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Forum > Teams Looking For Players > Teams Looking for Coaches > San Antonio Gunslingers looking for staff
If you are a capable OC, DC or GM let me know. We're looking for quality people to add to our staff for the upcoming season.
I would be a good oc . I haven't been one on this game but have played a lot of football games . I like to run with the power I mostly with a few other formation's .bring my own playbook . would need a strong fb,hb,qb, need a big o line to push some bodies . I will run it right down the throat of the opponent . let me know if this is what you want as a oc id be glad to help .
Check out the Boston Blizzards. I own the team started the team 2 games before the season. We are 14-7-2 with a multiple agent team. I would be interested in GM / OC whatever you got.
Patrick's comment is so Lol. Look at the team and their offensive direction.

On to a different note, I'm ready for the rebirth of the Gunslingers. I miss the team that used to make me stay up late at night gameplanning. Hmu for any positions. I've gotten better at defense since the last time we met (I actually think we crushed you guys with all the teams I played you with, except the Outlaws). If DC, we will be shutdown, if OC, we shall make teams give up on watching the replay by the Second Quarter.
for your info tydavis315 (dick head )the team im on ( if that is what your referring to ) is a very lame team and don't want to be on it . the management sucks . id put my skills up to yours any day id kick your ass brother . lol on that you little bitch .
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 9, 2015 15:22:26
Absolut Zero
Originally posted by patrick95
the team im on ( if that is what your referring to ) is a very lame team and don't want to be on it . the management sucks .

The owner is inactive, you can switch teams if you want.
Originally posted by patrick95
for your info tydavis315 (dick head )the team im on ( if that is what your referring to ) is a very lame team and don't want to be on it . the management sucks . id put my skills up to yours any day id kick your ass brother . lol on that you little bitch .

This is even more Lol. A coach who rages, when he is clearly mistaken, is a weak coach

Anyways, I meant look at the Gunslingers offensive direction.
your pathetic . plus they already have an oc on this team .
Originally posted by TyDavis315
This is even more Lol. A coach who rages, when he is clearly mistaken, is a weak coach

Anyways, I meant look at the Gunslingers offensive direction.

Originally posted by patrick95
for your info tydavis315 (dick head )the team im on ( if that is what your referring to ) is a very lame team and don't want to be on it . the management sucks . id put my skills up to yours any day id kick your ass brother . lol on that you little bitch .

What he means is next time you are going to apply for an OC job, take the minute it takes to look at the team to see what kind of offense they have built on the team. The Gunslingers are obviously not going to shift gears to become a power run offense with a s* QB and 2 s* WR on their offense. Another tip talking trash about your current team usually wont win you a job with a new team either. Good luck getting a gig with this attitude.

ps its hard to get OC jobs right now some guy has been snatching them all up...
Edited by Jagat0r on Mar 10, 2015 09:35:12
I get that jagatOr .. but the fact that a person comes on here and try to get a gig is putting there self out there to get a gig . someone that comes on here and ridicule people for merely telling someone what they would run as an offense isn't something that's funny . its not lol. hay look at him . its childish . they guy sounds like a 10 yr old . sometimes a switch of gears is exactly what a team needs to get to the next step, or get over a hump . id would really like to be a dc myself I think defenses win games and sets offenses up for success . I hate that one person can suck up all the jobs though .that's pretty selfish and thanks for the hint . that's all TyDavis315 had to say . he should of left out the hay look at him he's funny .
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 10, 2015 13:06:38
Originally posted by patrick95
I get that jagatOr .. but the fact that a person comes on here and try to get a gig is putting there self out there to get a gig . someone that comes on here and ridicule people for merely telling someone what they would run as an offense isn't something that's funny . its not lol. hay look at him . its childish . they guy sounds like a 10 yr old . sometimes a switch of gears is exactly what a team needs to get to the next step, or get over a hump . id would really like to be a dc myself I think defenses win games and sets offenses up for success . I hate that one person can suck up all the jobs though .that's pretty selfish and thanks for the hint . that's all TyDavis315 had to say . he should of left out the hay look at him he's funny .

Ok Jag. Tell me you don't go into hysterics every time you read one of this dude's post. Hay and they isn't going to convince anyone your more mature than they are.

Originally posted by patrick95
I would be a good oc . I haven't been one on this game but have played a lot of football games . I like to run with the power I mostly with a few other formation's .bring my own playbook . would need a strong fb,hb,qb, need a big o line to push some bodies . I will run it right down the throat of the opponent . let me know if this is what you want as a oc id be glad to help .

This is what I read when I am sad. This isn't Lol because he would go 5-25 with the Gunslingers running more, (believe me, there is probably 0 points invested into power rushing) it's funny because if your an OC you would probably want to bring your own playbook, I formation was referred to as "power I", and like I said, it would be hysterical to try and see the Gunslingers rush with their current FB,QB,and HB.
Originally posted by TyDavis315
This is what I read when I am sad. This isn't Lol because he would go 5-25 with the Gunslingers running more, (believe me, there is probably 0 points invested into power rushing) it's funny because if your an OC you would probably want to bring your own playbook, I formation was referred to as "power I", and like I said, it would be hysterical to try and see the Gunslingers rush with their current FB,QB,and HB.

