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Forum > Canada > Canadian A Leagues > Question for everyone.
We had to go through some major recruiting when we first got our teams for lvl 13 guys right. So now the cap is lifted, and now everyone is rushing to get higher lvl guys. I am getting kind of burned out trying to rush out and get a whole new set of guys so we can compete this season. Especially since we only had half a season before we had to do this all over again.

Am i just loosing my mind or does it feel like we kind of got screwed by starting in the middle of the season?
Yukon Don
I've been working on my season 4 recruiting for almost 10 days. So personally the stress is starting to lift as I'm almost done. I only have 3 holes left to fill, and those are mostly lined up just can't officially sign them until they are released on day 1 (or hopefully earlier). Also I have 8 pending trades right now, so my roster doesn't show all of my season 4 players yet.
Jesus, first, everyone whines that they want more teams, then he gives them to you, and you whine that it's not fair when you get them.

Quit complaining and just deal with it
mwagner this coming from a gm on the montana hannahs . If I knew I was going to get a team in the middle of a season I wouldve rather waited until season 4 to be honest. But hell I am going to have to do the best with what I have been given.

I am not complaining was just wondering if anyone else was getting the same feeling I was. Recruiting is probably the least fun thing to do IMO.
I love it.
That's just it. They were going to wait until the end of the season to send them out, but everyone whined and complained that they didnt want to wait, so they tried to please them and released them early, and now you want MORE special privileges. Teams like the one I am on (I just became a GM on the team less then a week ago), would have greatly benefited from a relegation, because we are dealing with an owner that paid no attention to the team, and are trying to rebuild in a short period of time.
Now, we have to sit here for another season, still over-matched and try to do the best we can.
Its def not easy getting high level guy to commit to you because they are getting high offers from teams who have been able to get more stadium expansions and high leagues but still your not the only one who has to do it...we all are. We still cope with it and some have more success then other. Alot of my guys are coming Day 1 though. No one said this would be easy man.
The worst part is you recruit a guy. He says he will sign when he becomes a free agent. So you wait around, make the offer, he rejects it and before you can find out what went wrong he has signed with another team.

Meanwhile, I have stopped recruiting that position and then find myself behind trying to get someone else in.

I don't know how college recruiters do it but it fries my head.
DL Moore
If recruiting bothers you, why not hire a gm?
Originally posted by rmc007

I don't know how college recruiters do it but it fries my head.

Letters of intent. Basically contracts but not quite as binding.
mwagner , I never whined I just signed up for a team. So stop putting me into the small percentage that whined. I was satisfied waiting for as long as I had to wait to get a team.

DL moore, finding a GM is like finding a needle in a haystack. I have posted so many times I cannot count about needing a good recruiting GM with no success. There are going to be 1024 new teams who are all going to be looking for GMs also.

RWCol2011 , Its not if its easy or not, frankly its really easy to offer contracts. I do not have control over 1,000s of teams looking for the same players I am looking for. And undoubtedly will get my offers rejected because I am not paying $150,000 for a lvl 16-18 player like some of these teams. There are just to many darn teams, and the forum recruiting process is just pure madness.
I am the recruiter for RWCol2011 team and we have brought in 1 guy so far but I cant telly ou how many times we have had like a lvl 20+ player say he will sign with us and before we can offer him something he signed with another team. But I am pretty happy with our 3 new people so far.
Yeah, there's definitely a lot of, "Sure, I'll sign!" then all the sudden I get a contract offer rejected. I even had a guy block me!
lol at getting blocked. It makes u sound like a stalker.
I know. "Any word yet?" is pretty intense and horrifying.

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