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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > Season 8 GG Thread
Originally posted by jstuart66
Originally posted by howyadoin

Pardon me fellow USA A#1 folks....but our league/forum is crap. And is our competition. Powerbacks vs. teams who don't run the same play every down......Yawn. This is all crap.

Howyadoin; Thread Killer.

Not sure I am following here Howyadoin? Where did this come from all of a sudden?

I do apologize for what its worth, I worked a really late shift last night and came home tired and grumpy(4:30 am-ish),and looked to GLB for an entertainment outlet (games are supposed to be fun right?) and just managed to piss myself off.

My comments were directed at no individual team, it was the GLB main forums that got me in a agitated state......
Originally posted by howyadoin
Originally posted by jstuart66

Originally posted by howyadoin

Pardon me fellow USA A#1 folks....but our league/forum is crap. And is our competition. Powerbacks vs. teams who don't run the same play every down......Yawn. This is all crap.

Howyadoin; Thread Killer.

Not sure I am following here Howyadoin? Where did this come from all of a sudden?

I do apologize for what its worth, I worked a really late shift last night and came home tired and grumpy(4:30 am-ish),and looked to GLB for an entertainment outlet (games are supposed to be fun right?) and just managed to piss myself off.

My comments were directed at no individual team, it was the GLB main forums that got me in a agitated state......

Just kick Serenity off your team. That would be enough forum entertainment for weeks.
Last edited Mar 13, 2009 09:02:37
Have to say I'm in agreeance with Mr.Howyadoin. It would sure be nice if the game didnt have and automatic win if you run an all str and power running offense. Its just more fun when you can get more people involved in the game and this is gonna kill the game if it isnt fixed soon.

Need to start a league that doesnt have power running teams, cuz lets face it, when you have a pretty equal defense and everybody focus's to stop the run, guess what, it should be stopped. When it isnt, its a load of horsecrap.

But I'm just venting again since I see somebody else has a problem with it besides me.
Originally posted by bluur27
Have to say I'm in agreeance with Mr.Howyadoin. It would sure be nice if the game didnt have and automatic win if you run an all str and power running offense. Its just more fun when you can get more people involved in the game and this is gonna kill the game if it isnt fixed soon.

Need to start a league that doesnt have power running teams, cuz lets face it, when you have a pretty equal defense and everybody focus's to stop the run, guess what, it should be stopped. When it isnt, its a load of horsecrap.

But I'm just venting again since I see somebody else has a problem with it besides me.

It doesnt get much better on the way up...
Good Game Demons! I can't believe we pulled off the win. Those kickoff fumbles made it a real close game.
GG Richmond... great rivalry we got going over the last 5 or 6 seasons
Originally posted by bluur27
Have to say I'm in agreeance with Mr.Howyadoin. It would sure be nice if the game didnt have and automatic win if you run an all str and power running offense. Its just more fun when you can get more people involved in the game and this is gonna kill the game if it isnt fixed soon.

Need to start a league that doesnt have power running teams, cuz lets face it, when you have a pretty equal defense and everybody focus's to stop the run, guess what, it should be stopped. When it isnt, its a load of horsecrap.

But I'm just venting again since I see somebody else has a problem with it besides me.

Just plain sour grapes

Howyadoin was not complaining about my power runnin team and sent me an IM just to make that clear.

Let me tell you its taken a lot to get my team where it is now. I went to all run many many seasons ago b4 it was so called "chique" because a partner and I were making our own team with our own players. Its VERY expensive $$$ and I only have so many flex points to disperse. WR are expensive so it made sense to keep it simple a power FB and a quick back. The success I am havin now did not happen over night as my defense could not stop the pass AT ALL. I have spent a lot of time and effort and research to build a defense that can stop or slow down the pass and defend the run. If you can't stop anyone your games are gonna be 63-56 or higher all the time!

Its taken a lot of time and effort and research and tweaking here and there to get my offense to where it is now. My running game is a great combination of the power back the fast back and a GREAT offensive line that has taken many seasons to get where they are now. Freaky Deeky on another team I guarantee would not have the success hes having now nor Gwen for that matter. If you look 3 of my 5 Offensive line are tops in their positions. Gwen is NOT a power back at all yet she lead the league in rushing last 2 seasons and leads this year.

New York and San Francisco have VERY balanced offensive attacks that can do both run AND pass against you. This last game against New York they had us BEAT if it were not for a couple of plays by my OLB that got 2 ints. So to say that its just an "AUTOMATIC WIN" is a slap in the face to my team AND New York and they great plan coming in.

