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Forum > Pacific Pro League > Oceania Conference > JBQ's Zeta Conference Standings

OK here is my predictions on how teams will rank at the end of the regular season. Feel free to comment.

Zeta Conference Standings

1 The LEGION's Gold Coast Vipers 1268- 62 after a 7-9 season in WL they have been in the CCG two straight seasons and likely are a top contender to be there once again. They have a good mix of vet's and youth and have proven many times to be the team to beat in OPL zeta.

2 Black Hand Goal Line Mafia 1273 - 55 - fresh off a 7-9 season in WL makes them a contender. Nice mix of vets and youth but bad chemistry and youth. could hurt them early. I expect some early loss but should be in prime by playoffs

3 Sumatra Seahawks 1255.- 82 - always a contender and WL veteran team. They will be in the playoffs but not sure they have the roster to go deep in the playoffs.

4 GD: Padre's Parrish 1275 - 65 - a good mix of youth and vet dots, will be a contender it just depends how high they are on the GD care list to see how hard they try.

5 Pen Island Barrio 1242 35 - don't be fooled by the name change, they are still a hood team. solid roster with a lot of youth but also horrible chemistry that will likely cost them some games early. Could be a contender come playoffs if the hood boys decide to concentrate on this team.

6 Sin City Silent Assassins 1288. - 92 - this team has a good veteran roster and great chemistry, if they can take advantage of that chemistry early they can make a push for playoffs

7 Diamond Valley Devil Drivers 1223 - 90 - solid veteran team that will fight for a playoff spot but won't go far in playoffs IMO

8 Texas Hogsnakes - 1308.- 50 - good team of mostly veteran dots and will contend for playoffs but could have some tough loss early on do to chemistry

9 Mayan Flood - 1247.- 76 - incomplete roster but it looks like they have the dots to fill the needs waiting to sign. Solid vet team usually in the hunt for a playoff spot and i see the same this season.

10 Razorback Nation 1241.-56 - good veteran roster but chemistry and older dots will hurt this team a bit. they will be in the hunt for playoffs but don't expect them to go far if they make playoffs.

11 Davy Jones' Locker Pirate Ghosts 1220 - 22 - horrible chemistry but a young talented roster. if they can survive the horrible chemistry and the slow start they will likely have they do have potential but they have their work cut out for them. If they make playoffs they have a shot and shocking some people.

12 Stockholm Black Death - 1014. - 99 - way to young of a team to compete with the big dogs but the fallowing season should be a contender

below here it really depends who fills out roster the best. if any of them do they have potential to climb out of the cellar

13 All Godly Wolverines 1297. - 58 - incomplete roster, they need to hurry up and sign some dots or they will be in for a rough season

14 Easter Island Moai 1202.- 58 - a mix of youth and vets. low chemistry and youth might make it rough on the team early on.

15 Guam Chamoros Rising Sun Devils 1148. - 56 - incomplete roster and low chemistry are going to be tough on this team. they need to get some dots to fill the roster or they will be in for a rough season

16 Montreal Demolition - 1089 - 95 - incomplete roster and very young. they will struggle unless they fill this roster

Thanks for the write up, I hate having a target on our back though...........
lol. I love the "well see how high they are on the GD care list" The man knows what it is like to be in a network.
Looks good to me. Auto-pilot until playoffs and 16 weeks of scouting Padre for round 1. You better be right Jack
Yea, Stockholm is glad to be back in OPL, wish it were next season. We skipped 2 levels on the way up so we are really really young, but still made the playoffs in Regional Pro and got promoted


Good to see some of the same teams here though, our only goal is to stay in Pro and not get demoted. So please be kind!
Bugs Moderator
Originally posted by geekor
Yea, Stockholm is glad to be back in OPL, wish it were next season. We skipped 2 levels on the way up so we are really really young, but still made the playoffs in Regional Pro and got promoted


Good to see some of the same teams here though, our only goal is to stay in Pro and not get demoted. So please be kind!

i didnt even know it was possible to get demoted... the same shit teams are always in the league it seems...
go Legion GCV!
Originally posted by HOODjelly
Looks good to me. Auto-pilot until playoffs and 16 weeks of scouting Padre for round 1. You better be right Jack

I do appreciate you not saying 17 weeks of auto-pilot.
OPT is going to win Zeta too. Just FYI. We're winning both Alpha and Zeta.
Originally posted by MrMoose
OPT is going to win Zeta too. Just FYI. We're winning both Alpha and Zeta.
Wait you mean I was tricked into signing with a Hood team?
All Godly Wolverines won't have a full roster until week 2 (the other 24 dots are currently being held on my other team). Our team chem is going to suck all season, but we have our reasons and it will pay off in the long run. I'm hoping that our dots build's will overcome the chem deficit. Once we boost to 75/76 in the preseason, we will have the highest EL in the conference, and after week 6 when all of our dots hit plateau, we should be over 1400. We'll be there in the playoffs.

Thanks for the write-up JBQ.
Originally posted by Dave Mr Majors
All Godly Wolverines won't have a full roster until week 2 (the other 24 dots are currently being held on my other team). Our team chem is going to suck all season, but we have our reasons and it will pay off in the long run. I'm hoping that our dots build's will overcome the chem deficit. Once we boost to 75/76 in the preseason, we will have the highest EL in the conference, and after week 6 when all of our dots hit plateau, we should be over 1400. We'll be there in the playoffs.

Thanks for the write-up JBQ.

u do know signing dots during season cause a larger chem penalty.. Most likely gonna be to much to recover from
Originally posted by snakes22
u do know signing dots during season cause a larger chem penalty.. Most likely gonna be to much to recover from

Well aware of the greater chem hit....but for those 24 dots, they are going to be cut from my other team on day 0 so that they don't play a game in week 1. It will be the difference between entering plateau with ~900 XP to trade in for TPs and entering plateau with hardly any XP for trade. A chem hit for one season is less important to me than having those dots at their best for all 5 seasons of the plateau.

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