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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > I hope you guys are hungry...
...because here's a nice, hearty dose of the truth.


I first came across GLB on an internet forum. The identity of this forum shall remain nameless because of the embarrassing nature of it. The first post I saw came up on March 22nd, or, Day 11 of Season 1. Initially I ignored it, thinking that the game wasn’t going to be that great to a football fan such as myself, but two days later I gave in and joined.

I can’t exactly remember why, but I guess I decided that it was my calling or something to make a DE. Sadly, I wasn’t aware of what I was doing really, and didn’t know about retiring/re-rolling people, which is kinda half the reason why I think my DE is pretty mediocre to this day. (Gotta be honest.) I was kinda hesitant to come on to the boards and all that initially, but I made a post in PLFT to advertise my sweet level 2 DE (I used my other 200 FP to boost). I was contacted by chrisnyte (sp?) of the Orlando Outlaws of (I think) USA AA. He was a great, nice guy, and explained why I wasn’t missing out on much being a second string guy (not that I was demanding a starting role or anything in the first place). I think I was there for two or three games before my GLB “career” started really going.


While I was on the Outlaws, another forum I was at was catching wind of GLB. These are the forums from which I know people like Soapbox, RowdyBoy, blind_chief, InuDan, etc etc. The sub-forum I knew these people was (Surprise!) a football forum, and a lot of regulars there were joining up. At the same time, they were interested in setting up a “forum team”, and we were debating on who would be the one to throw down the money to buy the team.

Hey guess what? I did. Haha.

So at this point in time, there were quite a big amount of free teams for the picking. Of course, I wanted a nice glamorous “Pro” team, so I settle for a team in Oceania Pro. To be honest, I forgot the original name, but whatever. Somehow I decide on the Sydney Seahawks, despite the fact that the Seahawks sucks. Maybe it was an obvious omen.

So we all bring our players over to our fresh new team, which was 5-3 when I bought them. We end up going 2-6 in the last half, and finish 7-9.


Even though the end of Season 1 was rough, I honestly thought with the upgrades to our team and us coming together as a unit, we could have been a 5-8 seed in our conference.

Yeah, this wasn’t the case.

We ended up going 5-11 and ending up like the #12 conference. A pretty far cry from the playoff team I thought we were.

I could/do attribute it to a lot of things.

1) Lack of gameplanning. I’ll be honest. I’m a pretty awful gameplanner. I would just kinda look at some of my opponents’ stats and punch in some numbers. I tried to get coordinator help, but nothing was coming to me.

2) Lack of talent. I’ll be honest. Some of the players on my team were pretty bad. The team QB was just plain awful. Despite being on the level with all the other league QBs, he still put up a measly 2,122 yards. Oh. 7 TDs vs. 20 INTs. He ended up leaving to form his own team in Africa AA4, and he put up 19 TDs and 16 INTs. Still not great, but hey, maybe he’s getting better. In addition to that, there was my RB group. I tried to put together a power/speed combo at RB. I had a power guy, who was just plain awful, and my HB, Leo Tolstoy. There was never a good play calling system to get that to work well either. Etc. Etc. The list of things like that goes on.

3) Lack of morale. Honestly, in going 7-17 as an owner, the constant losing goes beyond your player’s morale dropping. It’s not like I was crying myself to sleep at night because my team kept on losing and losing, but it was tough for me to get on a game I invest my own money in and see that the team is getting nowhere. Getting worse, even.


I had seen Laggo around the boards a lot, and most notably, I saw him in the GLB Radio Show chat room in the first show. He spoke highly of how his new Africa team was gonna win it all, and be so great, and I kind of shook it off and laughed, as Laggo well…you know how seriously some of you take him. Eventually we end up talking about some GLB stuff, and he wants to try and trade for my CB Nick Memmolo. So I was like “Eh. Sure, one player won’t hurt.” And I go and get a replacement CB.

After trading him to Conakry, and seeing some of the people that Laggo recruited being such nice people, it really…just made me feel odd. I was so engaged with Conakry, excited to get the season underway and win.


At the point in time, I guess it dawned on me that I shouldn’t be an owner. When I’m more excited about a team that I have one player on rather than my own team with multiple players, something is probably wrong.

So I made the decision to get rid of my team. With the amount of people that were vying for teams and actually WANTED to own a team, it wasn’t fair for me to just sit on one and watch everyone lose day in and day out. I didn’t want to leave everyone stranded on a team that was gonna lose for seasons to come, so I starting cutting my players and most active people on the team.

Unbeknownst to me, there was a 40-man minimum when it comes to the roster. So what was I supposed to do? Just cut my losses and sell the team? Nah, I couldn’t bring myself to do that to my teammates. I went to the PLFT board and was just throwing out offers to all kinds of low level people, just trying to get people to sign so I could cut my teammates, in turn. And to settle the ridiculous discrepancies, it was five kickers I had on my roster. I’ve honestly heard people say I had like 10+. I guess that’s what happens when you’re dumb and don’t wanna listen to the facts or anything. Also unknown to me was the fact that you could actually sign CPUs now. If I had known that, would I have done that rather than waste everyone’s time and tie up some low level people? Of course! Sure, what I was doing wasn’t the best thing from the get-go, but I would have liked to do it in the best way possible to everyone.

