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outta curiousity, can someone explain to me what the point of having a level 13 cap for just one season is? (aka a 1/2 season?)

Once the cap is gone, teams are just gonna re-sign higher level players anyhow (see Anti-mod squad, for example)

if ur gonna set a cap per level, it should stick for each year. Then, just allow the "re-signing of current players" that exceed that cap, but were initially signed at or under level 13 and developed beyond the cap.

Any new player to be signed would still only be able to be level 13, thus requiring further development.

Any thoughts? Or am I smoking crack here....
i understand you but you cant limit who we wanna sign forever. We gotta be able to keep up with the rest of GLB
Yukon Don
Originally posted by The Angry Beavers
outta curiousity, can someone explain to me what the point of having a level 13 cap for just one season is? (aka a 1/2 season?)

Once the cap is gone, teams are just gonna re-sign higher level players anyhow (see Anti-mod squad, for example)

if ur gonna set a cap per level, it should stick for each year. Then, just allow the "re-signing of current players" that exceed that cap, but were initially signed at or under level 13 and developed beyond the cap.

Any new player to be signed would still only be able to be level 13, thus requiring further development.

Any thoughts? Or am I smoking crack here....


1) we wouldn't be able to compete with relegated teams
2) teams that got a late start or were sold wouldn't be able to sign competitive players

Just 2 quick issues...
It's a beta game. They're trying to experiment with ways to get human players out of the D leagues and also trying to keep scrub teams from higher levels from just gutting and moving in where they can play lvl 20s against lvl 5s and kill all competition and fairness. It'll take a while to get it right.
Originally posted by Bartholomew
It's a beta game. They're trying to experiment with ways to get human players out of the D leagues and also trying to keep scrub teams from higher levels from just gutting and moving in where they can play lvl 20s against lvl 5s and kill all competition and fairness. It'll take a while to get it right.

Exactly right. i forgot which thread I read it in but the level cap was an experiment to see what would happen how it's handled and what they can improve.
I understand the idea of cap...not sure they shouldn't just raise the cap 7 levels or so for next season...except that it would be hard to compete with relegated teams and for the promoted teams to compete.
I personally think the cap should stick... However, I don't think it should just be for new teams. Teams above us should have a 16 Cap, above them 20 and so on. That way if you want to sign better players, you move up and get promoted, or you keep your team together and continue building up levels and move up anyway.
Originally posted by Schaffer05
I personally think the cap should stick... However, I don't think it should just be for new teams. Teams above us should have a 16 Cap, above them 20 and so on. That way if you want to sign better players, you move up and get promoted, or you keep your team together and continue building up levels and move up anyway.

I hear what everyone is saying, but I agree with Schaffer here. If you cap each level (pro, AAA, AA, A, etc) at a certain level, (eg. 15,20,25,wide open for pro) that should be the max F/A you can sign at each. That way, teams are forced to let new players develop and move outta the "D leagues", rather than just go back and sign a level 21er after the first season has past, to replace his level 12 or 13 player. Players wouldnt be so anxious to jump ship either, nor GMs to cut a higher level player, knowing he'd have to replace him with a level 13er or less.

Plus, players can stay beyond level 13 and RE-SIGN with their same team, just not be an INITIAL 13+ signing... that way, you're team can still grow and be competative, and move up, but you can't pull a "Yankees" or "Rangers" (nhl reference) and sign the high level players.

on top of that, contracts would be that much more important, to both the GMs and Players, which would add a new element when the game brings in 'more purchasable items", which I've heard are coming.

That's my 2 cents.
Originally posted by Schaffer05
I personally think the cap should stick... However, I don't think it should just be for new teams. Teams above us should have a 16 Cap, above them 20 and so on. That way if you want to sign better players, you move up and get promoted, or you keep your team together and continue building up levels and move up anyway.

I agree.
Originally posted by Schaffer05
I personally think the cap should stick... However, I don't think it should just be for new teams. Teams above us should have a 16 Cap, above them 20 and so on. That way if you want to sign better players, you move up and get promoted, or you keep your team together and continue building up levels and move up anyway.

Another issue that is not being mentioned is we were the first league to have the level 13 cap mid season.

If we were able to sign lvl 10+ players at the start of the season and have them level with the team I don't think we would have as much complaining about the level cap.

Some of us were forced to sign much lower level players to replace the CPU players. There towards the end owners were in a frantic to get anyone regardless of their build. Then you end up with an underdeveloped team with a team losing streak a mile long.

Most players were wanting crazy contracts to begin with. Now we have teams in the red, and could lose their team. We have teams who will lose half of their players because they want to be on a winning team even though they were signed as a level 5 instead of staying on the D-League. Or our teams were pretty much used to level their players just to go elsewhere for season 4.

How many people had to sign players who would only accept day 40 contracts? Now out of those player how many are staying?

I am against the level cap for season 4. I think it will work much better having the cap at the start of the season instead of mid season. We can see all of the flaws now that we are knee deep in the mess. Starting a league Mid-season caused a lot of unneeded anguish. (Stadium construction, Ticket sales, Concessions, Racing for Players, Promotion, Level Cap, Team Chemistry...)

It seems they tried something new, and everyone complained about it. Our Team is rolling with it. We have been forced to try to find new players to fill our Roster. We are losing so many players that will not resign, the team is basically gutting itself. Players want to be on a competitive team, you can only game plan so much when you lack the competitive levels this early in players development. Again, I am against the level cap for Season 4.
Originally posted by Fernandez
Another issue that is not being mentioned is we were the first league to have the level 13 cap mid season.

If we were able to sign lvl 10+ players at the start of the season and have them level with the team I don't think we would have as much complaining about the level cap.

Some of us were forced to sign much lower level players to replace the CPU players. There towards the end owners were in a frantic to get anyone regardless of their build. Then you end up with an underdeveloped team with a team losing streak a mile long.

Most players were wanting crazy contracts to begin with. Now we have teams in the red, and could lose their team. We have teams who will lose half of their players because they want to be on a winning team even though they were signed as a level 5 instead of staying on the D-League. Or our teams were pretty much used to level their players just to go elsewhere for season 4.

How many people had to sign players who would only accept day 40 contracts? Now out of those player how many are staying?

I am against the level cap for season 4. I think it will work much better having the cap at the start of the season instead of mid season. We can see all of the flaws now that we are knee deep in the mess. Starting a league Mid-season caused a lot of unneeded anguish. (Stadium construction, Ticket sales, Concessions, Racing for Players, Promotion, Level Cap, Team Chemistry...)

It seems they tried something new, and everyone complained about it. Our Team is rolling with it. We have been forced to try to find new players to fill our Roster. We are losing so many players that will not resign, the team is basically gutting itself. Players want to be on a competitive team, you can only game plan so much when you lack the competitive levels this early in players development. Again, I am against the level cap for Season 4.

How about pooling all teams togather at the start of next season, giving the uncapped signing period. Then after a set time, cap it again so no ringers can be brought in midway through the year. After the rosters are filled out, fill the teams in the different leagues by overall. Then the good teams will be playing each other making it rely on build qualities and game planning other then a stacked team against a low level team.

Not sure how difficult that would be from a programming stand point, but atleast the playing field would be much more even.
Removing the cap blows for everyone involved. First, the owners get screwed because all the work they did last year was for not, and my heart definitely goes out to you guys because recruiting is a pain in the ass.

Second, guys like my DE who just got signed are now worthless to the team because he's a lvl 10 and will prolly face level 20 RBs and QBs.

crap deal all around
the cap should be removed.

It's a double edged sword...have a cap eliminates teams from gutting into powerhouses, but then they are going to do it eventually anyway

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