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So what do the fine folks of Canada A#3 think about this whole Favre situation? Personally I'm all for him coming back, fighting Rodgers for a starting spot, and taking the Packers back to the playoffs. Yes it sucks for Aaron, sure it might be difficult for the Packer's organization to realign itself to Favre after they already took steps assuming his retirement, but the things this man has done for the league, for the Packers, and for the town of Green Bay, he deserves at least one "get out of retirement no questions asked" card.
The whole situation sucks and has been badly played by both sides. Favre was a class player and legend in Lambeau. Unfortunately it is hard to give up something you have done all your life. I believe there is so much more to this than we get in the media. I enjoyed watching Favre play, but personally I would have respected him more if he made his tearful goodbye and stuck to it. I am glad he did not take the 20 mil to stay retired. Had they offered him more would he have taken it? Maybe. He has been an incredible player and he still has game left in him. But is what he has left worth it. I hate seeing a legend who spent his entire career at one team (which is a rare) try to get a few more seasons somewhere else. Montana going to KC, Emmitt going to the Cardinals, just doesn't feel right; and the level of play seems so much less than it was. All we can have is opinion on the matter, only if we were in that actual situation can we truly judge.
Last edited Aug 4, 2008 22:33:00
The Packers should have stuck to their guns. The have a young talented team and they should have taken their bumps with Rodgers this year. They should have shipped him to Oakland.
Who cares. I just want it to be over already!
4th Quarter
2005 - QB rating of 70.9
2006 - QB rating of 72.7
2007 - QB rating of 95.7

I used to like the guy, but I'm SO tired of him fake retiring EVERY DAMN YEAR SINCE 2004. I hope he reverts to his old ways, sucks all season and embarasses himself on a national stage and finally GOES AWAY.
James Murphy
Okay I usually dont have a problem with you 4th but that statement was assinine. Stop and think about it for a second. If Favre rejected the 20 mil deal doesnt that tell you he wants to play?
well if anyone buys into the curse he is on the cover of madden 09
^^ incomplete sentence

You knew he was going to come back. He made his decision to retire to early. This situation is hell for Aaron Rodgers. Also I think in a way it will ruin one of Farves great aspects/legacies if he goes to play for another team. Not many players now-a-days, especially skill player positions, play for the same team for 16 seasons. That is one cool thing about Farve. I would love him to stay in Green Bay as a backup since he is back. He really has nothing left to prove. Brett Farve is the greatest.
How can anybody blame the Packer's in this fiasco? Brett has been holding the "retirement" gun to their head for five years. Four years ago they drafted Aaron Rodgers in the first round to be Brett's replacement. Last year Brett retires, then changes his mind. This year, he retires and says he means it this time.

At what point do the Packer's move on? When do they say enough is enough? Brett Favre is a player, he is not the GM of the team, yet he expects the GM to answer to him.

This entire situation was created by Favre's flip flopping. He should have either just STFU and played or retired. I used to be a huge fan of Favre, but his exceptional arrogance, world revolves around me attitude, and lack of commitment to the team has truly tarnished my opinion of him.
Especially since they used a 2nd and 7th round pick on QB's. I understand the team doesn't want Farve in another uniform, but he is more of a headache at this point, and it will be all downhill from here.
Originally posted by beerbaron
^ I would love him to stay in Green Bay as a backup since he is back. He really has nothing left to prove. Brett Farve is the greatest.

I don't think its fair to Favre to keep him on and assume he's a backup. Your best player should start, and in that case you should have an open tryout for QB1. Have him and Rodgers fight for it in the preseason - if anything it will make them both better and you'll be in an even better situation to start the season. If he does happen to stay with the Packers and does happen to be a backup, Rodgers is going to know that as soon as he throws a couple picks, or misses 4 or 5 straight passes, or takes a few sacks, 75,000 fans are going to be chanting WE WANT FAVRE.
4th Quarter
Originally posted by Kensham
Okay I usually dont have a problem with you 4th but that statement was assinine. Stop and think about it for a second. If Favre rejected the 20 mil deal doesnt that tell you he wants to play?

Obviously he wants to play. When did I say he didnt want to play? I hope he sucks so bad that no team will want him.
James Murphy
I know you didnt say it but why do you want him to do bad? All he wants to do is play. If you played in the NFL most of your life and retired knowing that was your passion wouldnt you want to come back?
People retire at crappy jobs with sucky pay and end up coming back just because they miss the routine. Happens in everyday life.
4th Quarter
Originally posted by Kensham
I know you didnt say it but why do you want him to do bad? All he wants to do is play. If you played in the NFL most of your life and retired knowing that was your passion wouldnt you want to come back?

Of course I would want to play until I couldnt play anymore. I dont blame him for wanting to play, but this little dance he's done over and over again shows how self centered he is. It's not that he wants to play, it's the manner in which he's conducted his decision to return each year. He has totally screwed the organization and his teammates by threatening retirement each of the last 5 years. It's shown a complete lack of respect for all of his coworkers. Try looking at things from the perspective of the organization and teammates.
Last edited Aug 5, 2008 19:24:25

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