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Forum > Mafia Game > Game Archive > Kyoto Song Game Thread

The year is 1598. It has been a year since the puppet shogun, Ashikaga Yoshiaki, has died. Japan/Nihon has been torn by bitter fighting amongst the daimyos, the regional lords who battle and scheme in the power vacuum left in the wake of Yoshiaki's death. Amongst these daimyos, three have risen to vie for the role of shogun, the ultimate military dictator of all Japan: Toronaga, Tozama, and Yamasu. Each of these three daimyos recruits amongst the peasantry to fortify their samurai army with ashigaru footsoldiers, with some adopting the new gunpowder weapons.

You will help decide the fate of Nihon. By battle and by guile, you will work to prop up your daimyo while eliminating your enemies. Or maybe you will be standing to the side, trying to survive in the chaos of war?

Notes: This game will involve customized roles, recruiting, surprise attacks, a mercenary ninja role, and even the "VTs" will have optional night actions (the peasants are revolting, after all).

The "alignments" in this game are not traditional scum vs town. Instead, a peasant may find himself conscripted into a daimyo's army, only to be free of his control when the daimyo is killed. The daimyos, and those allied with them, only win if they are the final surviving daimyo. Many of the rest of you win only if you survive to this endgame point.

General Rules

1. Be active in the game no matter what your role is. Inactive players will get left in the game. Everyone's role can be important and just about every role can do something at night, if not every night.
2. Do not talk about the game outside the thread, unless your role specifically allows it. Unless you are eglefan. He already figured it out before I came up with it.
3. Do not quote anything sent to you in a private message. Use your own words if you want to pass along the information.
4. Ask the Mod if you have a question about anything. If it isn't something you would know, we'll say so.
5. Have fun. It is a game. Play to win but also play the game to enjoy it.
6. Try to post at least once a day phase. I'd like to see more posts, because lurking sucks the big monkey balls.
7. Do not edit the content of your posts. It is not fair if you post something that some people get to see and others don't. Breaking of this rule can result in a quick death by MOD. The MOD is allowed to edit his/her posts. if you do an updated vote count and edit it we will be lenient since you're doing us a favor.
8. Try to stay on topic.
9. Vote in bold. Only Bold votes count. ex. Vote: vlady It helps the mods if you make this separate from any text, but we'll try to follow along.
10. Flavor may or may not be important, so feel free to play flavor all you want. If you have a role that may give you away based on flavor, you will have a "safe" claim given to you as well.
11. All roles have been made up specifically for this game. One has the same name as a similar mafia role, but has its own twists. Otherwise, the roles may be similar to other mafia roles, but don't count on looking up a role to find out what it can do.
12. The modykins is usually only on from 9-5ish during the day. If a lynch happens while modykins is not around, please lock this bitch up.
13. Daytime actions will end the day. This includes daykills and other day actions.

Lynches are done publicly with a needed 50% +1 votes for a kill. (e.g. With 20 alive it will take 11 votes for a lynch). No lynch is allowed and I expect everyone too bitch and argue about it Day 1.
Edited by vladykins on Jan 22, 2016 10:36:52
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 12:01:16
Night Zero:

All Clans will be attempting a N0 recruitment. Once a few more people read their role PM and I get all N0 recruitment attempts, I will open things up (though it may not open up until later today or tomorrow morning).


- Some people are unrecruitable by nature. You can't recruit another daimyo, for example.
- Some people may have more than one person attempt to recruit them the same night. If so, that recruitment will be unsuccessful.
- Some people may be unrecruitable at one time (in a daimyo's army) but recruitable later (when their current daimyo dies). Recruitable individuals do *not* have permanent alignments.
- If a peasant dies, for purposes of winning, their alignment will be tied to the last "master" they served.

Last, but not least: Some roles have a win condition and a total victory condition. For annual scoring purposes, a total victory will count as *two* game wins.
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 12:01:59
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 12:01:51
Players Alive:


Players Who Have Been Lead Away By Shinigami:

schrauben - ashigaru
token - Daimyo Yamasu Nobohiro
IBG - ashigaru
Edited by vladykins on Jan 24, 2016 04:57:01
Edited by vladykins on Jan 22, 2016 11:18:43
Edited by vladykins on Jan 22, 2016 05:28:09
Edited by vladykins on Jan 22, 2016 05:26:44
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 12:02:23
Important Events with Links

Day 1 End: Primate lynched but survives
Day Two Begins: DMF and schrauben are dead
Day Two End: DMF returns from the grave
Day Three Begins: A Lord and a peasant die (token and IBG)
Edited by vladykins on Jan 24, 2016 04:58:07
Edited by vladykins on Jan 22, 2016 11:19:44
Edited by vladykins on Jan 22, 2016 05:27:37
Edited by vladykins on Jan 21, 2016 13:39:11
Edited by vladykins on Jan 21, 2016 13:39:01
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:22:45
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:20:57
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:07:28
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:05:44
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:04:49
Not so important events without links

- Ahoda has breakfast
- Primate stubs toe on kitchen cabinet
- vladykins has spelling error; corrects it
- benmittens sings in shower
- schrauben tries on a new pair of shoes
- jay gets full night of sleep, wonders if someone abducted all his kids
- token buys box of Coco Puffs, determines they are stale
- sugar ponders what might be in this thread about him
- spin determines the exact number of licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop
- DMF prepares to take a cat for a walk
- fuzzy wipes forward, then backwards, maximizing use of toilet paper
- gmaj passes a Sanrio store in the shopping mall
- ryan smiles to himself when someone mentions he is only 15
- sabataged watches the BSG version of his namesake Beastie Boys video
-Trubuc reads an old TimeLife Mysteries of the Unknown; shapes a coat hanger into an ancient holy symbol
- Dadd spills milk; gets yelled at by Momm
- IBG deals with an angry customer
- timmah is verbally accosted by a nun

For those wondering, this has nothing to bear on the game. 1) I had a tally of people who had read their role PM and how many N0 actions I still needed and 2) I had a link to Important Events and felt I needed some unimportant events.

Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 14:42:29
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 14:06:21
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:27:40
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:22:59
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 13:22:36
Day 1 begins!

With 17 alive, it takes nine to lynch. No lynch is allowed. Plurality is not in effect.

Deadline is Friday 4:00pm EDT
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 14:38:23
Edited by vladykins on Jan 19, 2016 14:29:19
Anybody seen my kids?
Originally posted by Jayadamo
Anybody seen my kids?

Sick kids? I bet Jay would pay someone to take them off his hands
FU Momm
Vote Spin
Originally posted by Dadd
Sick kids? I bet Jay would pay someone to take them off his hands

Actually I am the opposite. I stick to them like glue when they are sick.
Sugar Kapaa
What is this thread about?

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