!!


Give me a break and stop crying over it.

wah, wah, wah,
You crack me up. No one on here tries to understand anything or anyone. They just find some way to argue. I guess I'm the same. I was only trying to make a point. I guess everyone missed that. Let me s-p-e-l-l--i-t--o-u-t. USA is not the only league with good teams in it. Whoa, what a revelation. Let the misunderstanding fly off the hook.

You would think people might just say, uh yeah, that is true. Too much pride in here, tbh.
Joe Buck
Originally posted by tigerbait22
I agree, but in all honesty most of those teams are struggling and Mayan was extremely fortunate with our schedule. We talked about it when it first came out that we had a chance to start off pretty good. Our last 6 games are hell but shouldn't finish with more than 5 or 6 losses. A playoff birth in year one WL would be nice

you button hooked us, Mayan. We didn't know you were going to buttonhook us...

You have our respect. Now that we have emerged from our hellacious start to the season, we look forward to getting this train back on track.
Joe Buck
Originally posted by robelder

You would think people might just say, uh yeah, that is true. Too much EGO in here, tbh.

Originally posted by robelder
Let me s-p-e-l-l--i-t--o-u-t. blah blah blah

Originally posted by robelder
Originally posted by Sik Wit It

Most of the posters don't say other leagues are trash.

And if some did, who gives a shit? It's trash talking in a dotball game. You're acting like this is some huge overlooked injustice. Ohhh harsh criticism and prejudice. We must fight for our rights! All GLB leagues are created equal!!!


Give me a break and stop crying over it.

wah, wah, wah,
You crack me up. No one on here tries to understand anything or anyone. They just find some way to argue. I guess I'm the same. I was only trying to make a point. I guess everyone missed that. Let me s-p-e-l-l--i-t--o-u-t. USA is not the only league with good teams in it. Whoa, what a revelation. Let the misunderstanding fly off the hook.

You would think people might just say, uh yeah, that is true. Too much pride in here, tbh.

You are wrong. USA is the only league with good teams in it. The other leagues each have a good team.

Careful, he might start spraying tears again
Originally posted by robelder
I was only trying to make a point.

Really? Back to the drawing board
Sik Wit It
Originally posted by robelder
Originally posted by Sik Wit It

Most of the posters don't say other leagues are trash.

And if some did, who gives a shit? It's trash talking in a dotball game. You're acting like this is some huge overlooked injustice. Ohhh harsh criticism and prejudice. We must fight for our rights! All GLB leagues are created equal!!!


Give me a break and stop crying over it.

wah, wah, wah,
You crack me up. No one on here tries to understand anything or anyone. They just find some way to argue. I guess I'm the same. I was only trying to make a point. I guess everyone missed that. Let me s-p-e-l-l--i-t--o-u-t. USA is not the only league with good teams in it. Whoa, what a revelation. Let the misunderstanding fly off the hook.

You would think people might just say, uh yeah, that is true. Too much pride in here, tbh.

Why do you care so much what some asshole says over a message board? Will them admitting there are some good teams from other regions really do anything? Again, who gives a shit?

Plus I don't see all of this USA Pro E-peen stroking you're talking about. The forums have actually been pretty quiet.
Sik Wit It
We should all try to understand each other? I guess you want every post to go something like:

"USA Pro is the best! No disrespect to other leagues, I totally get where you're coming from. All regions are quality in GLB, and I deeply hope I didn't offend anyone with my post. If I take a step in your dotshoes for a day or two, I would see how that would come off as arrogant. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I'm just saying up front right now that I respect all of you here and wouldn't want to diminish myself in the eyes of my peers. Let's all join hands and pray".

If a little trash talking gets to you like that, then the internet isn't the place for you.
Originally posted by Sik Wit It
We should all try to understand each other? I guess you want every post to go something like:

"USA Pro is the best! No disrespect to other leagues, I totally get where you're coming from. All regions are quality in GLB, and I deeply hope I didn't offend anyone with my post. If I take a step in your dotshoes for a day or two, I would see how that would come off as arrogant. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I'm just saying up front right now that I respect all of you here and wouldn't want to diminish myself in the eyes of my peers. Let's all join hands and pray".

If a little trash talking gets to you like that, then the internet isn't the place for you.

All teh leagues are equal. United we stand, divided we fall.

Originally posted by Sik Wit It
We should all try to understand each other? I guess you want every post to go something like:

"USA Pro is the best! No disrespect to other leagues, I totally get where you're coming from. All regions are quality in GLB, and I deeply hope I didn't offend anyone with my post. If I take a step in your dotshoes for a day or two, I would see how that would come off as arrogant. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I'm just saying up front right now that I respect all of you here and wouldn't want to diminish myself in the eyes of my peers. Let's all join hands and pray".

If a little trash talking gets to you like that, then the internet isn't the place for you.

[x] ANGelS SuCk.
Edited by jrry32 on Oct 24, 2009 11:29:11
Sik Wit It
Originally posted by jrry32
Originally posted by Sik Wit It

We should all try to understand each other? I guess you want every post to go something like:

"USA Pro is the best! No disrespect to other leagues, I totally get where you're coming from. All regions are quality in GLB, and I deeply hope I didn't offend anyone with my post. If I take a step in your dotshoes for a day or two, I would see how that would come off as arrogant. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, so I'm just saying up front right now that I respect all of you here and wouldn't want to diminish myself in the eyes of my peers. Let's all join hands and pray".

If a little trash talking gets to you like that, then the internet isn't the place for you.

Angels suck.


The AL West is a shit division? HOW DARE YOU!

Take that back. Give every division proper respect. NO TAXATION WITHOUT REPRESENTATION!
Sik Wit It

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