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Forum > General Discussion > Politics and Religion > I'm a right-winger, in case you were wondering
Just wanted to make that clear so the topic doesn't derail every thread.

That said, biases don't preclude a regard for reality, reason or truth.

Here are some things I don't like about Trump (and others who advocate the same, D/R aside):
-Treatment of ISIS/ISIL as an enemy fit to go to war against. ISIS isn't a nation and we shouldn't go to war against them. I believe that doing so is not only a strategic quagmire, but it also ultimately emboldens them. I was appalled when I saw that picture of the little girl killed in Trump's raid. If not for her and whatever family she has left, it's disgusting because it's obviously the first of many innocents to die under this new leadership. I'm not like Sam Harris in that I don't believe our general cultural superiority to others grants us justification in our negative externalities, namely the slaughter of innocents. My chief political tenet is non-aggression/non-violence. Many of my other biases stem from that position.

Increase of the military budget. I think it's incredibly unfortunate that the one person most capable (a republican president, especially one that prioritized the economy while campaigning) of streamlining the military budget and cutting unnecessary expenditures instead seems intent on treating defense as a piecemeal budgetary category, one which should escape scrutiny of its individual programs. I can understand the desire to maintain a military that is technologically superior, but that only serves to further oblige us to carefully analyze every expenditure in search of its efficacy and legitimacy. To that end we can spend even the same or lower amount to greater effect.

Restrictions on lobbying. There shouldn't be a mandate on what work people can take, regardless of what may seem to be conflicts of interest. This is a treatment of symptoms rather than the illness of available power so readily directed by lobbyists. The only absolute way to reduce influence is to reduce the potential for influence. You won't accomplish much of anything by only picking who can and can't act as intermediaries in buying the influence. That said, this already existed before Trump, he just extended the length.

Stripping grants from "Sanctuary Cities." This is essentially taxation without representation. It's one part of government finding reasons given by another part of government to take taxes from the people in a region but failing to meet their burden to provide for their welfare. It's the people suffering in the midst of a feud they aren't necessarily a party to and it seems to me to be unconstitutional considering the 'general welfare' clause. The way I believe this clause is intended is to draw a distinction between general rather than specific welfare. In other words, everyone should benefit from everyone's contributions, and excepting one group, especially on such shaky grounds, is unjust.

Increasing border patrol and immigration officers. I'm not opposed to an increase in personnel if it's necessary, but I don't believe that this decision was made with thorough consideration of the circumstances. It's a large increase and it comes early in his tenure and it seems to be more a political gesture rather than a response to real, specific demand. I think that any new increases in expenses should be very carefully considered.

I'm sure there will be more to come.
in the 'no shit sherlock' category
Originally posted by Venkman
in the 'no shit sherlock' category

I just didn't want to hide it anymore.
no one doubted you were a right-winger, djinnt

congrats on the closet makeover, it looks great.
Originally posted by Catullus16
no one doubted you were a right-winger, djinnt

congrats on the closet makeover, it looks great.

Not sure what the last part is supposed to mean.
think about it?
Brain's not working that well right now for reasons I won't go in to (not drugs.)
I mean the obvious would be my avatar since makeover regards appearance, but I don't understand the application of the word 'closet' in that case.
And my second guess would be that you're referencing the content of my post, where closet might make sense but makeover doesn't.

I mean, why would I announce changing my avatar
and, the above views aren't a makeover in any sense
Edited by Djinnt on Feb 13, 2017 12:02:03
Originally posted by Djinnt
Brain's not working that well right now for reasons I won't go in to (not drugs.)

feel better soon!

and p.s.
Originally posted by Djinnt
I mean the obvious would be my avatar since makeover regards appearance, but I don't understand the application of the word 'closet' in that case.
And my second guess would be that you're referencing the content of my post, where closet might make sense but makeover doesn't.

I mean, why would I announce changing my avatar
and, the above views aren't a makeover in any sense

well, no.

i appreciate the effort though, good guesses!
So you're just insisting I'm a Trump supporter?
Originally posted by Djinnt
So you're just insisting I'm a Trump supporter?

I agree with you on not conducting an 'official war' with ISIS, but disagree with you on every other point you made. I can't remember ever disagreeing on so many different points with someone who claims to be right wing?

You definitely, are not a Trump supporter.
Originally posted by Sooner_Nation
I agree with you on not conducting an 'official war' with ISIS, but disagree with you on every other point you made. I can't remember ever disagreeing on so many different points with someone who claims to be right wing?

You definitely, are not a Trump supporter.

I believe that I am much further to the right than Trump, and possibly as far to the right as you can go depending on interpretation. On the other hand, Trump is much more authoritarian than I am, which is not at all.

My particular stance(s) can be defined by many labels:
right, libertarian, individualist, capitalist, anarchist, classical liberal, isolationist, reactionary, and probably a few more

I'm also somewhat of a civic nationalist, although I don't embrace social contract theory
Originally posted by Djinnt
So you're just insisting I'm a Trump supporter?

it's the objective truth that you are.

Xzibit A = sooner says you're not

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