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Im being held captive by the worst team in this league Redcliff Razamanaz. I discussed my displeasure with our management (our record speaks for itself) and now theyve benched me. What can I do?
Unfortunately not much. I will tell you this...posting this info on this forum wont help you much. No team wants their dirty laundry aired in public.
Agreed Modok.

Not alot you can do other than try to work something out with them. See if you can work out a trade or something.
Well i will not give up. poor management is not acceptable to me not now, not ever. He just tries to improve himself and his friends. Im taking this all the way to the top.

First, I certainly don't condone your process of coming out here to discuss this publicly. It should be handled in house if possible.

To answer your question however, let's start with who you player is and your roster.

At LVL 7, you are not going to have high expectations in OAA4. Starting you would not make RR better nor would making you a FS backup, so that issue is still there. Secondly, you have 4 FS's on the roster, 2 of which out level you greatly. Do you see a problem with that?

Here's the deal. At $600.00 per diem, you being close to LVL 8 EQ upgrades and with the roster the way it is, benching you does no one any favors. I would say cut the fat and move on. Release. You can't be used in a trade that would get RR a good return anyway. JMO.

I tried to handle in house. no luck. Had to go the next route and i will keep posting until im released or traded.

Justin, sincerely, you aren't going to be released by doing this. They have the right to let you rot if they want and no Admin is going to side with you over record.

Poke around a bit. You aren't the only FS on a 1-15 team sitting behind starters. In fact, you aren't the only player on your team who wants to win, but you are the only one out here trying to make them look bad.

Your option is to play nice or to sit until season 5. Go play nice man, seriously. It might work out.

Originally posted by Ming Sao

Justin, sincerely, you aren't going to be released by doing this. They have the right to let you rot if they want and no Admin is going to side with you over record.

Poke around a bit. You aren't the only FS on a 1-15 team sitting behind starters. In fact, you aren't the only player on your team who wants to win, but you are the only one out here trying to make them look bad.

Your option is to play nice or to sit until season 5. Go play nice man, seriously. It might work out.


Sao is a wise one.
Originally posted by Justin Mathews
I tried to handle in house. no luck. Had to go the next route and i will keep posting until im released or traded.

Thats why you only sign a 1 year deal. Not 3!
Very informative. You should stick to these kinds of posts Ming

Justin, most negative actions are returned with negative reactions, as you can see with many of the posts in this forum. If you're unhappy with your situation, you should try to positively change things instead of just grumbling, etc.

Posting these kinds of threads just do one thing. It makes yourself look like a crybaby.

Look at the good things of what will happen. You're still getting paid, and your training costs aren't going up. If you aren't playing much in games, you can train on intense more often.
With the proposed and implemented degradation after X amount of seasons I can understand why this would be a bother...

however it's part of the game, so make another player and don't make the same mistake again ;p
He should be able to negotiate something though, I mean the 3rd FS on the team is a lvl 5. They have WR's playing CB?? You can't tell me he doesn't warrant at least a #5 position there, and on ST's. Even if he stirred things up in the forums it would be wise to help get him lvl'd up to improve trade value.

Justin open up your stats, let us take a look. Hell I might consider trading for you.
Last edited Jul 18, 2008 07:49:54
will do sooner
Originally posted by Justin Mathews
Im the best FS on the team and i never play. That is why this team is 1-15 (Poor management). i want to be traded

In defense of the Razamanaz, I, as the offensive coordinator, want you all to know, he handled this VERY poorly. That's what got management riled up. The 1-15 record is not a sign of poor management, it's a matter of being out leveled severely in most positions. When this team was built and filled with human players instead of CPU players, it was done quickly towards the end of the offseason, and a lot of higher level players were already committed. This team is full of good people, committed to winning. Bad seeds, ie: Justin, need to be weeded out.

Now and then, NEW owners of NEW teams are inexperienced, ie: the Raz owner. This should not be held against him. He is learning from us experienced players and is growing as is the team.

Justin's stats are FAR behind the two level 12's that are in front of him. He got plenty of playing time as a back up and on kick off teams, but wants to be a starter. Fine, that being said, I agree, if you're behind two level 12's I'd want to be released too, BUT do it in a private message to the owner/gm and NOT in public forum. AND don't knock the team because of record which MANY factors come into play.

Just my two cents......
Signing contracts longer than one season is typically a bad idea.

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