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HCDDTCN: We welcome today MR Kendog, owner of the Austin Longhorns. Mr. K congrats on your fine playoff season.

Kendog: Thank you. It was a long road to get there, but now we have something to build on.

HCDDTCN:Your team seems to have a bit of momentum with the improvement you showed inseason three, how has the offseason treated you? Have you made any key additions or suffered any attrition?

Kendog: We were able to upgrade our kicker and running back. The running back might be our biggest addition and the duo that we have now might be among the best in the league.

HCDDTCN: You have some fine players on your squad. Jim Turner comes to mind almost instantly when you think of Austin, is there anyone else that you think the league should take notice of?

Kendog: I expect both of our running backs, James Robinson and TA Xausted to have great seasons. This will also allow Chet to feel a little less pressure, but the offense revolves around Jimmy. Defensively, I think we are going to see huge seasons from Aaron Smithhh, QB Daddy, and from both corners, Willie Mays-Hayes and steve d. I have to say, I really like the makeup of this team and the direction that we are headed. This is a great group of guys and I would like to get back to the playoffs and reward these guys for all of there hard work.

HCDDTCN: GLB has gone through a lot of changes since we last strapped them on in live action. What have you as an owner done to get your team ready for these changes.
Kendog: Not slept. Visited the hospital a few times. I am becoming a regular there. My therapist says it is healthy for me to talk about this. Seriously, I have two great GM's. Xausted and jedaviso have really stepped up and we have spent countless hours working on the new settings and trying to come together and see how this new system will work for our team.

HCDDTCN: Do you like the direction GLB is headed? Do you feel the changes to the game have helped or hurt your team?

Kendog: I think the changes have definitely helped our team. The one thing that we had last season is the gameplanning. The changes just increase that. We won a couple of games last year against higher level teams and part of that is the gameplanning.

HCDDTCN: You made the playoffs for the first time last year, what will it take for you to improve on that great season?

Kendog: (smiles) I still like hearing that we made the playoffs last year. It is not going to be easy to get back there. We have done some good things in the offseason and now we just need to have the dots do the rest.

HCDDTCN: What do you think Austins record will look like in season 4?

Kendog: I am thinking about 10-6 or 11-5. The first part of the schedule is brutal. It will depend on how we start.

HCDDTCN: Anything you would like say as a parting note?

Kendog: This is a tough league and to get to the playoffs is terrific. I think we are going to see a lot of good games and this will be a very exciting season. I can't wait to see how it plays out.

great read =)
HCDDTCN: Lawdawg welcome.

Lawdawg: Thanks Buddy. Always good to set the rivalry aside for a moment to discuss football with ya. I know things get pretty heated come game week but all BS aside, those of us on the Roughnecks have a ton of respect for your football team.

HCDDTCN:The Texas Roughnecks had a great season last year, your thoughts?

Lawdawg:We set out primarily to do two things last season. 1) Earn a little respect by playing stepping up our play against the upper echelon in our league. We managed to do that against Sphere, H-Town, Omaha, and even beat the eventual A#1 Champion once late in the regular season after their historic boost. So mission accomplished there. 2) We really wanted to be a Top 4 seed in the playoffs as we saw that as both a sign that we would have arrived and a source of extra revenue. We really were fortunate to host two home playoff games and that really helped our team. So Season 3 was a huge success as far as meeting our team goals and has really got everyone on our team extremely motivated and active for Season 4.

HCDDTCN: You appear to have made some major strides in improving your ball club in the off season. What exactly has been your focus?

Lawdawg: We went into the off-season wanting to sign a top-notch WR or two. We signed one from within the team that is going to be solid for us but were unable to land one from free agency. I was pretty picky however and only offered the guys I thought would be serious play makers and held back from just signing the first "Level 20+" WR we could get. We dramatically improved our FG game in my opinion by signing an active booster with custom EQ. We also brought Earl Campbell back to his Oiler roots in a last minute blockbuster pickup. I really didn't have plans on signing another HB but he was just too enticing to turn down taking a chance at. We also signed a very solid LB and brought in a QB that many folks don't think can play. However I have faith in his new build and think he's going to be a dark horse in this league.

