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Forum > South Atlantic Pro League > Africa Conference > Playoff Analysis Lion Conference: Round One
Lion Conference

Rwanda Royal Knights (16-0) VS Dar es Salaam Warrior Kings (9-7)

The #1 seed and the only undefeated team in the Lion Conference take on the 8th seed, a team thats had their share of ups and downs this season. Rwanda has a solid core, and as a team lead the league in Interceptions. Dar Es Salaam's greatest problem in this game will be turnovers. Their QB Shimano Calcutta ( ) is a level 14 who's thrown a 2:1 Int:TD ratio (18/9). Add in the fact that Rwanda leads the league in sacks as well (a whopping 8 sack lead over the 2nd place Cape Town) and it looks like a longshot for the 8th seed.

Keys to Victory
- Play to your strengths. You are the better team, overpower them.
- Don't try to get too fancy. Don't overthink yourself (It's your game to lose).

Dar Es
- Keep the turnovers down. Your best friend is going to be runs and low-risk passes this game. You have a chance if you can keep the turnovers minimal, if not non-existant.

- Force some turnovers yourself. You need to weaken them somehow, morale is your best bet - do whatever you can to diminish it. Pancakes, interceptions, force fumbles, etc.

Final Prediction

44-7 Rwanda

Wolfenstein Werewolves (12-3-1) VS Mogadishu on Khat (11-5)

The game of the 4th / 5th seed in the Lion Conference turns out to be a relatively well-matched affair. Both teams are nearly even across the board. Jeffrey "The Dude" Lebowski ( ) has gone relatively unnoticed on the Mogadishu side, with 25 tackles this year - 15 of them TFL. Wolfenstein has their own star on the defensive line. Jake "The Razor" Reese ( ) has 80 tackles on the season, along with a not too shabby 7 sacks. Both teams are in the lower half of rushing yards allowed. When they met earlier in the season, Wolfenstein pulled out the close game 9-6.

Keys to Victory

- Play for field position until the backups come out. Mogadishu can match you man-for-man, but there is a huge gap between their backups and their starters. Take advantage of this. Set your sub ratings a little more even or move a starter down to third.


- The clock is your best friend. You need to try and keep possession for as long as possible, give Wolfenstein as little time with the ball as possible. Run it, short plays, whatever. Extend your drives.

Final Prediction

14-12 Mogadishu (FG's, not safety )

Botswana Bugeaters (14-2) VS Barbary Coast Pirates (10-6)

For the difference in seeds (2 & 7 respectively) these two are relatively well matched. Earlier in the season they met for a 1 point contest (24-23, Barbary winning). Botswana rushed for 1.4 yards a carry that game, as opposed to 3.8 for Barbary. This allowed Barbary to score all their TD's on the ground. Their running back Ebon "The Messiah" Mullet ( ), made this all possible. He's averaged 5 yards a carry this year and currently leads the league in both rushing yards and TD's.

Keys to Victory
- See what you did wrong in that loss, and fix it. You know better than I do what your team is capable of.

- Trust your running game. You have one of the best HB's in the league, and are capable of controlling the game on the ground. Use this to your advantage.

Final Prediction
14-10 Botswana

Cape Town White Sharks (13-2-1) VS Bamako Bite (10-6)

The team I thought would be in the championship against the team I think have the best (and most colorful) logo in the league. Wonderful. These two teams met before and Bamako was trounced in a 40-0 thrashing. Cape Town is alot better than their record shows - I guess it has something to do with Serenity, hud, UTexRulz23, Thrillk1, Malakias, Joshuawhite, BuddyHorn, obijuan74, Vilita, sixwhat, pt206, mchumlea, OrangeBlooded, Frank Booth, t-money, ssrtex97, badger99_wi, theUT, Wrath Of Conor, liquidflunky, Satchmo-n-Dizzy, PaulM, B52Diplomacy, morid, Longhorn1976, a3puttbogi, JKates, Bigpump, MTerry00, onemanshow815, drizzew, HornNation, vrshah, CoachCrzyMadDog, KillerFX, limas4sweed, kcs55, Y2JLonghorn, Mike Diesel, juz, UTguy224, nubby1082, WEglAudacity, GMPunk, fahadmp, nhysaw, smax, jgrubbs, and SouthernPride helping out.

