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Forum > USA A Leagues > USA A #1 > The interviews are coming back
In preparation for the new season, we will try to have an interview from each team in the West.
All owners check your inbox tomorrow. Please fill them out and resend them same as the playoff edition last year.

I wonder who will be interviewed on our team???
The owner. Go wash my Benz.
I'll be out of town starting tomorrow until the 9th. Please PM Zoom instead as he will take care of that stuff until I'm back.
ATHGS: Buddy, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule for this interview
BuddyHorn: Any time. I am excited about this upcoming season.

ATHGS: I guess the first question is, you guys were undefeated during the regular season, but had a tough loss in the playoffs. Is your team over that, or are there still some affects from that game?
BuddyHorn: First of all, I have to give the Dallas Horns a lot of props. They came out and played a hard and smart football game. That was the best team on that day. I think the players took it very well. Most of the guys expressed their dissapointmen and came right back ready to get better this season. I think PT206 took it with a grain of salt. Me on the other hand took it pretty hard. I lay the blame of that loss square on my shoulders. I knew what was coming and how to attack it, but I didnt have the cajones to change the offense up. I vow to not be the weak link this season.

ATHGS: Looking at this season, a lot of people have tabbed you guys as the favorite. Do you like being labeled that?
BuddyHorn: Well honestly I love it. It means a lot to me to get that kind of respect from around the league. PT and I have put in tireless effort to get the team lined out the way it is and to be labled the favorite shows it is not wasted effort. While I velieve there are several deserving teams we are enjoying what we have put together.

ATHGS: What do you consider to be a successful season for your team? If you do not win the championship, is it a bad season?
BuddyHorn: I want to say championship or bust, but thats just not fair or realistic. A season like last year cant go unrecognized. So our goal is the USA#1 championship, but a successfull season to me would be a team that can beat anyone and has a good solidd playoff run. Our guys work hard and we will have a successfull season.

ATHGS: You were undefeated last season. Looking at this league, will that happen again this season?
BuddyHorn: There is no way that happens again. The odds are so far against that happening. Our league has too many worthy opponents.

ATHGS: Your team seems to play like a team with no true standout performer. Who would you rather have on your team, Sticky Wang or Jimmy Turner?
BuddyHorn: Can I have both? I love every player on our roster. I would Take Turner. I would take him because I can add him to the team without removing anyone else. those two players are 1a and 1b in my book.

ATHGS: Thank you for your time. Is there anything else you would like to say before we conclude with the interview?
BuddyHorn: I want to let it be known Houston does not have a chip on its shoulder we have a giant freaking wooden plank. While we may not go undefeated this year, you will have to bring your alpha game if you want to take us out. Our team is much improved since last you saw us. You have been served.

We cant wait to take some frustration out on them boys from Oklahoma.

Last edited Jul 31, 2008 23:49:47
ATHGS: Sticky Wang Jr., thank you for taking time out of your day to meet with me
Sticky Jr.: No problem. Anything for my fans.

ATHGS: Everyone wants to know if the DNA tests have come back to determine if you are Sticky's son and are you taking steriods? It looks like you started when you were a baby.
Sticky Jr.: I am still waiting on the DNA tests but I am sure I am his son. I remember when I was a young boy and me and Dad used to to take turns tackling tress in the forest. Good times. Me and Mr.Wang were born with 7 extra chromosomes making us biological freaks of nature.... in a good way. As for the steroids, I'm not sure where you got that from. I am all pure muscle with 0.001% body fat. I was naturally born strong. I remember pulling myself out of Mrs. Wang and snapping the umbilical cord on my knee. Saved the doctors some time. Some of my muscles may be tumors but I'm not sure yet.

ATHGS: Now on to the season. This is your first season in this league. Can you be a dominate force in this league?
Sticky Jr.: I have decided to hold my powers in for the first season or two and take it slow. I don't wanna be killin these scrubs out there! I expect around 30-40 sacks, most of them comin from play against Sphere.

ATHGS: How good is your team going to be this year and what would you consider to be a successful season?
Sticky Jr.: We have a team full of rookies. We're all takin it easy on these A#1 scrubs. We don't wanna hurt anyone out there. With that said, I can see us makin it to the playoffs with the 2nd or 3rd seed. Don't look at our scouting reports, those bars don't mean a thing! Even if they are below 20, they're just misleading.

ATHGS: Is there anything else you would like to say since this might be your only interview with this league before you end up being relegated down?
Sticky Jr: I'd like to say good luck to my Dad Mr.Wang. Keep on sackin these fools and feel free to send me your build so you can help your son develop.

lol good stuff here =)
No interview for teh Sphere? Fail imo.
Originally posted by Cerneo
No interview for teh Sphere? Fail imo.

They'll get to you after they get done kissing each other's burnt orange asses
Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by Cerneo

No interview for teh Sphere? Fail imo.

They'll get to you after they get done kissing each other's burnt orange asses

Originally posted by lawdawg95
Originally posted by Cerneo

No interview for teh Sphere? Fail imo.

They'll get to you after they get done kissing each other's burnt orange asses

Nah, since we were the ones writing them, we decided to get each others interview out of the way early so we could concentrate on the rest.
Originally posted by BuddyHorn

Nah, since we were the ones writing them, we decided to get each others interview out of the way early so we could concentrate on the rest.

I couldn't resist. I wouldn't have been myself if I had let that slide by
ATHGS: seven7, thank you for taking time out of your day for this interview
seven7:no problem , just trying to prepare for the upcoming season, our schedule looks tough this year

ATHGS: Noone is really giving you guys a chance to compete this year. How do you feel about that?
seven7:really? well our team and myself feel we can compete with he best of them, we have worked hard this offseason to improve ourselfs and i believe we have, guess we'll find out our first game when we play the h-town hitmen

ATHGS: Do you think your team is being disrespected or is it just as simple as the level of talent that all of the teams have?
seven7:i don't feel it's disrespect more like we are underestimated is all but i honestly believe we'll have a positive season

ATHGS: Can you compete for a playoff spot?
seven7:o yes i think we can , our players here at state have really shown alot of heart lately and if we can get these new tactics down i think we'll have a good playoff shot

ATHGS: What do you consider to be a successful season for you guys?
seven7:well, as long as it's not a losing season it'll be a successful one in my eyes

ATHGS: Is there anything else you would like to say before we conclude this interview?
seven7:i am very proud of the players here at nc state , they have shown alot of heart and class lately and if they continue to do show watch out =)

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