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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Zeta Round 1- The Fight is On!
Things are different than last season, number one being that every team is beatable (including the Gunners) so we all better have our A game ready and running. We have two new faces in the play offs this season, The Sharks and Troyfins make their first (of many i'm sure) appearances. The Raiders were the #8 seed last season but barely missed out this one. Good luck to everyone, i'm sure it's going to be good.

Sharks at Gunners
Gunners are content with finishing out a perfect 16-0 but anything less than a championship is a failure on all levels. The Sharks aren't a team to be toyed with because they have teeth (Forrest Run just being the most obvious one). The Gunners have the weapons to take this game early, it's up to the Sharks to rip them out of their hands before they can fire them.
Gunners by 24

Brisbane Troyfins at FFFoxes
Foxes are another team that can get up on you in a hurry. The Fins need to find a way to harass the rodents and make them lose morale and focus in a hurry. Figure out a way to get BJ Henderson in the backfield before the Foxes fast WRs get behind your secondary and you should be able to keep the score down. Let Uranas Virtue run wild to slow the clock down is another. Foxes just need to turn on the jets and never look back.
Foxes get a game of it, win by 14

ASRW at Newcastle Mountain Lions
Something is fishy in Alice Springs. Either they regressed through bad gameplanning, their builds were turned useless by Bort's tweaks or they're playing an interesting endgame of playing possum/turning into bears. The Lions will find out which is true. There's 3 natural rivalries that I think were born from season 3 and that's Gunners/Foxes Devils/Swarm and ASRW/Lions and it'll be interesting to see how this one plays out. Lions took the regular season and seem to have the better builds but I expect surprises are in store.
ASRW by 10
(editor's note: ASRW is now a 45, so they had saved the majority of their boosts)

Devonport Devils at Tasmanian Swarm
This is another natural rivalry and Swift and the crew need to be gameplanning like the devil if they don't have any boosts left. Swarm took the recent regular season game and if talent/gameplanning don't change drastically for the Devils they can expect the same result. Devils are cagey though and might pull something out of the pits of Hell and eliminate the Swarm.
Devils find a way to stop the Swarm's O, win by 3

Blast from the past:
Last seasons 1st round matchups
Stingers vs Raiders- Stingers won
Foxes vs Lions- Lions won
ASRW vs Swarm- ASRW won
Gunners vs Devils- Gunners won.

you spelled his name right for the first time ;p

Good luck tomorrow...
Good luck to all you playoff teams. Hope to be back in the mix next season, just need some help coordinating and recruiting, sigh.

still no respect

goodluck devonport
Originally posted by johnbarber
(editor's note: ASRW is now a 45, so they had saved the majority of their boosts)

good luck asrw
thanks for not picking us JB
good luck to you too Tasmania. Should be interesting, win or lose.
Good luck to all.

Now cower in fear at the arse whuppin' the Wallabies are about to apply...

Originally posted by JocularFX
Originally posted by johnbarber

(editor's note: ASRW is now a 45, so they had saved the majority of their boosts)

oh man you guys really got us. we totally had no idea you were holding your boosts for the end of the season.

now we have to change our entire gameplan for this crazy chip that they played that everyone knew about after game 6 and was already waiting for and planned for.
Originally posted by SyedAshrafulla
Originally posted by JocularFX

Originally posted by johnbarber

(editor's note: ASRW is now a 45, so they had saved the majority of their boosts)

oh man you guys really got us. we totally had no idea you were holding your boosts for the end of the season.

now we have to change our entire gameplan for this crazy chip that they played that everyone knew about after game 6 and was already waiting for and planned for.

watch out
No offense ASRW but if you held all your boosts on the season to be a 6th seed, you guys are dumber than I thought. Hole playoff game revenue is what the playoffs are about you all just washed that shit down the drain.
Originally posted by johnbarber

Brisbane Troyfins at FFFoxes
Foxes are another team that can get up on you in a hurry. The Fins need to find a way to harass the rodents and make them lose morale and focus in a hurry. Figure out a way to get BJ Henderson in the backfield before the Foxes fast WRs get behind your secondary and you should be able to keep the score down. Let Uranas Virtue run wild to slow the clock down is another. Foxes just need to turn on the jets and never look back.
Foxes get a game of it, win by 14


My boy got a mention.

*Wells up*

Im so proud.
Go Devils!
"Brisbane Troyfins at FFFoxes
Foxes are another team that can get up on you in a hurry. The Fins need to find a way to harass the rodents and make them lose morale and focus in a hurry. Figure out a way to get BJ Henderson in the backfield before the Foxes fast WRs get behind your secondary and you should be able to keep the score down. Let Uranas Virtue run wild to slow the clock down is another. Foxes just need to turn on the jets and never look back.
Foxes get a game of it, win by 14"

Gee coach, got anymore gameplan suggestions for our opposition?
I get the feeling that you really don't want to face us again..

is common sense considered a gameplan?

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