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Like to hear your guys' feedback there...get some Oceanic representation on the topic.
All this guy is doing is spamming the entire forum. He`s pissed cause he did`nt get in to the USA league.
One of the biggest babies i`ve seen on here.
While we all had to put a little more time into it being from Oceania, ultimately I think it made me work on the skills essential to being a good owner, and left me with a better team. I agree- all of us were on the same playing field at the beginning, so I don't think it's a big deal.
I enjoy the "being from Oceania" thing. It's made working on the website fun. People take themselves too seriously.
The OP doesnt have very much foresight. If a player is insisting that he wants on a USA team or a certain league, the chances are that same player is going to bitch about playing time and stats.

I wanted to be in this league, and I'll be pissed if they do change the names.
Last edited Jun 30, 2008 07:02:11
I agree. I'm thrilled to be in Oceania.

I suggest we let this thread die...
I did like the suggestion of the World Pro league that took the winner and runner up of the pro leagues from each conference.
Originally posted by SpearSrai

Like to hear your guys' feedback there...get some Oceanic representation on the topic.

Maybe we have a superior group of owners and don't see the problems you are experiencing.
Ask the devils for a glass of ice water, I agree with Sean.
Originally posted by dencon156
All this guy is doing is spamming the entire forum. He`s pissed cause he did`nt get in to the USA league.
One of the biggest babies i`ve seen on here.


-I know the guy and you do not know what you are talking about
-He's not pissed he is trying to get a discussion going
-He didn't want into the US league when he bought his team, I know him - you obviously don't so stop flapping those lips of yours when you do not know what you are talking about
-You have yet to state one intelligent thing about why his idea is bad so when you state baby anyone intelligent will look at you as more fitting of that description

Cheers, Eagle Scream
Originally posted by EagleScream
Originally posted by dencon156

All this guy is doing is spamming the entire forum. He`s pissed cause he did`nt get in to the USA league.
One of the biggest babies i`ve seen on here.


-I know the guy and you do not know what you are talking about
-He's not pissed he is trying to get a discussion going
-He didn't want into the US league when he bought his team, I know him - you obviously don't so stop flapping those lips of yours when you do not know what you are talking about
-You have yet to state one intelligent thing about why his idea is bad so when you state baby anyone intelligent will look at you as more fitting of that description

Cheers, Eagle Scream

Greetings Mr. Scream.

He may not have wanted to join the USA team, but the rest still applies. He is spamming forums and while he may not be the biggest baby, his whining demands is quite childish.

In any case, his point is not very valid and he is barking up the wrong tree. For him to blindly come to our forum when our league is filled with quality, competitive owners who for the most part are doing well for themselves totally invalidates his point. The problem is not with the league names, it's a personal problem of him being a suckass owner. Instead of working hard to overcome any perceived (and it is perceived, not fact) disadvantage, he decides to whine.

Tell your boy take take his weak shit and get out of our forums. Thanks.

Cheers, Sean

Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by EagleScream

Originally posted by dencon156

All this guy is doing is spamming the entire forum. He`s pissed cause he did`nt get in to the USA league.
One of the biggest babies i`ve seen on here.


-I know the guy and you do not know what you are talking about
-He's not pissed he is trying to get a discussion going
-He didn't want into the US league when he bought his team, I know him - you obviously don't so stop flapping those lips of yours when you do not know what you are talking about
-You have yet to state one intelligent thing about why his idea is bad so when you state baby anyone intelligent will look at you as more fitting of that description

Cheers, Eagle Scream

Greetings Mr. Scream.

He may not have wanted to join the USA team, but the rest still applies. He is spamming forums and while he may not be the biggest baby, his whining demands is quite childish.

In any case, his point is not very valid and he is barking up the wrong tree. For him to blindly come to our forum when our league is filled with quality, competitive owners who for the most part are doing well for themselves totally invalidates his point. The problem is not with the league names, it's a personal problem of him being a suckass owner. Instead of working hard to overcome any perceived (and it is perceived, not fact) disadvantage, he decides to whine.

Tell your boy take take his weak shit and get out of our forums. Thanks.

Cheers, Sean

I was certain this day would NEVER come...


Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by EagleScream

Originally posted by dencon156

All this guy is doing is spamming the entire forum. He`s pissed cause he did`nt get in to the USA league.
One of the biggest babies i`ve seen on here.


-I know the guy and you do not know what you are talking about
-He's not pissed he is trying to get a discussion going
-He didn't want into the US league when he bought his team, I know him - you obviously don't so stop flapping those lips of yours when you do not know what you are talking about
-You have yet to state one intelligent thing about why his idea is bad so when you state baby anyone intelligent will look at you as more fitting of that description

Cheers, Eagle Scream

Greetings Mr. Scream.

He may not have wanted to join the USA team, but the rest still applies. He is spamming forums and while he may not be the biggest baby, his whining demands is quite childish.

In any case, his point is not very valid and he is barking up the wrong tree. For him to blindly come to our forum when our league is filled with quality, competitive owners who for the most part are doing well for themselves totally invalidates his point. The problem is not with the league names, it's a personal problem of him being a suckass owner. Instead of working hard to overcome any perceived (and it is perceived, not fact) disadvantage, he decides to whine.

Tell your boy take take his weak shit and get out of our forums. Thanks.

Cheers, Sean

Greetings Mr. Scream,

Though I personally wouldn't express it in a similarly volatile manner as Sean, I do concur.
His motives may be sound, I am not one to judge that; however, his methods are not so easily excused.
Much more effective methods of expressing such things are available, and personally, I feel he should have executed those outlets first, rather than resort to the forums so quickly.
Granted, he may have attempted those alternatives to no avail, I will give him benefit of the doubt, but his language used throughout is well... to put it bluntly... ineffective. He tends to sound "like a broken record" if you excuse the cliché.

