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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #2 > Interesting first round of games in Zeta......

Did not expect BAMC to lose first up, even if Dunedin did look really good!

And Tonga allowing 21 points surprised me too!

Biggest surprise of all was that there was only one shutout and it was us, and our D was woeful last season!

Thoughts on first games Zeta??
Sydney gave up 21 over in Alpha, too. Defenses can't be quite as "shutdown" this season as they have in the past. Before this season, you really didn't have to defend the run much at all if you had good builds and approximate level equality. With the new boosts to run blocking, and the nerfs to tackling, a D has to pick their poison to an extent. Speed is no longer the whole game on D, the other guys'll just run you over.

Not really shocked by the Dunedin win in light of that, they've had a top 2 or 3 offense since day 1 of last season. At the moment, it's #1. Bikini won games with speedy D to complement their O, so there was some vulnerability to the season 4 changes there. I expect they'll adjust before long.

Marinara-Horsemen is interesting. Really tight game there.

Redscape-Coney wasn't as close as I had expected. Both teams did OK in yardage, but both DLines got creamed in the pancake area.
I am glad that we could start the season off with such a big win. I hope that this is just a beginning of what is to come for us.

I hope this game means that we are set to make the playoffs.

Good luck to everyone.

It was a good game Uluru, the Ronnie Rockers offense definitely has some tweaking to do, our defense held great until the 4th quarter, but can't blame them, they were on the field a lot. Once we can get that offense's tweaks in right, they should compliment the defense nicely. For now though, it's a game by game experiment to see how long our lower level guys can hang in there.
GG out to Ramekins.

Very close game. Much improved from last year.

GL this season.
45-14 was a pretty good start for us in the first game of the year. We are looking forward to the rest of the season if they all go like this
Yikes. Too bad the NMI owner is inactive (apparently he has a good reason) and, without a single GM capable of signing contracts, 23 of our players entered free agency on the roll-over today.

So much for our season, have fun mopping the floor with us, Zeta conference. lol

As competitive as we were last year I hate seeing our team evaporate like that.
Originally posted by easycheez
Yikes. Too bad the NMI owner is inactive (apparently he has a good reason) and, without a single GM capable of signing contracts, 23 of our players entered free agency on the roll-over today.

So much for our season, have fun mopping the floor with us, Zeta conference. lol

As competitive as we were last year I hate seeing our team evaporate like that.

That really sucks. Sorry to hear that easycheez. You guys were definitely a team to look out for last season.
Originally posted by easycheez
Yikes. Too bad the NMI owner is inactive (apparently he has a good reason) and, without a single GM capable of signing contracts, 23 of our players entered free agency on the roll-over today.

So much for our season, have fun mopping the floor with us, Zeta conference. lol

As competitive as we were last year I hate seeing our team evaporate like that.

Ouch! we had all our game plan set for you guys as well - that sucks.

Hope you can get off that team soon, or you are in for a season of pain!
Wow, they got slashed. There's still a skeleton there. Not enough for a repeat playoff appearance, but 16s-18s are somewhat easier to recruit these days, and if you could fill in the vacant spots, you could compete with a few of the teams.
Originally posted by DJDom
Originally posted by easycheez

Yikes. Too bad the NMI owner is inactive (apparently he has a good reason) and, without a single GM capable of signing contracts, 23 of our players entered free agency on the roll-over today.

So much for our season, have fun mopping the floor with us, Zeta conference. lol

As competitive as we were last year I hate seeing our team evaporate like that.

Ouch! we had all our game plan set for you guys as well - that sucks.

Hope you can get off that team soon, or you are in for a season of pain!

That does suck. GL to you on your new team.
Originally posted by easycheez
Yikes. Too bad the NMI owner is inactive (apparently he has a good reason) and, without a single GM capable of signing contracts, 23 of our players entered free agency on the roll-over today.

So much for our season, have fun mopping the floor with us, Zeta conference. lol

As competitive as we were last year I hate seeing our team evaporate like that.

I had some guys on a team previously whose owner went inactive, I'm pretty sure that after 3 weeks of inactivity Bort can offer up the team to the members of the team who've been there the longest if they want to take over and have sufficient FP to do so. That's what happened with that team anyhow. Might want to shoot him a PM and see what he can do. You might be able to work something out to keep the team intact and get someone in there who will at least dedicate GM's in the event the owner has to go inactive regardless of a good reason or not. Just a thought though.
Last edited Aug 3, 2008 11:31:50
Originally posted by DarkHelmet
Originally posted by easycheez

Yikes. Too bad the NMI owner is inactive (apparently he has a good reason) and, without a single GM capable of signing contracts, 23 of our players entered free agency on the roll-over today.

So much for our season, have fun mopping the floor with us, Zeta conference. lol

As competitive as we were last year I hate seeing our team evaporate like that.

I had some guys on a team previously whose owner went inactive, I'm pretty sure that after 3 weeks of inactivity Bort can offer up the team to the members of the team who've been there the longest if they want to take over and have sufficient FP to do so. That's what happened with that team anyhow. Might want to shoot him a PM and see what he can do. You might be able to work something out to keep the team intact and get someone in there who will at least dedicate GM's in the event the owner has to go inactive regardless of a good reason or not. Just a thought though.

This is a very nice idea, actually. However, I'd be concerned about the results of that. First, everyone since Season 1 is now only allowed to own 1 team. Second, that would eliminate any people with sufficient FPs who already own a team. I hope there's a player on NMI that has enough FPs to run the team while not owning a team himself. If so, this idea's fantastic.
And to all the players on NMI, I'm very sorry this happened to you all. I hope you can find solid players on the FA market to compensate for the positions you need. Just an awful situation.

A few of my random thoughts:
1. What an upset, Dunedin. Maybe I should go out of town again when Tonga plays BA? Nah, just kidding. I'm sure BA will adjust and get back to its old dominant self. And Dunedin's sure announced its presence loud and clear!
2. Definitely anxiously anticipating the game against Christchurch tomorrow. You all have a great crop of talent, and I'm looking for a hard-fought game that'll take the whole time to decide.

Lotsa Stickem
inactivity is one of those things that should be taken care of by the owner up front. I understand that an owner may have other things to manage in his/her life, but inactivity should not happen. The owner should be getting some help from someone on the team, e.g. placing gm's in control of OC, DC, and sign/release...prolly one of the most important things to look at when signing with someone. I also understand as a player with no GM rights, you are screwed. something definitely needs to be done with this type of activity, but as a player, you can also make a better decision as to who you deal with.
Originally posted by cdcollins

2. Definitely anxiously anticipating the game against Christchurch tomorrow. You all have a great crop of talent, and I'm looking for a hard-fought game that'll take the whole time to decide.

I hate having to play you guys this early in the season. Definitely have kept our coordinators up late studying film. Hopefully we can give you guys a good battle!


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