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My owner, Vilita, is abusing his power as GM. He won't start me at QB, b/c I can't boost, and he holds it over my head every time i ask to be released due to lack of playing time. He has not even attempted to trade me, or release me. Rather, he makes excuses, saying "it wouldn't be good for business". Basically, he wants me to stay on the team and rot. I signed a contract for 12 years, but for my brother, who no longer is in the league, not Vilita. I want to retire my player to make a new one, and the only way to is to be a free agent. He either doesn't understand it, or doesn't care and just wants me to rot. I know it is the ladder. This is very unjust, and I think I should be able to be released if I ask for it. This guy has even banished me from the forums twice, just for asking to be released. Not even demanding it. Asking. I think one of 2 things should happen. Either he agrees to release me, or he should be removed from his GM position.
I think you should reffer that case to a moderator
wombat killer
Quick translation for everyone:

My vagina hurts.
Why would he start someone who doesn't boost? It sounds like your situation sucks, sure, but bringing it to this forum isn't going to accomplish anything for you. Bring it to the mods' attention to try to get released, if you want, but I can guarantee you that no matter what he won't be removed as owner.

Also, if you signed a 12 year contract for your brother, why didn't he release you when it became apparent that he wasn't going to be the owner anymore? Actually, why and how did you sign a 12 year contract period? Last time I checked, the max contract length was 3 seasons.
Last edited Jul 26, 2008 11:27:31
season one, there was no length limit
Originally posted by wombat killer
My vagina hurts.

wombat killer, we dont need to hear about your vaginal problems
Sucks to be you... I don't think the mod's will do anything about it. Basically you signed a contract blah blah blah... It's your only player... I'd just abandon the account get a new email account and register a new GLB account to start over. Why put up with the nastiness for one guy? Set your daily training to relaxed and throwing. When your 12 years are finally up you'll be a stud about 2 levels higher than you are now with a bunch of daily training in throwing. You should be able to afford relaxed since he's still got you on payroll. You obviously got some money because you've got custom gear... just go normal or relaxed, whichever you can afford and abandon the account until season 12. Start over and enjoy.
Did you forget to mention that your lvl 19 QB has a ton of speed no agility and no throwing??? He isn't better than the starter.

And if every owner granted players releases when they wanted them, there would be a lot of teams with no players. Players need to think long and hard before signing contracts, because owners are well within their rights to hold them to it.
How about you try and work out a trade instead of crying to be released?
Originally posted by Ballbright
Did you forget to mention that your lvl 19 QB has a ton of speed no agility and no throwing??? He isn't better than the starter.

LoL! I'm not in favor of his situation or anything, but come on. Flair for the dramatic aren't you? A ton of Speed (30) and no throwing (59). Errr.... huh??? So I get what you're saying that his primary is low for a Pocket Passer, but with his points in the Scrambler tree it's obvious he was going for a balanced QB. Keep in mind that Agility ONLY just became more important for ground bursts of speed that the QB will need more than the speed skill that he had been training.

Anyway, why do you have to pick on the kid? He's just looking for a little help and just because he didn't do it the way you'd do it doesn't mean you need to pick him apart.

Serenity is right... go for a trade, promote yourself as looking for a team. I doubt anyone would begrudge you the right to trade out for cash or another player.
Why would you buy CE and not want to boost? Either way, you should try to find a trade offer and ignore the a-holes giving you crap. Best of luck, I'm sure some Canada A teams would love to have you
Free flex from Bort?
Originally posted by Serenity
How about you try and work out a trade instead of crying to be released?

who would want to trade for a non-boosting QB

Given the number of QB's created vs. positions available
now he refuses to trade me. i actually found a team that wants me(a team that went 0-16 last year, but a team nontheless), but he rejected their trade offer....
Since we're only getting 1 side of the story it's impossible to say for sure, but he sure sounds like a dick. Sounds like you're stuck with the original option... abandon the account and make a new one.

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