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Forum > Canadian A Leagues > Canadian A #4 > Aspermont vs willow Creek
anyone has any opinions or idea about this matchup
I think I've been public enough about it. I'll take Willow Creek by 10+. The Roughnecks are a good team (Top 2 in the East right now), I just think Willow Creek is too balanced on both sides of the ball. And they are as good a game planning team as this league has. My on true hope above all though, is that the East takes it all the way.
Well the very first game both teams had when they were handed out we beat the Roughnecks 34-17. But it might as well been 5 real life years ago. It means nothing each team has changed big time. I know what fears me about them, and what I think we can beat. This will take alot of scouting and planning. Should be fun.
Roughnecks by 9+
Originally posted by LionsFan0513
Roughnecks by 9+

Originally posted by cooljesture20
I think I've been public enough about it. I'll take Willow Creek by 10+. The Roughnecks are a good team (Top 2 in the East right now), I just think Willow Creek is too balanced on both sides of the ball. And they are as good a game planning team as this league has. My on true hope above all though, is that the East takes it all the way.

willow creek by 10+........we'll see if you are right.................

The irony in any of this is that anyone still takes me serious, I've been wrong far more than right, lol

I'll stick to my pick of Willow Creek though, I'm just far to convinced about them. Creek > Hood in the Finals.
Originally posted by kevbk6222
Originally posted by LionsFan0513

Roughnecks by 9+


Yes -- I told our team even before our game this was the by far the toughest game for us (PCB) of the year, and after we lost I said don't be upset about the loss -- we just lost to the team that will represent our conference.
Cooljesture i have been pretty quiet this whole time, but dude seriously start rebuilding for next year your and dont be mad, but also dont hate on team who are still in it no offense but you have been talking crap about certain teams on a bunch of forums and trust me its nothing against yall's team yall are great but just be happy for the people who are still in it and start getting ready to get better next year instead of talking crap to everyone else, im not saying we will win by 9+ or lose by 10+ but the thing is this is a game and the main thing in all games is to have fun, like i said i respect most things you say but this time i have to say shut up
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 21:54:58
Mad, who's mad? Rebuilding, why would I do that? I own one player in this league and have no say in what my team does. I didn't hate on your team, I picked against them. And it's not even your team I picked against, I'm picking against whoever plays Willow Creek, and I've been saying that since these playoffs started.

Fuck respect, I'm talking all the shit I can from here on out, especially about your team since you seem to be quite biased towards me. I don't know where the fuck you're coming from or what the fuck I did to piss you off, but I'm just as entitled to my opinion as anyone. I'm not sure why the fuck you snapped when all I did was pick against you and insult MYSELF. I didn't insult you or say anything bad about your team, I insulted and cut down my own self.

And your finger pointing is pitiful, as this is the only forum a frequent on a regular basis. And if I'm not mistaken the only team I've really harped on is Yellowknife. And even when I harped on them I readily admitted I could have been wrong, but it was still my opinion.

At the end of the day, this is a competition. The point is to be the best. I'm not required to give credit to anyone, I give it to whom I see fit. I give respect and credit to Willow Creek because I think they deserve it. Just because I have an opinion and I voice it does not mean I'm talking crap. You can choose to see it that way if you want, but unless you're ready to prove it, I'll have to say shut up as well.
He says you're the one who snapped, yet this little fella seems like he's SURELY the one who snapped

It's okay pumpkin -- Things will be okay in the virtual dot playing field, it's only a loss!
Originally posted by LionsFan0513
He says you're the one who snapped, yet this little fella seems like he's SURELY the one who snapped

It's okay pumpkin -- Things will be okay in the virtual dot playing field, it's only a loss!

What loss? I've yet to complain about our loss. We got beat by a better team. No big deal. No sleep lost. Nothing but respect for the better team.

Texasroughneck felt it necessary to say I need to shut up and stop talking shit and not be mad, he came at me before I did or said anything towards him. Hell I wasn't even remotely upset about anything before I read his post.
Last edited Jul 16, 2008 22:40:39
I honestly dont see the problem here either. I think some of you are just reading into what cooljesture is saying. He is being a good sport and just made his opinion known that he thinks we will win. Alot of people are making their pics, and that is fine. I am not going out and picking on people who picked us to lose. We may, but not without a fight. Lets drop this.
I picked wrong in both east games last week errr.... yesterday. Man I never know how to say that. Anyway, give me the Phantoms. I got to be right sooner or later.
mr speed
the game we lost 37-14, almost the whole team was cpu and now we have great players and coaches
aspermonts 17- willow creek 14

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