HCDDTCN: Your team has had an excelent preseason, will it translate to the regular season?

Lawdawg: I'd like to think so but one never knows. Defensively I think we've upped our game from a defense that was pretty damn good already last season. We're working hard to get our offense firing on all cylinders. If that happens I sincerely think we're going to be very dangerous. We've worked very hard this off-season to improve our players and to evaluate our playbooks. We beat two very good football teams this pre-season. But as always, there are some extremely salty football teams in the West and I honestly don't know how those games will go. All I know is that we're going to line up and give the best effort as a team that we've ever given collectively. Should be interesting to see how it pans out. I'm excited about this season.

HCDDTCN: You have publicly stated the new rules and procedures of the game have really helped your club, why is that?

Lawdawg: I don't know about whether it "helped our team" so much as we've tried to design our team to fit the new rules. The biggest advantage that we've worked hard to cash in on is the defensive AI. This has allowed us to really design a defensive playbook to meet many different variables. We're continuously evaluating and fine tuning so it should be fun to see what our defense looks like at the end of the season. We're a bunch of Aggies who graduated in the early to mid 90s so we know what defense "should" be. Now if we can just find our groove offensively. . . .

HCDDTCN: You came up a little short last season, is this the year you get over the hump?

Lawdawg: That's so hard to predict in this conference. I do know that this team is giving its best effort collectively that I've ever seen it put forth. Our forum is insanely active with everyone working hard to better each other's players and there is daily input for so many things. It's a lot of fun to be a part of. Will it put us over the hump in the Western Conference? I do think we will be in the Top 4. But anything after that is purely speculation with the tough teams that are there with us. And until we PROVE we can beat Houston I'm not going to make any predictions of being a Conference Champion other than to say that we'll bust our asses to make this a classic game this season. We also are setting our sights on Dallas. They're an incredibly solid football team that we have a TON of respect for.

HCDDTCN: You have a very heated rivalry with the Houston Orangebloods. Your fans are frustrated at managements inability to beat them. What can you say to your supporters on the matter to keep them from jumping ship?

Lawdawg: I don't know what goes on outside the locker room but I know the players on the team are working incredibly hard each day to make this team a special football team. We're all just as frustrated as the next person at not being able to get over that hump yet. But we sincerely believe we're giving it the best effort that we can this season and we hope to bring some respect to our side of the rivalry this season. Until then we're just going to have our noses to the grindstone and focus on our team and putting the best effort onto the field that we can.

HCDDTCN: This reporter has you penciled in as one of the top contenders in USA#1, how do you see the conference race playing out. Who in your mind are the teams to beat?

Lawdawg: The Western Conference is absolutely sick with talent. I sincerely believe that it wouldn't be a shock if any of Houston, Dallas, Texas, or Sphere won the west. And you honestly can't really rule out a dark horse coming out of left field, though it would surprise me. I think seeding is only going to matter for the $$$ this season and any of those 4 teams can take home the trophy.

HCDDTCN: IF you could take three players from any team in the conference who would you choose?

Lawdawg: First off, you've got to go with Sticky Wang. He is an absolute terror at DE. Then I think I'd definitely have to take Jimmy Turner because he's such a beast at WR and would fill an area of need for us. Finally I would have to pick up Iowa Jones. He's simply a beast at HB when he wants to be.

HCDDTCN: Well thats a wrap as far as I am concerned. Do you have any final thoughts?

Lawdawg: We're really looking forward to an outstanding Season 4. It's going to be an incredible race this year and we're optimistic we can be a true player in this race. Best of luck to everyone.

HCDDTCN: Mr Hydroshock, its been a long off season. Are you ready to go at it again?
HydrOshocK: Absolutely. I'm tired of the games not meaning anything. Let's get this thing going already!