Do a lot of homework, recruit a different kind of athlete and power running attacks can be slowed down just like a great passing attack can be slowed. If you have 2 good teams the lil things will make the difference in the end as it did this last game with New York, my hat goes off to them.

Just wanted to add with the edit...New York Killed us last year 45-6...a win against New York is anything but "automatic"
Last edited Mar 13, 2009 22:03:28
I rarely jump into discussions, but here's my piece on the whole power back running thing for what it's worth.

I love ingenuity and thinking out of the box and as long as it's not cheating by all means do it, and anyone that is winning by rushing 97% of the game by all means do it until it stops working or becomes illegal.

However there's some truth to the taking the fun out of the game by "instantly winning" although you can't really prove that since; if I may use Megatropolis as an example; they lost an exhibition game so they're not unbeatable. So I think it would be appropriate to alter the game to make it a little more "competitive" if you want to rush 97% of the time because there's no way any NFL team would win without a passing game to complement the run game.

Bottom line never let anyone hinder a great idea for success, but the system could use a little tweeking.

And staying on the original topic great game to all of the Reign's opponents both past and present.
Originally posted by Lonesome Kicker
I rarely jump into discussions, but here's my piece on the whole power back running thing for what it's worth.

I love ingenuity and thinking out of the box and as long as it's not cheating by all means do it, and anyone that is winning by rushing 97% of the game by all means do it until it stops working or becomes illegal.

However there's some truth to the taking the fun out of the game by "instantly winning" although you can't really prove that since; if I may use Megatropolis as an example; they lost an exhibition game so they're not unbeatable. So I think it would be appropriate to alter the game to make it a little more "competitive" if you want to rush 97% of the time because there's no way any NFL team would win without a passing game to complement the run game.

Bottom line never let anyone hinder a great idea for success, but the system could use a little tweeking.

And staying on the original topic great game to all of the Reign's opponents both past and present.

Hey Lonesome kicker! I appreciate you and your comments very well said!

I see your point and understand your argument. On the flip side of the ability of a NFL team to run all the time and be successful would the same thing be said if the "sim" in GLB had a slight advantage to a team that passes 97% of the time? For example NFL teams as recent as the New England Patriots 2 season ago were primarily pass oriented and they set a record of being 18-0 at one point. Ingenuity within the passing game and their top QB and OL and WRs put it out there we are going to throw, throw, throw and then we will pass when we can't throw any longer =)

Look up the team Eleven Wise Monkeys. Their big back "Big Red Stomper" plowed the team to conference title and they have since moved up to USA AA#1 and look at their team now. Teams in GLB like the NFL will have to adjust and they have against power backs as Eleven Wise monkeys sits at a mediocre 5-4 record this year.

With the edit just wanted to add... Football is the epitome of a team sport. Just because your offense has a running game that is so called "unstoppable" it does not guarantee victory. Offense DEFENSE and the kicking game must click on all cylinders in order victory to be accomplished. I know its cliche but its so true.

Trust me when I say I do not think my run game is unstoppable by any means! We have some very tough teams ahead and I am constantly trying to figure out an edge against the great teams and Agents here. No cake walk by any stretch of the imagination.
Last edited Mar 13, 2009 22:48:03
I'm not going to quote cuz you all know who I'm talking to. No it wasnt meant to be directed at you but all power teams I have played against for so many seasons. I'm not gonna insinuate that you think I'm lazy but I too have put a lot of time into my team, did lotsa research to get exactly the player type I wanted and the style of team I like worked 2 seasons ago. AND I recruited to Stop the Power running game this year. So to have for, instance Megatropolis ,beat us like they did was a Slap in the face to my team. We all set our tactics and built to stop power running teams since you kicked the shit out of us last year which at the time was kinda unexpected(the score that is). And its really demoralizing that I feel like I'm being forced to set up to that type of team if I want to win and thats the point I'm trying to make. I dont want to make a power running team. I don't want to alienate certain agents on my team( i also realize you have like 3 total agents including yourself which eliminates this problem for you, PW) I used to an tto run that kind of offense but it was too hard to involve the entire team that way, and I have IMO one of the best receiving corpe in the league. Why shouldn't I too be able to work on my strength and throw the ball with a little running in here and there. But nothing works, especially when you play a team that has the ball for 2/3's of the damn game. So You then have a team of agents that lose interest and stop doing tactics. Power teams are destroying this game. I dont want them to go away, I just want my team to be effective doing what we do, not penalized because we wont conform to the exploits.

