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A quick recap of the Minotaur vs Mutineers game today
Last edited Aug 5, 2008 17:56:11
Looks like another long season for the mutineers. I had a reasonable defensive plan set for this game but we have 15 inactive players right now. One was our starting QB and half of our starting 0-line. I also just got asked to release one of our players. Our owner isn't as involved as he should be and is leaving everything up to me. I have tons of offers out to FA's but noone wants to play for our team.. Oh well. We should get one win this season. Maybe.
Sorry to hear the owner dumped this on you like that. I'd petition Bort or the proper authorities concerning this matter and request a possible team purchase

That sucks the owner ditched. Keep your head up bro. Good things come to those who work for them, and it sure seems you are doing your fair share. Stay active and be positive, and that will attract like minded players.
Yes, stick with will turn around if you get the right guys in place who are looking to help rebuild the team and make it work. As long as you can get some team-first guys in there that don't mind helping out and getting things back on track, you will be fine.

Keep at it, set it the best you can and try and get people active again...losing sucks, but at least if you try your best and try to have fun doing it, it can still work out in the end.

Good luck with getting that win or more

If your owner is inactive for 14 days you can request the team be sold to one of the GM's.
It's not that the owner is inactive. He isn't very proactive for being an owner. He leaves everything up to everyone else. The only thing I'm not capable of doing right now is stadium renovations and trading/releasing players. Other than that I can contact FA's, set the offense and defense. I just found out that I could do the OC thing but we still have an OC that changes everything that I have set up. It's just stressful b/c no matter what I do things are changed. I'm trying to do what is best for our team but yet everything I do is changed. I have 10 offers for different players/positions that we need and of those 10 five were retracted 2 hours after I sent out the offers. I'm not sure why anyone would do that seeing as we only have 2 DE's on our team.. Those to DE's agents are getting pissed b/c their guys don't get any time to get their energy back up. The help I try to get them just gets retracted like we don't need two more DE's. That's just one example.. I have plenty of different situations..
That is too bad. Keep trying. You guys have a good team and still have a chance to have a decent year. Your scedual is tough with Huli next and you guys did beat the Volcano last year. Try to keep your forum active and try to work with the other GM. Explain to him and maybe the whole team what you are trying to do and why and maybe your things won't get changed. You could pick up a CPU DE for now to help with energy issues.

This game is tough because it is more about relationships and working with others than football. Good Luck. I hope your hard work pays off.
i have tried during off season 2 sign i wasnt getting anywhere since than lots of time ive needed went in 2 an lawsuit that still hanging above my head, sorry armyvet its true ive left an bit 2 mucht 2 you

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