HCDDTCN: Now that your first run in USA#1 is behind you, what are your thoughts on the league?
HydrOshocK: Very tough competition. Every one of the top contenders has a legit shot at the title this season. We're still a little bit behind the player level curve but gaining ground every day so we hope to be in the hunt at the end.

HCDDTCN: Your team had a pretty impressive inagural season. How do you feel you stack up this season?
HydrOshocK: Thanks. Well we lost some key pieces to the puzzle and weren't able to fill all the holes, but as a whole our core group is still together and getting stronger. We spent a ton of time this offseason perfecting player builds and working on tactics so we feel like we have a good chance.

HCDDTCN: What are the Hitmens primary goals this season if it is to be called a success?
HydrOshocK: We MUST reduce our turnovers . We felt like we had a chance to win every game last year but constantly kept shooting ourselves in the foot. Also, our personal goal is to be in the top 4 this time and host a playoff game.

HCDDTCN: Has your club had any exciting additions this offseason? Or has it been just a matter of getting better with what you have?
HydrOshocK: I brought in my very first player build to fill the hole at LB. Bobby Skullcracker was a big part of the Brigade's (formerly Invaders) EE Pro title run in season 1 and I expect him to make an immediate impact on the team. There's a lot of great RBs in this league so you have to have great LBs to counter that.

HydrOshocK: How do you see the division playing out this year? Why?
HydrOshocK: Tough to say with all the gutting going on around us. I hope that helps our chances of securing a top 4 spot but you never know. In the end we still have the same power house teams as last season in the Sphere, Orangebloods, Rougnecks, etc. so I expect it to be a battle til the end.

HCDDTCN: there are two new additions from your former league, how do you feel they will fare?
HydrOshocK:I think they'll do well but they'll be surprised at the difference from BBB. If the sim treats them anywhere near like it did us last season they're in for a bumpy road and a lot of frustration.

HCDDTCN: Any words of wisdom for your BBB brothers?
HydrOshocK: Pray that the turnover ratio has been improved this season (all 3 former BBB teams that made the A#1 playoffs last season had a combined 16-3 turnover diff against their opponents and were knocked out in the 1st round), and buckle up and enjoy the ride!

HCDDTCN: Open mic, say what you want.
HydrOshocK: Hitmen in season 4 baby!! Bet on it!
Carribean Sphere

HCDDTCN:On the dawn of what promises to be a hard fought season four, we had a chance to sit down with the enigmatic leader of the Caribbean Sphere Mr. Cerneo:. Welcome Mr. Cerneo

Cerneo: Good to be sitting down the HCDDTCN again.

HCDDTCN: At the end of the year you were plagued with mouth injuries, have you recovered?

Cerneo: I disagree, last season we met every goal we set for ourselves except one. We won a lot of games, lost a couple close ones, got a home seed and finished our stadium. Coming into the season our goal was two home play off games and after that we would enjoy how the chips fell.

HCDDTCN: Is there any truth to the rumors that you have had bouts with an addiction to prescribed pain killers, and were just released from the Betty Ford clinic?

Cerneo: No comment

HCDDTCN:Well it has at the least been an eventful off season for you. How have you and the staff handled the adversity?

Cerneo: We made no pick ups and lost noone. Easy honestly, we sent about 50 offers to for a back up SS but it was a no go, seems we will be weak there this season.

HCDDTCN:Season three started with a ton of promise for the always strong Sphere club. Your team led by you outwardly appeared cocky, declaring themselves the favorites in the west only to be bounced early in the tournament by eventual champs Chicago. Do you think your club may have put the cart before the horse a title?

Cerneo: I still feel we were the favorites in season 3, we just underperformed.

HCDDTCN: That makes three years in a row you were eliminated by the league champs. What does that say about the Sphere.

Cerneo: We have no idea, we do that means our trophy case is getting very dusty…

HCDDTCN: You were among the league leaders in almost every statistical category as a team and individually last season. What steps have you taken to improve on that and reach the mountain top?

