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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #3 > USA #3 Season MVPs
Originally posted by krwynn
Which is not how that stat should be calculated. Didn't someone say earlier that YAC was included in YPC? This definatley proves that wrong.

You've proven me exactly correct. If YAC wasn't included in YPC, than he would have 5.5+8.5 = 14.0 yards receiving. He doesn't have 14.0 yards receiving, he only has 5.5 yards receiving (on one catch). Therefore, YAC *must* be included in the AVG. 1 reception for 5.5 yards = 5.5 AVG. Which is what your post showed.

The YAC simply suggests, as other have noted, that the player caught the ball 3 yards behind the line of scrimmage.

The one statistical anomaly that I am surprised is still in the game is having sacks count against your rushing yards. They should could against your passing yards. How has that not been corrected by now?

Originally posted by RunningMn9

The one statistical anomaly that I am surprised is still in the game is having sacks count against your rushing yards. They should could against your passing yards. How has that not been corrected by now?

Because you haven't told Bort about it!
Originally posted by Dravz
Originally posted by RunningMn9

The one statistical anomaly that I am surprised is still in the game is having sacks count against your rushing yards. They should could against your passing yards. How has that not been corrected by now?

Because you haven't told Bort about it!

This game has been running for months and I'm the first one to notice something that obvious?
Originally posted by RunningMn9

This game has been running for months and I'm the first one to notice something that obvious?

Originally posted by RunningMn9
Originally posted by Dravz

Originally posted by RunningMn9

The one statistical anomaly that I am surprised is still in the game is having sacks count against your rushing yards. They should could against your passing yards. How has that not been corrected by now?

Because you haven't told Bort about it!

This game has been running for months and I'm the first one to notice something that obvious?

That's how they do it in college football.
Originally posted by Sharkbait
That's how they do it in college football.

I saw that in the bug thread, but thanks. College football rules are stupid.
Originally posted by RunningMn9
Originally posted by Sharkbait

That's how they do it in college football.

I saw that in the bug thread, but thanks. College football rules are stupid.


Additionally, I nominate Matty Bigfoot on the DC Corruption for best kicker.
I think Bo Safety from Carolina should probably be FS MVP. Leads all free safeties in tackles and tied for the most picks @ 5...
Originally posted by savagedrgonzo
I think Bo Safety from Carolina should probably be FS MVP. Leads all free safeties in tackles and tied for the most picks @ 5...

Tackles by a FS isnt a good thing. You want to look at PD and INT. FF and/or FR as a bonus. Dan Levey from the snipers looks pretty good.
Last edited May 25, 2008 11:27:22
Clearly Dick Enright is the best kicker unless he crashes this last game.
Things to look for:
position by position breakdown.

QB - passing yards, td-int ratio, completion percentage, and QB rating.
RB/FB - yards, yards per carry, and TDs, and in some cases receiving stats.
WR - yards, receptions, YAC, and TDs.
O Linemen - all we can really go by is pancakes since there is no stat that says sacks given up.
TE - same as a WR but IMO TDs carry more weight for this position.
:::Side Note::: Blocking would be key for both TE/FB, but it's hard to gauge how well they are doing unless someone really wants to watch all the replays.

D linemen/LB - tackles, sacks, FFum, PDs, and in some cases INTs.
DBs - PDs, INTs, FFums (mainly for safeties) and INTs for a TD.

Punters - Average net yards
Kickers - FG %, distant kicks at a higher value.

I think I got the basics, if I missed anything let me know, I'll edit or argue.
Last edited May 25, 2008 11:46:22
Originally posted by krwynn
Clearly Dick Enright is the best kicker unless he crashes this last game.

I'm not exactly sure how this is clear...

Matty Bigfoot has not missed any FGs within 40 yards (Dick has missed one). Matty has a higher FG% of 40-49 attempts than Dick, and has made a 50+ FG (Dick hasn't had an attempt over 50 yet).

Additionally, Matty Bigfoot has made 100% of his XP (granted we haven't scored many TDs, but he's been perfect), whereas Dick has missed 2XPs.

The only thing that Dick has on Matty is overall FG percentage, but Matty has had 3 50+ attempts. Not taking into consideration FGs over 50 yards, Matty has a better FG%.
Last edited May 25, 2008 12:31:32
Originally posted by krwynn
Originally posted by savagedrgonzo

I think Bo Safety from Carolina should probably be FS MVP. Leads all free safeties in tackles and tied for the most picks @ 5...

Tackles by a FS isnt a good thing. You want to look at PD and INT. FF and/or FR as a bonus. Dan Levey from the snipers looks pretty good.

Don't look at tackles but look at Forced Fumbles? How do you get one with out the other?

Originally posted by fight_to_live
Originally posted by krwynn

Originally posted by savagedrgonzo

I think Bo Safety from Carolina should probably be FS MVP. Leads all free safeties in tackles and tied for the most picks @ 5...

Tackles by a FS isnt a good thing. You want to look at PD and INT. FF and/or FR as a bonus. Dan Levey from the snipers looks pretty good.

Don't look at tackles but look at Forced Fumbles? How do you get one with out the other?

Since when do you have to tackle someone to FF? You jump on my post when he says them same thing?

Originally posted by gtbice
Things to look for:
position by position breakdown.

QB - passing yards, td-int ratio, completion percentage, and QB rating.
RB/FB - yards, yards per carry, and TDs, and in some cases receiving stats.
WR - yards, receptions, YAC, and TDs.
O Linemen - all we can really go by is pancakes since there is no stat that says sacks given up.
TE - same as a WR but IMO TDs carry more weight for this position.
:::Side Note::: Blocking would be key for both TE/FB, but it's hard to gauge how well they are doing unless someone really wants to watch all the replays.

D linemen/LB - tackles, sacks, FFum, PDs, and in some cases INTs.
DBs - PDs, INTs, FFums (mainly for safeties) and INTs for a TD.

Punters - Average net yards
Kickers - FG %, distant kicks at a higher value.

I think I got the basics, if I missed anything let me know, I'll edit or argue.

See tackles in there anywhere? Neither do I.
Originally posted by Sharkbait
Originally posted by krwynn

Clearly Dick Enright is the best kicker unless he crashes this last game.

I'm not exactly sure how this is clear...

Matty Bigfoot has not missed any FGs within 40 yards (Dick has missed one). Matty has a higher FG% of 40-49 attempts than Dick, and has made a 50+ FG (Dick hasn't had an attempt over 50 yet).

Additionally, Matty Bigfoot has made 100% of his XP (granted we haven't scored many TDs, but he's been perfect), whereas Dick has missed 2XPs.

The only thing that Dick has on Matty is overall FG percentage, but Matty has had 3 50+ attempts. Not taking into consideration FGs over 50 yards, Matty has a better FG%.

88.9% vs 84.9% is pretty clear to me. Doesn't matter where he kicks them from, he makes a higher percentage. Why would you not take into account 50+ yd FG goal attempts? You argue that point saying that makes him better, then want to take them out to make his FG% better? Can't have it both ways.
Last edited May 25, 2008 15:24:39

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