So when I had freed basically everyone, that’s when I sold the team. Got like 500 or so FP back, was now free from being an owner. Brought most of my players to Conakry, and…


…we’re 16-0. I mean, I’ve been around the forums all season, and I’m not really sure what to say about the “here and now”.

What it comes down to in the end is all of you guys’ attitudes. I mean, it’s an Internet football game. If all you have to do is complain endlessly about the actions of some teenagers on the Internet, you have as many problems as I do.

I mean, I’ve never been one to pass judgment on people without getting information, so forming a good opinion on people in the APL was/is tough when every time you make a post, you just get a storm of “FUK OFF CHETR U SUK GO GUT ANOTHR TEAM”. I mean seriously guys, it’s insane.

I’m human, just like all the rest of you (despite whatever kind of jokes you might make), and I make mistakes too.

So in this thread, I’ll talk about whatever any of you want regarding the situation or whatever else. I’ll be honest and all that, because after this long diatribe and thread, as far as I’m concerned, the book will be closed.
I'd like to add that myself, InuDan, blind_chief, Rowdy, and all of the other guys that already knew each other... we didn't want to play too badly for a team where we weren't all together. It wasn't as fun since we didn't know the people. I pretty much told RTJ to get me signed onto his team or I was done with GLB. The same is true for Rowdy and I think Chief. Dan went to another team because we are very deep at CB but I'm pretty sure we're gonna make room for him however we can next season. We have made multiple threads on the other forum specifically about this and many people have inquired to be on the team.

And our QB was a dick, I'm gonna be honest. I won't name him because I don't want to be too petty, but I mean he did things for him. He threw passes that would net him yards. When he didn't do well, he blamed it on not enough passing instead of his 40% completion games with 2 INTs and 0 TDs. He really hurt us. I was excited to come to a team with an owner with a lot of wherewithal.

I'd continue this post, but it will be distorted and muddled and I'm sure 80% of you will not listen to any of this.

Edit: Btw, in terms of story telling and shit, this thread almost rivals my "name change" blog
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 14:32:27

(I'm kidding. I just found it funny that the word "honest" in its various forms appeared eight times in that post.)

Good stuff.
Great post
Originally posted by atm490

(I'm kidding. I just found it funny that the word "honest" in its various forms appeared eight times in that post.)

Good stuff.

That doesn't really surprise me. Haha. I can't write writing is really my forte.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
Originally posted by atm490


(I'm kidding. I just found it funny that the word "honest" in its various forms appeared eight times in that post.)

Good stuff.

That doesn't really surprise me. Haha. I can't write writing is really my forte.

lol at your last sentence.

I thought it was rather well written tbh. You're still a dumb Pack fan though.

I don't really care if you are a cheater. I have a soft spot for Packer fans..

I'm just kidding, RT. Well said.
Backpedaling some more....Interesting...after you go 16-0 , get fined 250,000...with that 16-0 record helps you recruit more...with that 16-0 record gets you more money in the playoffs to help build your stadium bigger...Yep sugar coat it as much as you want and now come on 40 days later like you are great people...You started with a huge advantage and it trickles down to more of an advantage....Now you back pedal...Well it might work for the new players in Africa...but for us who started day 1.....You will always have the *
Originally posted by SheVegas
Backpedaling some more....Interesting...after you go 16-0 , get fined 250,000...with that 16-0 record helps you recruit more...with that 16-0 record gets you more money in the playoffs to help build your stadium bigger...Yep sugar coat it as much as you want and now come on 40 days later like you are great people...You started with a huge advantage and it trickles down to more of an advantage....Now you back pedal...Well it might work for the new players in Africa...but for us who started day 1.....You will always have the *

lol dude. It's been said all along, you just never listened. None of it's a lie. Do what you want with it. He offered the truth and you can accept/reject it.
Originally posted by SheVegas
Backpedaling some more....

Backpedaling from...?

Originally posted by SheVegas
Yep sugar coat it as much as you want and now come on 40 days later like you are great people...

I guess you didn't read the post, as I'm speaking about myself and myself alone.

Originally posted by SheVegas
You will always have the *

I'm not concerned with pleasing everyone.
I am not disrespecting the post.....I am saying it must be nice to be 16-0 and now everyone thinks you are such great people.
I don't anticipate being friends with everyone because of this...
I have a feeling that soon all the people who keep bashing Laggo/RT/Conakry nonstop are going to hated....and deservedly so...
Last edited Jul 14, 2008 14:52:24
Originally posted by a49erfan77
I have a feeling that soon all the people who keep bashing Laggo/RT/Conakry nonstop are going to hated....

I really don't hope so. The hatred on this forum is what really makes me sick.
I'm sure SheVegas forgot to mention this, but did you know he needed my help to beat USAORG?

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