You make a compelling argument, there are only 2 ways to completely change a teams offensive philosophy from pass to run in this game that I can think of... 1. Reset and make/sign new players 2. Luck upon an entire offensive unit from a team that did reset. Changing playbooks is only a small part of coordinating an offense, a good deal of homework is needed to learn about the team and players your coaching. Unfortunately his posts just make me sad, the guy wants to play, but for someone to hire him from the posts he makes, after putting the time effort and money it takes to launch a team, would take a fool of a team owner. Considering we dont even have a Power I to run plays out of(closest we have is the Diamond or the regular I formations) you opened yourself up to being called on that. Sure its a game but there is competition for these coaching jobs, and if you want one you have to make the team believe your the guy whos going to put them over the top, that means you better know what your talking about, otherwise most of these team owners are going to ignore you and keep looking. Patrick I believe your best bet is to make a new rookie and sign onto a team that will let you participate on the coaching staff at the beginners level, or to invest into buying your own team. I got my start on the team my free player was playing on and was successful as an OC there before I ever asked anyone else to trust me with their team, and Im sure TY has paid similar dues working his way up to being a candidate for these jobs himself.
To run on what Jagat0r was writing I started out as just a recruiter. I added scouting soon after as the season went on. The following season required us to cut & fill more positions and I was given the Asst. G.M. post to cover these needs. Then after watching our D.C. and an O.C. give up due to real life involvements I stepped up and started covering both from the Asst. G.M. post. I found I did pretty good at D.C. but my offensive efforts were not the explosive O we wanted to compliment the D. Now Jagat0r is onboard and I'm hoping at the end of the year the owner will allow me to continue to run the D. If I can just keep the next two games under 15 points, who knows.

Anyway, it helped a lot that I had a player on the team I think for me to get the chance I had.
Edited by RealQuadL on Mar 10, 2015 22:01:46
thanks for the input , greatly accepted ! I think I would be better served if I took on a smaller role and moved up . we do have to prove our selves first . the jumbo I , the three wide I , Maryland I exc exc , its all out of the I , I just call it more of power for filling the hole with as many bodies the game will allow . hints the power . I know the power I in the formation has 1 more back hello ! lol . its just a expression in my case , the I formation is the best run formation you can have period . the power in my eyes on this game is to put as many bodies in the hole your running in , if its 2,the 4 , the 6 exc... sorry I wasn't politically correct . try not to let my words get to ya . the fact of the matter is the run is where its at if you cant run your dun . it really don't matter what game your playing its all the same ,in that you only have a curtain amount of plays you can run ,and there virtually the same in every game you play , weather its madden , ncaa , exc . most of what the oc will have to do is scout the team there playing next. if they have a week secondary and a strong inside game on d fence you may want to throw the ball , if its the opposite you may want to run more . exc . but anyway I like to think you guys for the criticism and help . by the way iv looked at the gunslingers ....... they have a great team looks to me they don't use the fullback near enough , and the qb need to up his completion % , you do that by bringing your attempts down . there hbacks , both of them , average 1300 yrd a season .... why would you not run ! if I ware the oc on this team I would kill teams with the short game ..... I wouldn't even think of having a deep pass play of any sort. .... im telling you word to the wise if you want to win with this team I would run and if I passed I wouldn't pass nothing but short pass plays with quick in routs . and a lot of tight end passes
Edgar Molina is there best tight end . . just my opinion.
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 11, 2015 10:37:24
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 11, 2015 10:35:24
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 11, 2015 10:01:03
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 11, 2015 09:24:38
Edited by patrick95 on Mar 11, 2015 09:22:18
Originally posted by Jagat0r
You make a compelling argument, there are only 2 ways to completely change a teams offensive philosophy from pass to run in this game that I can think of... 1. Reset and make/sign new players 2. Luck upon an entire offensive unit from a team that did reset. Changing playbooks is only a small part of coordinating an offense, a good deal of homework is needed to learn about the team and players your coaching. Unfortunately his posts just make me sad, the guy wants to play, but for someone to hire him from the posts he makes, after putting the time effort and money it takes to launch a team, would take a fool of a team owner. Considering we dont even have a Power I to run plays out of(closest we have is the Diamond or the regular I formations) you opened yourself up to being called on that. Sure its a game but there is competition for these coaching jobs, and if you want one you have to make the team believe your the guy whos going to put them over the top, that means you better know what your talking about, otherwise most of these team owners are going to ignore you and keep looking. Patrick I believe your best bet is to make a new rookie and sign onto a team that will let you participate on the coaching staff at the beginners level, or to invest into buying your own team. I got my start on the team my free player was playing on and was successful as an OC there before I ever asked anyone else to trust me with their team, and Im sure TY has paid similar dues working his way up to being a candidate for these jobs himself.

Inspirational paragraph of the day. Contrary to popular belief, I was a better OC back in season 2 and 3 on GLB2. It was a road to riches thing. I brought a sub part team from 3-27 to 19-11. Didn't get the ring though. Next season they unloaded me because they thought they could've done the same things themselves. They went 7-23, owner decided to go inact, team went under. Stopped coaching for a season or two, then I decided to start again when I got a PM from an agent on the crap team. He had a team and he wanted me to help. I usually work with bad teams (hence the suck coaching record) bUT it's a job, they are actually pretty talkative, and it's fun to watch the sim and talk about how we are finally getting better. Even my team Wonderland sucked. You could argue that we are "decent", but GLB2 scout has us at 15 (when we used to be mid 30's)
Edited by TyDavis315 on Mar 11, 2015 16:50:38

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