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yeah i just saw that
I saw "Um...what?" as I was scrolling by on the main forum page and got curious.

Wow. That sucks to have that happen in the playoffs.

It's a full-CPU roster, but they're also CPU-owned, so the penalty that applies to CPU-dots on HUMAN-owned teams doesn't apply here. And all season long, the CPU team has looked competitive in every game -- not a single triple-digit blowout. I'm guessing the team had a very good set of default AIs in place when the team was sold, and they're working quite well. And the last time these two teams played, the human team only won 23-3. CPU or not, any team that plays me within 20 in the regular season is a team that I'm going to game plan against in the playoffs. I'd be curious to see if Krakow took this team seriously, or if they incorrectly assumed it would be an auto-win despite all the evidence to the contrary.

But yikes... that's a horrible time to learn that lesson the hard way.
zz man
Originally posted by Novus
I saw "Um...what?" as I was scrolling by on the main forum page and got curious.

Wow. That sucks to have that happen in the playoffs.

It's a full-CPU roster, but they're also CPU-owned, so the penalty that applies to CPU-dots on HUMAN-owned teams doesn't apply here. And all season long, the CPU team has looked competitive in every game -- not a single triple-digit blowout. I'm guessing the team had a very good set of default AIs in place when the team was sold, and they're working quite well. And the last time these two teams played, the human team only won 23-3. CPU or not, any team that plays me within 20 in the regular season is a team that I'm going to game plan against in the playoffs. I'd be curious to see if Krakow took this team seriously, or if they incorrectly assumed it would be an auto-win despite all the evidence to the contrary.

But yikes... that's a horrible time to learn that lesson the hard way.

Krakow was prepared. I ran same defense with same d/c using tactics calendar as normal
There would be some "reason" if i had cocked up settings etc but didnt
Tbh there came a point where their receivers just caught every ball regardless of how not open they were

It sucks but so would losing to a human team. However theres a special shame/guilt in losing this way !!! My main "concern" would be theres nothing different I would have done pre game as imo opponent was contained. Onward ever onward !!
Originally posted by zz man
Krakow was prepared. I ran same defense with same d/c using tactics calendar as normal
There would be some "reason" if i had cocked up settings etc but didnt
Tbh there came a point where their receivers just caught every ball regardless of how not open they were

It sucks but so would losing to a human team. However theres a special shame/guilt in losing this way !!! My main "concern" would be theres nothing different I would have done pre game as imo opponent was contained. Onward ever onward !!

You say Krakow was prepared, but I have to respectfully disagree. There have been a few times in the past where I've owned and/or controlled two teams in the same age group, and I've had a couple of tests where I scrimmed those teams against each other multiple times using the same offense and defense in every scrim. The results were quite wide and varied. So, unfortunately, what that means is that if you use your normal AIs and only beat a team by 20, and then use those normal AIs again in a rematch, victory is still well within reach of the other team. RNGs alone can swing a 20-point gap shut in a hurry. A customized game plan that targeted the CPU team's weaknesses on O and D likely would've won this game, since the CPU team is locked into their AIs and can't change anything.

I know Krakow also beat that same CPU squad by 60 at the beginning of the season, but CPU dots scale up or down based on the league's average level, and early in the season your league probably had a mix of boosted and unboosted teams that would have dragged down the league average. It's likely many teams caught up on boosting by season's end, and that makes the CPU team stronger by extension.

This phenomenon of CPU teams beating human teams really fascinates me for some reason. You seem to be taking it very well, zz... I've seen other owners and coordinators have absolute meltdowns about this before, but it usually comes down to the human team actually being terrible but playing in a terrible league, which fools them into thinking they're good when they're not. That does NOT seem to be the case here, as Krakow looks legit to me. But the CPU team had good leftover AIs, Krakow's normal non-customized game plan opened the door for an upset, and it sounds like the CPU team got all the RNG luck.

ProKop often says the safest thing to do is to gameplan for CPU teams as if they're human teams. I don't think that's always needed, but a CPU team that plays me within 20 is a CPU team I'd take seriously.
I don’t even gameplan for human teams.

But I don’t think you should run basic AIs vs CPUs.
I also decided to tag the cpu team this time 😉
its all good ZZ has the black army still in the hunt. We owe Professionalkop ass whopping. 3rd time will be a charm.
Crackkow was weak anyway. lol, maybe next season aye guys?
zz man
Originally posted by ProfessionalKop
I don’t even gameplan for human teams.

But I don’t think you should run basic AIs vs CPUs.

I always tag opponent (human or cpu) and run my basic AI which is %age based etc

Krakow also lost to a cpu a couple of seasons back . That team was then bought but kept all cpu dots and we stuffed them. Theres a thread about confidence being a factor in the main forums

As for taking it well......Im actually sorry for the agents more than anything....Would rather have lost to a human team as then theres no choice but to accept lol.....However I did watch the sim and was going to Fast forward etc once "the game was won"...Instead I huffed puffed and grunted with increasing frequency until the wife sitting next to me thought it was Saturday night again !!!!

And apparently I told Bort to Fuck Off about a dozen times !!!
Originally posted by zz man
As for taking it well......Im actually sorry for the agents more than anything....Would rather have lost to a human team as then theres no choice but to accept lol.....However I did watch the sim and was going to Fast forward etc once "the game was won"...Instead I huffed puffed and grunted with increasing frequency until the wife sitting next to me thought it was Saturday night again !!!!

And apparently I told Bort to Fuck Off about a dozen times !!!

I think we all have a story about our wives reacting to us reacting to this game.

My wife Lizzy calls GLB "fake football on graph paper," which makes me laugh because it's a Venture Brothers reference. There's an episode where Rusty Venture is kidnapped, and it's eventually revealed that his kidnapper is a college classmate who is still pissed off about an old Dungeons And Dragons game. The villain had named an NPC after a girl he had a crush on, and in the game Rusty rolled to seduce the girl and got a 12, enraging the villain.

Cue Rusty Venture: "Oh come on! You're going to kill me because I had fake sex on graph paper with a girl who barely spoke to you in real life?!"
Originally posted by Novus
I think we all have a story about our wives reacting to us reacting to this game.

My wife Lizzy calls GLB "fake football on graph paper," which makes me laugh because it's a Venture Brothers reference. There's an episode where Rusty Venture is kidnapped, and it's eventually revealed that his kidnapper is a college classmate who is still pissed off about an old Dungeons And Dragons game. The villain had named an NPC after a girl he had a crush on, and in the game Rusty rolled to seduce the girl and got a 12, enraging the villain.

Cue Rusty Venture: "Oh come on! You're going to kill me because I had fake sex on graph paper with a girl who barely spoke to you in real life?!"


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