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Forum > Champion League > It's a brave new World League for 16 teams - CCG results rolling in
Originally posted by r87
1) Manitoba
1) Manus
2) Rest
3) Effort put into this

Manitoba too high imo
Tebow sucks..
Originally posted by ksychic
Tebow sucks..

I knew I liked you.
Originally posted by GP1
Originally posted by jktooley

Forcier > Tebow

Watch out or Michigan will close the gap with OSU and USC fans for stupidest college fanbase.

Originally posted by head1
Originally posted by jamz

Tim Tebow: The next [Insert Name Here]

Charlie Ward
Danny Wuerfel
Shane Matthews
Tim Couch
Todd Maronvich
Shaun King
Akili Smith
Heath Shuler
Rick Mirer

Lack of NFL TE names hurt this list. But he could get drafted by Miami they like to run that Wild kitty offense.

lol at a UT fan criticizing our QB and BTW Charlie Ward decided to play NBA ball and Couch probably could have been a good NFL QB but he played on the Browns.
Originally posted by Sharrd
Rick Mirer was decent, Marinovich could've been if it weren't for alcohol addiciton

therere is nothing bad about Tebow, but the thing is, the NCAA is technically its own league, but we all know its a development league for the NFL, running a style of offense that doesnt work in the NFL may win your team games, which is good for the college coaches and fans, but lets be realistic, they are doing a disservice to their players by not preparing them for the NFL, where they will try to find success

Almost all the top teams are running variations of the spread including Bradford at OU, McCoy at UT, etc.
Originally posted by jrry32
lol at a UT fan criticizing our QB and BTW Charlie Ward decided to play NBA ball and Couch probably could have been a good NFL QB but he played on the Browns.

Ah piss off, so far I am the only one who is giving him credit at all.
Originally posted by head1
Originally posted by jrry32

lol at a UT fan criticizing our QB and BTW Charlie Ward decided to play NBA ball and Couch probably could have been a good NFL QB but he played on the Browns.

Ah piss off, so far I am the only one who is giving him credit at all.

He is 4-0 vs. UT...
Originally posted by jrry32
He is 4-0 vs. UT...

3-0 as a starter. Still only 1 QB to really go 4-0.
Didn't Peyton go 0-4 against UF?
Originally posted by head1
Originally posted by UsCtRoJaNs1820

Anyone with a Lane Kiffin aka. Lame Kitten is a troll imo. Have fun winning 3 games.

You must be talking about my team, yea 3 is a good goal for us next season. If you are talking about UT, you really are a fool. Do I expect them to do much this season? Nope but they sure as hell will win more than 3 but good retort. I battle with jrry daily so you are gonna have to come with something better than that.

I talk trash with jrry all the time. If you can't handle it then that is your problem. Like I said earlier Taylor Mays>>>>>>>>Eric Berry any day of the week. Also I stand by the 3 wins you will get. Thanks to your arrogant coach your team is going to get creamed mainly because of him. Hell even Vandy is going to give you guys an L.

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Originally posted by ksychic
Tebow sucks..

Mr. Me2
Originally posted by jrry32

lol at a UT fan criticizing our QB and BTW Charlie Ward decided to play NBA ball and Couch probably could have been a good NFL QB but he played on the Browns.

Decided to play NBA ball because he didn't get drafted in the NFL because he was too short for QB, not fast enough for WR, and not big enough for HB...
Mr. Me2
Originally posted by jamz
Tim Tebow: The next [Insert Name Here]

Charlie Ward
Danny Wuerfel
Shane Matthews
Tim Couch
Todd Maronvich
Shaun King
Akili Smith
Heath Shuler
Rick Mirer

Andre Ware and Gino Torretta called. They are PISSED! Actually, to quote Torretta, "I still got my pension," so I guess I can't hate on him there.

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