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Well this seems to be going well...

Can't cali just appologize for being a bit of an arrogant a-hole, and everyone else appologize for being a-holes backs, then we all have one big group hug or something?
Originally posted by BoxwrencH
Originally posted by Painmaker

Originally posted by PackMan97 an e-mail from a Mod saying (and I paraphrase) "The swap makes sense. We will be moving the best teams into Pro Leagues".

Expect more Fight Clubs next season.

Bort needs to train Vision and Confidence imo.

no Bort just needs to train vision, it's Big Cali that needs the confidence - obviously

Isn't this a Pro league? I can see how this upsets the pond's natural habitat, but if you are afraid of competition, you are in the wrong league IMO. This is my first year on Fight Club, looking forward to playing against everyone.

Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Well this seems to be going well...

Can't cali just appologize for being a bit of an arrogant a-hole, and everyone else appologize for being a-holes backs, then we all have one big group hug or something?

The APL has had a bigger A hole then Cali from day 1- Named HOKIEMAN
I mean sheesh, this thread blew up quick. Now I feel like if I start a thread bragging about my mad OC skills I'd get assasinated in Africa...
Originally posted by SheVegas
Want me to post your PM's soapy?????

Sure thing, go for it!

Edit: I'll do it for you

Originally posted by Soapbox
Thanks for the public and private message. I'd personally prefer we be on good terms of course, but seriously... as a friend I do mean it: you will not accomplish a single thing if you keep posting negatively about anyone.

I'm just asking you as a friend to ease up. It'll just improve everything in the forums. I'm not saying don't talk trash, I'm just saying that I think the negativity might end up hurting everyone involved.

But again, thanks for the pm. I would very much like to be friends.

That was in response to the first pm. And I meant it. But I won't try to be friends with someone that continues to distort the truth and intentionally ignore facts when it's detrimental to... everything. So thus, unless I think you make a valid point and it merits a valid response, I'm done trying to intellectually respond to you. And I wasn't suckering you for the org. If you tone down the insults a bit and act more rational, I would still very much like to be friends.


Originally posted by SheVegas
The APL has had a bigger A hole then Cali from day 1- Named HOKIEMAN

Whew, I thought you meant Hokiemon for a sec.
Last edited Nov 6, 2008 22:33:07
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by PackMan97 an e-mail from a Mod saying (and I paraphrase) "The swap makes sense. We will be moving the best teams into Pro Leagues".

Expect more Fight Clubs next season.

I personally enjoy the heightened competition Fight Club will bring... but wtf? Don't the best teams make it to the pro leagues via winning the AAA?

You mean you finally got competiton...Man you and RT are the biggest cry babies...Would love to see if you were on a team 4-12 instead of 16-0.

Personally, I don't give a fuck about FC. They'll be an average team. It's just the fact they the swap was an APL team that was probably going to be relegated (and will get relegated in USA AAA) for them. It's such an unbalanced swap, which seems to be something that got preached so heavily in team swaps.
That, and bigcali is a jackass.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Originally posted by soapbox

Originally posted by PackMan97 an e-mail from a Mod saying (and I paraphrase) "The swap makes sense. We will be moving the best teams into Pro Leagues".

Expect more Fight Clubs next season.

I personally enjoy the heightened competition Fight Club will bring... but wtf? Don't the best teams make it to the pro leagues via winning the AAA?

You mean you finally got competiton...Man you and RT are the biggest cry babies...Would love to see if you were on a team 4-12 instead of 16-0.

Why didn't you move out of the Pro league, you obviously suck as an owner if you whine about the top team all day. You couldn't even beat the top AA#1 team in Africa
Well at least I can be glad that my peace talks worked...
knows how to party
Originally posted by PackMan97 an e-mail from a Mod saying (and I paraphrase) "The swap makes sense. We will be moving the best teams into Pro Leagues".

Expect more Fight Clubs next season.
Originally posted by WiSeIVIaN
Well at least I can be glad that my peace talks worked...

knows how to party

I don't even like this song, but it's appropriate.
Originally posted by eterry87

knows how to party
Originally posted by eterry87
Originally posted by eterry87


It's already been tooken
Originally posted by soapbox
Originally posted by SheVegas

Want me to post your PM's soapy?????

Sure thing, go for it!

Edit: I'll do it for you

Originally posted by Soapbox

Thanks for the public and private message. I'd personally prefer we be on good terms of course, but seriously... as a friend I do mean it: you will not accomplish a single thing if you keep posting negatively about anyone.

I'm just asking you as a friend to ease up. It'll just improve everything in the forums. I'm not saying don't talk trash, I'm just saying that I think the negativity might end up hurting everyone involved.

But again, thanks for the pm. I would very much like to be friends.

That was in response to the first pm. And I meant it. But I won't try to be friends with someone that continues to distort the truth and intentionally ignore facts when it's detrimental to... everything. So thus, unless I think you make a valid point and it merits a valid response, I'm done trying to intellectually respond to you. And I wasn't suckering you for the org. If you tone down the insults a bit and act more rational, I would still very much like to be friends.


Originally posted by SheVegas

The APL has had a bigger A hole then Cali from day 1- Named HOKIEMAN

Whew, I thought you meant Hokiemon for a sec.

Soapey- Number 1...I type like shit....So make fun of me all you want....You MIGHT be the kind to make fun of someone that has a problem reading, or has a physical handicap...IDK....Second - I am 36...I don't know all of the computer lingo...QQ...Rst...DDT, etc....Sorry I don't....I also am a man of my word...I work with kids who have behavior problems...I deal with students who look for the easy way out everyday...That is why it is so easy to see the type of person RT and Hokie are...I read them like a book day 1 of the APL...On the other hand , you Soap got caught in the crossfire, sticking up for your team, which I respect.....I also said day 1 I would never respect the Coyotes, or LOL.....How could I....I spend 8 hours a day working with kids, telling them to always work hard and don't look for the easy way to get what you want....Have I made immature comments at times???? Hell yea!!!...Do I act on my teams forum like I do here...Hell no...Why??? Because honestly....I do not give 1 ounce of gay midget porn what any other owner or any other teammates of other teams in the APL think of me....I am not here to make friends, like LOL always says...I have "real" friends in real life that I care about...On here I care only about my team.....Maybe that his being selfish, but I don't come here to stir the pot...I come here to tell what has happened to the APL from day 1.....Also I will never swap out of the APL....You want to get rid of me, you will have to have the ABD relgated to AAA,,,Then I might look elsewhere...Until then I will always to my best for ABD, while reminding the new teams what a joke of an owner Hokieman, Hokiemon, Hokiemidget is.......So hate me if you want, I don't care, I hate nobody...I think and this is my opinon, that Hokie was a nobody growing up and he is somebody in GLB....So have all of your championships,,I am very happy with my real life.

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