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Forum > Oceania AA Leagues > Oceania AA #4 > Season 4: Preseason Top Ten with commentary.
This preseason ranking is entirely subjective, personal bias was removed (as much as possible), based completely on CURRENT rosters, and is taken from a Defensive Coordinator's point of view. So please keep all that in mind before you flame or complain.

Drum roll, please......

1. Sacred Haven Knights. In my opinion, very little separated the Stingers, the Knights and the Hawks this season. Lucky breaks here or there, a missed throw, a bad tackle. These are teams I'd consider to be Tier 1 teams because their roster, offense, and defense are all solid. The fact that two of those Tier 1 teams have moved up to AAA leaves little doubt in my mind that the Knights will run the table next year. For all the Zeta non-believers, ask the Wallabies, the Foxes, and the Mountain Lions if the Knights are for real.

2. Guadalcanal Gunners. The Gunners get the preseason #2 spot over the #3 team mainly due to the fact that their coaching staff seems to be a little more active (at least on the boards). Their backup roster has significant holes and their defense is largely suspect because of it, leading me to believe that they will stay in the ranks of the Tier 2 teams unless some major improvements are done in the off season.

3. Newcastle Mountain Lions. Based upon their playoff performance, I was heavily leaning on putting these guys at #2. In the beginning and end of Season 3, their defense was unforgiving and defense wins championships. They just lacked the meat in the middle. For this team to do what they did with the roster they were working with was truly a feat worth recognition. They are Tier 2 simply because they lack talent. If they pick up some early season acquisitions, they could very well move into the ranks of the undefeated.

4. Hawthorne Headhunters. This was a close call between #3 and #4. The edge goes to the Headhunters because, despite their major slide at the end of Season 3, they have proven that they can win the big game. However, those two wins against the Hawks and the Knights were very early in the season and they will spend all next season trying to prove it wasn't just a fluke. They are good, but not great, across the board rooting them firmly in the Tier 2 family, but if they are not careful, they could very easily slip into the lower ranks.

5. Alice Springs Rock Wallabies. The last of the Tier 2 teams. The fact that the Wallabies have some of the most active and passionate GMs in the conference leads me to believe that they could see a major boon in talent based upon their recruiting skills. Should this happen, they could very well move into contention for the title. Until that happens, they are still a team that wins the games they are supposed to win and nothing more.

6. Fiji Storm. This team is a quasi Teir 1, Tier 2, and Tier 3 team altogether. By the numbers, their roster is hands down Tier 1, but the team chemistry is ridiculously horrible, the management is new and unproven, and the team is already jawing causing everyone to want to beat them. They are in this position strickly on roster level.

7. Sunshine Coast Condors. This team was a victim, by far, of the toughest schedule in the conference. They had to play the Hawks twice, the Knights, the Llamas twice, the Headhunters, the Rock Wallabies, and the Gunners. What team wouldn't get beat up with that schedule? This looks to be the typical West Coast Offense type team. Pass happy and no defense whatsoever. Until they shore up that defense and start holding people to under the 30 points per game they seem to give up, they will remain anchored in the Tier 3 class of the conference.

8. Fiji Flying Foxes. This team's loss to the Breeze confuses me. But for that loss, they would have been the #5 ranked team. It appears as if some of their backups are starting, which makes no sense since playoff games do not give experience. To me that is a cop out and a way to blame losses on not trying. This team needs to man up and show that they can win and are not afraid to lose.

9. Future Llamas of America. This team played the Knights and the Hawks tough and beat the Headhunters. So why are they ranked so low? Well, for one, they got destroyed by the Condors, who exposed their glaring inability to stop a high powered passing attack. But mainly it is because of lack of talent. Their coaching staff is good enough to contend, but they need some material to work with.

10. Tasmania Swarm. The best of the Tier 4 teams by a hair. What can I say? They will remain around the 50% win threshhold and will lose to every team they are supposed to lose to.

11. Sandersville Warchickens. Neck and neck with the Swarm for the coveted "Mud Bowl" trophy. They have not proven that they can hang with the big boys just yet.

12. Davenport Devils. They lost to the Chickens and beat the Breeze, securing them the #12 spot. Hey, at least you made the list.

I apologize for typos, I did not proof read.
Last edited Jul 22, 2008 23:26:23
good write up blue, thanks a lot for something to keep us going during the long cold off season.
why would you use scrimmage games to decide rankings?
I had CBs as WRs vs the knights? Don't ask me if they are for real.

thanks for the write up. Hows everyone's recruiting going?
Originally posted by dutchboyx9
why would you use scrimmage games to decide rankings?
I had CBs as WRs vs the knights?

In GLB, there is no benefit to playing backups over starters or CBs in WR slots during the scrimmage games, i.e. no experience from games during the post-season. Scrimmage games are there to fill time and to see how your team measures up against the other division.

In my opinion, and this is an opinion piece, people/teams who tank lineups during scrimmage games are simply afraid that they're going to lose and want an excuse for why they lost. What you're saying to me is that you had a chance to prove yourself against one of the best teams in our conference and you chickened out.
Last edited Jul 22, 2008 17:15:49
Originally posted by dutchboyx9
why would you use scrimmage games to decide rankings?
I had CBs as WRs vs the knights? Don't ask me if they are for real.

thanks for the write up. Hows everyone's recruiting going?

Only a fool or a coward would tank. Pick your poison.

My philosophy for the scrims is to test new strategies. I think my CB could play WR in this league.

I never really got involved with you Alpha guys, but I can see why everyone else thought you were assholes. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
I have to agree with dutchboy. Hell the 1st scrimmage game we had the other owner and I traded gameplans before the game. The only game I actually gameplanned for was the flying foxes, and I don't think they played all their starters. Scrimmage games should be for teams that weren't elite to try new things and learn from them.
Originally posted by dutchboyx9
My philosophy for the scrims is to test new strategies. I think my CB could play WR in this league.

I never really got involved with you Alpha guys, but I can see why everyone else thought you were assholes. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Reported for flaming and name calling.
Originally posted by dutchboyx9
My philosophy for the scrims is to test new strategies. I think my CB could play WR in this league.

I never really got involved with you Alpha guys, but I can see why everyone else thought you were assholes. Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

"Losers whine about their best, winners go home and fuck the prom queen."
Thanks for doing the preseason rankings.
The rosters are changing, and I know that the teams in the top ten are bringing in players to better themselves- I know I am. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Also, you left out the Fiji Storm- they were relegated but they have a lot of high level players!
Originally posted by CoachB05
The rosters are changing, and I know that the teams in the top ten are bringing in players to better themselves- I know I am. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Also, you left out the Fiji Storm- they were relegated but they have a lot of high level players!

I agree. Added them. Also, I reported myself for being a dumbass who can't even count to ten.
Nice write up... keep on writing playa...

Were here to have fun and take that number 1 spot..

Love the unbiased opinion...

So 3 out of the top 5 are in Zeta.. Huh!!
Originally posted by king_ar15
Nice write up... keep on writing playa...

Were here to have fun and take that number 1 spot..

Love the unbiased opinion...

So 3 out of the top 5 are in Zeta.. Huh!!

Seems like EE Pro all over again doesnt it King? Zeta is always dominant
An Alpha team won this league last season. Although, in the championship game the Zeta team was very close. My biggest concern for the new team is how much is the chemistry going to hurt them for the first 8 games of the year. I don't think 17 overall chemistry is going to cut if against teams in the 90's. Even if you out level some of these teams.
Last edited Jul 23, 2008 01:00:30

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