Cerneo: Our number one step has been to get over the feeling losing gives you. We know now what its like to lose that crushing game when you want it so bad. We don’t want to deal with that again. We have all stepped up for scouting and other aspects of the game.

HCDDTCN: What Are the team goals at Caribbean this season?

Cerneo: First goal is playoffs, second goal is 13 wins, last but not least a home seed to help with the upcoming lvl 32 gear…

HCDDTCN: Do you want to take a shot at picking the top four teams in the west?

Cerneo: Horns, Houston, Sphere, Roughnecks, in that order.

HCDDTCN:Well Cerneo: as always, it has been a pleasure to sit and chat with you. Do you have any parting words for your fans and adversaries in USA#1?

Cerneo:Yep look forward to some projections soon.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn

HCDDTCN: At the end of the year you were plagued with mouth injuries, have you recovered?

LMAO!! Sorry but that's just plain funny.
Originally posted by HydrOshocK
Originally posted by BuddyHorn

HCDDTCN: At the end of the year you were plagued with mouth injuries, have you recovered?

LMAO!! Sorry but that's just plain funny.

Seriously folks. These interviews are awesome.

Austin Longhorns : Two wins in Season 1, Five wins in Season 2, Nine wins in Season 3.

Darn this murderers row to start the season....But we'll keep fighting the good fight. Too bad Kendog told everyone about our new RB.

Our players enjoy the fact that this forum & league is so much fun. I keep giving USA A#1 props to all players that you guys are recruiting, even when I'm recruiting the same player, I tell them to go to USA A#1.
We all knew about the RB. Dont think you snuck that by us.
Originally posted by jedaviso
Too bad Kendog told everyone about our new RB.

And? We've got 3 just as good as he is.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn
We all knew about the RB. Dont think you snuck that by us.

That is why I mentioned it. I knew everyone saw him, expecially after the performance that he put on even against a gutted team. 9 TD's is ridiculous.
Pyscojester interviews a couple of folks for the rag.

Evil Deon

ED, we saw Houston make a strong push last year to try and claim the title, thanks to the play of the stout Orangebloods D, yet fall just short. What do you feel you needed to do personally to improve from last year?

I don't need to improve. I have been blessed by God himself to be the most complete and perfect CB the game of football has ever seen. I suffered a little toe injury toward the end of the season and now I have fully rehabed. Perfection will once again grace the fields of USA#1.

How did the loss in the playoffs last year motivate you and the rest of the defense heading into this year?

Look, the loss was unfortunate for sure. The defense did its part. I have come in extra in the offseason to help the WRs get better and give the offensive coordinator some lessons.

We hear you have a new Defensive Coordinator in Houston. What is he like and how do you feel about his schemes thus far?

The guy is great. When I gave Houston permission to demote PT206 I had to make sure they understood what I was looking for in a coach. I hand picked Pysco, because he seemed aware of how blessed he is to work with this devine creation. The methods implemented have so far allowed me to grab an interception a game in the offseason and I look to make everyone look good in the new year.

There have been rumors that not only are you the father of Angelina's twins, but also the possibility of a techno album being put out by you.... is there any truth to that?

I have met Anelina on occasion. Brad Pitt picked me out to father thier children. I only charged a little over two million per child because I actually kind of enjoyed the situation. I just wish she would quit blowing up my iphone. It was just buisness Angelina, I do not love you!

My album is actually not Techno. It is a combined effort between myself, Barry Gibb, BB King and my relation ship with God has allowed me to borrow Johnny Cash while we put this thing together. I asked for permissin to get Elvis, he said he hasnt seen him since Aug. of 77. I am not sure what thats all about.

How do you see this season playing out?

I know my Houston team will rise up and go undefeated. We are the greatest team with the greatest player in the game.

You think your the greatest player? Some have said thats Jimmy Turner?