Keys to Victory
Cape Town
- It's your game to lose. Play your game and look forward to the next round.

- Gameplan for yourself, not for them. Think "How would I beat myself". Thats what you should be preparing for on defense. Think "How would I defend against myself". Thats the kind of defense you should be finding ways around.

Final Prediction
Cape Town 40-0 (Repeat )

Last edited Jul 13, 2008 17:46:15
Someone else can do Elephant if they want to. I can't for obvious reasons.
Laggo, is that really you? Why can't you post more stuff like this? This is awesome!
As much as i dislike you (mainly because of your annoying avatars) ... for the 1st time... good post.
I would like to add that the first game between Cape Town and Bamako, Bamako didn't have half of their current team although we are still a little overmatched statistically.
Which ever team wins out, I wish the Lion confrence luck in taking the win for the league.

Go Lions
The Bugeaters came away with the 1 point win in our early season contest.

Also, Mullet doesn't "currently" lead the league in rushing. He won the rushing title. It ends with the last regular season game.
He currently leads the league in rushing yards/td's. Currently so and so holds the record for most hotdogs eaten in a minute. They might have won the title previously, but they are still "currently" holding the record.

Sorry, Ebon doesn't eat hot dogs.

Ever since watching "How its made" on the Science channel he's been some what reluctant to eat em'.

Last edited Jul 13, 2008 21:36:30
Originally posted by victory88
As much as i dislike you (mainly because of your annoying avatars) ... for the 1st time... good post.

This is the Laggo I know. Welcome to my world. Since so many here are immature and like to bash him, you don't get to see that side of him. Almost unfortunate for you guys but... you bring it on yourselves. And "you" is collectively referenced. The people that mostly embody what I described are well known to all.
Laggo brings it on himself. Typical 16 year old kid internet stuff.
Have you read half the threads where it starts?

Originally posted by Gott
Laggo brings it on himself. Typical 16 year old kid internet stuff.

People got on him for a misunderstanding about the Hawks and "gutting" them (which didn't happen at all... most of us that went to that team didn't know what to do and we just wanted to stay together since we're all friends on a forum... so we followed RTJ)... and he just doesn't care to explain it. I don't really care to try and prove that it wasn't a team gutting either with most of the people in this league. We've just accepted how you guys are going to see us and that's that.
I've said quite a few times why I did what I did, but no one seemed to listen then. Oh well. The people here all over GLB are too ignorant to actually get to know me, as everyone just sees me as a Laggo clione or some shit, when in all reality, the only similarities with me and Laggo is that we both like video games, I guess. I disagree with a lot of Laggo's decisions, and all that. I'm not one to trash talk or make guarantees (Go ahead, try and find a post where I said we were going undefeated or anything like that...because you can't.)

I mean, it's not like I'm trying to be buddy-biddy with everyone in APL, but sooner or later, I'd like at least people to stop following the pack of haters and realize that I'm not the terrible person people make me out to be.
Originally posted by RTJakarta
I've said quite a few times why I did what I did, but no one seemed to listen then. Oh well. The people here all over GLB are too ignorant to actually get to know me, as everyone just sees me as a Laggo clione or some shit, when in all reality, the only similarities with me and Laggo is that we both like video games, I guess. I disagree with a lot of Laggo's decisions, and all that. I'm not one to trash talk or make guarantees (Go ahead, try and find a post where I said we were going undefeated or anything like that...because you can't.)

I mean, it's not like I'm trying to be buddy-biddy with everyone in APL, but sooner or later, I'd like at least people to stop following the pack of haters and realize that I'm not the terrible person people make me out to be.

You're not a laggo clone, you're just a dumb packers fan. Dumb because you're a Pack fan.

Stillers all the way.

And I know how you feel, bud.

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