Personally, I agree with our mutual friend, with regards to the league renaming. However, not for the same reason.
Nonetheless, I was not in the least bit irked by his concern and desire, as he established a sound premise. Unfortunately, he seemed to prove ineffective at modulating and supporting the aforementioned premise in a eloquent manner. Rather than attempt to illustrate broader and more diverse aspects of his premise, he seemed to 'harp' upon the same example with little, if any, variation.
Due to that default, his image (which was already brought into question upon pioneering the unpopular opinion) was tainted further, giving 'trolls' and 'flamers' opportunities to exploit the already unpopular man.

With this in mind, I unfortunately cannot truly give value to your statement.
Though you may know our mutual friend personally, the image perceived by the general populous is one that he must refurbish himself. Assistance is always noble and appreciated, however, this assistance cannot be 'direct', lest your own image become jeopardized as well.
In this scenario, one can clearly see that your message was performing admirably, garnering sympathy and eliciting others to 'rethink' their opinions on the matter; however, with the second half of your third point, and from that point forward, the progress made was lost. Remember, when persuading others, one must respect and humble one's self, not insult.

"Flatter endlessly the common people" - Julius Caesar
History shows us that he was right.

Perhaps in the future, one could employ a more delicate approach, avoiding a sharp riposte, in turn.

Originally posted by NiteMaestro
Greetings Mr. Scream,

Though I personally wouldn't express it in a similarly volatile manner as Sean, I do concur.
His motives may be sound, I am not one to judge that; however, his methods are not so easily excused.
Much more effective methods of expressing such things are available, and personally, I feel he should have executed those outlets first, rather than resort to the forums so quickly.
Granted, he may have attempted those alternatives to no avail, I will give him benefit of the doubt, but his language used throughout is well... to put it bluntly... ineffective. He tends to sound "like a broken record" if you excuse the cliché.

Personally, I agree with our mutual friend, with regards to the league renaming. However, not for the same reason.
Nonetheless, I was not in the least bit irked by his concern and desire, as he established a sound premise. Unfortunately, he seemed to prove ineffective at modulating and supporting the aforementioned premise in a eloquent manner. Rather than attempt to illustrate broader and more diverse aspects of his premise, he seemed to 'harp' upon the same example with little, if any, variation.
Due to that default, his image (which was already brought into question upon pioneering the unpopular opinion) was tainted further, giving 'trolls' and 'flamers' opportunities to exploit the already unpopular man.

With this in mind, I unfortunately cannot truly give value to your statement.
Though you may know our mutual friend personally, the image perceived by the general populous is one that he must refurbish himself. Assistance is always noble and appreciated, however, this assistance cannot be 'direct', lest your own image become jeopardized as well.
In this scenario, one can clearly see that your message was performing admirably, garnering sympathy and eliciting others to 'rethink' their opinions on the matter; however, with the second half of your third point, and from that point forward, the progress made was lost. Remember, when persuading others, one must respect and humble one's self, not insult.

"Flatter endlessly the common people" - Julius Caesar
History shows us that he was right.

Perhaps in the future, one could employ a more delicate approach, avoiding a sharp riposte, in turn.


All I see is someone trying way too hard.

In any case, I'm not here to persuade, I'm here to have fun. Someone has to kick the blind, retarded dog... might as well be me.
Originally posted by TheSeanTeam
Originally posted by NiteMaestro

Greetings Mr. Scream,

Though I personally wouldn't express it in a similarly volatile manner as Sean, I do concur.
His motives may be sound, I am not one to judge that; however, his methods are not so easily excused.
Much more effective methods of expressing such things are available, and personally, I feel he should have executed those outlets first, rather than resort to the forums so quickly.
Granted, he may have attempted those alternatives to no avail, I will give him benefit of the doubt, but his language used throughout is well... to put it bluntly... ineffective. He tends to sound "like a broken record" if you excuse the cliché.

Personally, I agree with our mutual friend, with regards to the league renaming. However, not for the same reason.
Nonetheless, I was not in the least bit irked by his concern and desire, as he established a sound premise. Unfortunately, he seemed to prove ineffective at modulating and supporting the aforementioned premise in a eloquent manner. Rather than attempt to illustrate broader and more diverse aspects of his premise, he seemed to 'harp' upon the same example with little, if any, variation.
Due to that default, his image (which was already brought into question upon pioneering the unpopular opinion) was tainted further, giving 'trolls' and 'flamers' opportunities to exploit the already unpopular man.

With this in mind, I unfortunately cannot truly give value to your statement.
Though you may know our mutual friend personally, the image perceived by the general populous is one that he must refurbish himself. Assistance is always noble and appreciated, however, this assistance cannot be 'direct', lest your own image become jeopardized as well.
In this scenario, one can clearly see that your message was performing admirably, garnering sympathy and eliciting others to 'rethink' their opinions on the matter; however, with the second half of your third point, and from that point forward, the progress made was lost. Remember, when persuading others, one must respect and humble one's self, not insult.

"Flatter endlessly the common people" - Julius Caesar
History shows us that he was right.

Perhaps in the future, one could employ a more delicate approach, avoiding a sharp riposte, in turn.


All I see is someone trying way too hard.

In any case, I'm not here to persuade, I'm here to have fun. Someone has to kick the blind, retarded dog... might as well be me.

That was fun

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