Jimmy who? Oh you mean that mental midget that abandoned his team in the playoffs? Taht dude does not belong on the same field as perfection. He agrees with me, thats why he didnt show up in the playoffs.

Finally, what do you hope to accomplish this season as both an individual and as a team?

Lets talk about me first. I am looking to avg atleast an int per game. I should return about a quarter of those for scores.
Team wise, we will win the whole enchilada. You can take that through customs.

Questions for WR Fast White Boy:

FWB, you appear to be one of the best when it comes to Houstons WR rotation, what do you attribute your success too?
Honestly? All of my success comes from a great QB, and other talented players that allow me to use my athletic gifts to the fullest.

We have been notified that Houston made a few key offseason additions to the roster, and even brought in yet another top notch recieving threat. How do you see these new players meshing with the team?

Well I want to know who are these defensive coordinators going to put on our third 4th and 5th option. No one has the depth to hang with our offense. We have incredible rcvrs and backs.

How did you adjust after last seasons playoff loss, and how has it helped you to improve your game?

I was at the stadium at 330am every day running bleachers. watching film and working with the jugs machine. I hate to lose. I want to give my best. My teamates deserve for me to put my best foot forward to help us obtain our goals.

What teams are you looking forward to lining up across from this season? Any specific person you want to go one on one with?
Are you kidding? Dallas Horns of course. They are the team that ruined our dream.

I wish I could get a one on one matchup, but the DCs in our league are too intelligent to let that happen.

Would you care to give us your prediction for this upcoming season?
Well I know Houston will have a great season. I just hope I can help the team navigate the season in one piece and put together a solid post season run.

On a personal lvl, I would like to go to the probowl. I think I could lead the league in receptions, yards and TDs. If I do, I will have to buy Dean a new bentley though.

Oklahoma Thunder

This article brought to you in part, by Big Red auto sports and Imports.

HCDDTCN: The Thunders owner oukurt has just joined us live from training camp. Welcome to the program.
oukurt: (burp)

HCDDTCN: Your squad had a slow start to the season in 03, but you came on strong to finish it out. What can you attribute this turn around to?
oukurt: We made some adjustments as the season went on but for the most part the first half of our schedule was just flat out brutal.

HCDDTCN: Your team is a darkhorse candidate with a legitimate shot at a nice spot at the playoffs in 04. How do you see your season playing out?
oukurt: With some key offseason additons the Thunder fully expect to make the playoffs. Anything less will be a disappointment.

HCDDTCN: There are two Oklahoma teams in the west, a division made up of a lot of Texans. What is your take on this?
oukurt: The other Oklahoma team is probably our biggest rival but is actually an Ohio team I believe. We are the only Sooners surrounded by a bunch of Orange Bloods and Horns. To be honest, it makes me throw up in my mouth a little bit from time to time being surrounded by all this ugly burnt orange.

HCDDTCN: Is it true your squad raided the Texas talent pool and only have 3 native Oklahoma boys on the team? Dont you find it ironic that a program that despises Texans so much depend so heavily on its talent to find success?
oukurt: Texas has the best football recruiting base in the world and has never been able to put it to proper use. Those Texas kids know where to come and win championships.

HCDDTCN: How does your team feel about the changes to the rule book in season 4? Are you ready to implement them into you club and what kind of impact do you think they will have on the league?
oukurt: I wish we had a few more scrimmages to play around with the new advanced settings but our team will be ready to give the juggernaut Houston Orangebloods all they want in the season opener.

HCDDTCN: Well it has been great chating with you, I hope we can do it again as the season progresses. Any words of wisdom for the masses in USA#1?
Last edited Aug 1, 2008 12:29:59
We're actually mostly Chicago-based.
"oukurt: I wish we had a few more scrimmages to play around with the new advanced settings but our team will be ready to give the juggernaut Houston Orangebloods all they want in the season opener."

And we look forward to seeing what you guys got.... Got a special D lined up just for you guys... consider it a welcome to Season 4 type deal.

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