But for what its worth, you defense is the shit PW. Your team is legit, I just think its really unrealistic that when you GP to stop the run and everybody is set, and you have 400 yds of rushing against you, its bad.

And lets say I had a 100% Passing team, everybody knows it, and they set up the perfect defense to stop it, have great players the run the defense and then get the shit kicked outta them. Why would that happen if you gameplanned for it perfectly, had the perfect players for the system and it didnt work, it would really ruin your frickin day, wouldnt it?
Last edited Mar 13, 2009 22:55:22
Originally posted by bluur27
I'm not going to quote cuz you all know who I'm talking to. No it wasnt meant to be directed at you but all power teams I have played against for so many seasons. I'm not gonna insinuate that you think I'm lazy but I too have put a lot of time into my team, did lotsa research to get exactly the player type I wanted and the style of team I like worked 2 seasons ago. AND I recruited to Stop the Power running game this year. So to have for, instance Megatropolis ,beat us like they did was a Slap in the face to my team. We all set our tactics and built to stop power running teams since you kicked the shit out of us last year which at the time was kinda unexpected(the score that is). And its really demoralizing that I feel like I'm being forced to set up to that type of team if I want to win and thats the point I'm trying to make. I dont want to make a power running team. I don't want to alienate certain agents on my team( i also realize you have like 3 total agents including yourself which eliminates this problem for you, PW) I used to an tto run that kind of offense but it was too hard to involve the entire team that way, and I have IMO one of the best receiving corpe in the league. Why shouldn't I too be able to work on my strength and throw the ball with a little running in here and there. But nothing works, especially when you play a team that has the ball for 2/3's of the damn game. So You then have a team of agents that lose interest and stop doing tactics. Power teams are destroying this game. I dont want them to go away, I just want my team to be effective doing what we do, not penalized because we wont conform to the exploits.

But for what its worth, you defense is the shit PW. Your team is legit, I just think its really unrealistic that when you GP to stop the run and everybody is set, and you have 400 yds of rushing against you, its bad.

And lets say I had a 100% Passing team, everybody knows it, and they set up the perfect defense to stop it, have great players the run the defense and then get the shit kicked outta them. Why would that happen if you gameplanned for it perfectly, had the perfect players for the system and it didnt work, it would really ruin your frickin day, wouldnt it?

Bluur in no way would I ever insinuate that a GM is lazy. Sorry I hope I did not come off that way.

To quote the great Dennis Green when coaching for Arizona Cardinals

"They were who we thought they were" " We let them off the hook!!"

Game plans do not win ball games. They put your players in position to win and hopefully not out of position to lose! I know teams are going to stack up against me and they are going to stack strong side more then likely, they are going to bring up safeties, blitz corners etc etc so I DO make some adjustments to keep things "interesting" and help me out from getting totally stopped.

nothing is guaranteed as for that win against you. You had more plays the first half, like 38-31 on offense.
Out of the 49 rushes. We had we broken 10 tackles not a lot.
1TD was through the air
2 were 1 yard plunges
1 was Defensive

2 Turnovers led to points
You had to settle for FGs

My defense played really well that game but I know its frustrating but I do not think it was my running game that made it lopsided.

On a side note...with the new update coming in the passing game will be more effective no doubt.

Originally posted by phantomlord2k
Good Game Demons! I can't believe we pulled off the win. Those kickoff fumbles made it a real close game.

Great game Bristol - I told the boys this would be a tough one. I have to give credit to your defense - they kicked the shit out of our offense. That does not happen very often - kudos to you guys - I hope we get a chance to do that again - would have been interesting at the end if GLB actually had the option to go for a 2pt conversion.
I say do what works best for your team. I feel that we can beat Mega, as our previos game was decided by 3 points and I am not even a top team. Be inocative and think outside the box when gameplanning, there are things that will give you the advantage in the game. Just to clear naysayers, Mega is the only one I have game planned and changed my AI to beat, everyone else played against our normal regular season defense.
Los Angeles Reign are 8-1 and are a pass heavy team.
Originally posted by Korhor
I say do what works best for your team. I feel that we can beat Mega, as our previos game was decided by 3 points and I am not even a top team. Be inocative and think outside the box when gameplanning, there are things that will give you the advantage in the game. Just to clear naysayers, Mega is the only one I have game planned and changed my AI to beat, everyone else played against our normal regular season defense.

Damn you did a fine job as well!! I logged in and my heart stopped that day!! I was like Damn wtf??? geez!!! you deserve a lot of credit because that game could of went either way no doubt!

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