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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > LOT diving in against no one.... ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
12th MIManITW
This has got to be a bug

I form

Double back out and up

TE Deep Middle

Strong I
Weak Overload

Weak I
Weak Overload

First off, look at the alignment of the line. Why is the LG almost on top of the center?

Second of all, in a couple of those examples, why is the RDE coming around untouched with the LOT just sitting there watching? Can't even blame that on first step since he doesn't just jump off the line nor does the LOT actually try to engage the block initially. He just drops down and in and sits.

I don't get it.

Edited by Mike Rogers on Feb 10, 2012 07:59:27 (Obsolete & Inactive)
Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Otega

First off, look at the alignment of the line. Why is the LG almost on top of the center?

The Center has first step and is getting an early jump toward the NT.

Your 3rd, 4th, and 5th replay don't look suspicious to me. That's just a LOT with first step beating the defender back to his default position to form a pocket.

I see what you're talking about with the 1st and 2nd replay. I wonder if it has something to do with the insanely bad jump the RDE got on the snap. If you step through them a click at a time, he doesn't take off for 5 ticks on the 1st one and 6 ticks on the 2nd. By that time, the OT has already made it back to his pocket waypoint. It's like the OT gave up on him coming and jumped inside to help on the NT.
12th MIManITW
Originally posted by TruthHammer
The Center has first step and is getting an early jump toward the NT.

Your 3rd, 4th, and 5th replay don't look suspicious to me. That's just a LOT with first step beating the defender back to his default position to form a pocket.

I see what you're talking about with the 1st and 2nd replay. I wonder if it has something to do with the insanely bad jump the RDE got on the snap. If you step through them a click at a time, he doesn't take off for 5 ticks on the 1st one and 6 ticks on the 2nd. By that time, the OT has already made it back to his pocket waypoint. It's like the OT gave up on him coming and jumped inside to help on the NT.

The 3rd, 4th and 5th replays were how the Oline is initially lined up. The Line shouldn't be scrunched in like that with the LG almost on top of the center.

The first couple replays, ya, something like that possibly. That should be looked at. It's ridiculous.
12th MIManITW
Originally posted by TruthHammer
The Center has first step and is getting an early jump toward the NT..

That would have absolutely NOTHING to do with HOW the Oline is lined up to begin with, which is what I was pointing out.

Look at how the Oline lines up pre-snap. Why are they so scrunched in like that? The line looks like an S and resembles nothing like what it should.

I'm wondering if that is some type of bug because frankly, in those replays, if there had been a OLB on the edge, he would have walked in scott free to the QB.

Lead Bugs Mod
Originally posted by Otega
That would have absolutely NOTHING to do with HOW the Oline is lined up to begin with, which is what I was pointing out.

Actually, it does. The first frame is not presnap. It's a split second after the snap. A lineman who begins the play having already taken a step is extremely common. It's kind of unusual to have so many O-linemen with FS, so you don't see it to this extreme very often, but it's not a bug.
12th MIManITW
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Actually, it does. The first frame is not presnap. It's a split second after the snap. A lineman who begins the play having already taken a step is extremely common. It's kind of unusual to have so many O-linemen with FS, so you don't see it to this extreme very often, but it's not a bug.

What? Are you serious? Why?

lol Thats just idiotic.

Anyhow, can you at least talk with someone else and find out about the first couple replays. I noticed this in a few other games this season where teams have a slow, strength based RDE (I think the Guyana game was the other one).
Lead Bugs Mod
Yeah, I'd like to get some more replays to help the testers recreate it.

I'll also PM the DE's agent about his build. He seems to have decent speed and agility judging by how quick he got going once finally started. It may be related to vision.
12th MIManITW
I'll see what I can find out
I agree with Truth on this one. Looks like the LT get's a jump from first step. I dont think it is a bug.
Edited by Rikkhen on Oct 4, 2011 18:56:54
Lead Bugs Mod
I got the DE's build. He asked me not to post it, but there's nothing remarkable about his speed, agility, or vision either way. I reviewed some other strength-based DEs, and the time it takes him to get off the line is a little long relatively, but not excessively so. It may have just seemed long because the OT got back so fast. I don't think the problem is directly related to the DE any more.
Ot - those first two replays definitely look a bit buggy to me.

No reason whatsoever that the LOT should be taking a "false step" to help the interior of the OL - should be where he at least stays in his area to block and if the RDE doesnt come because he's in zone or something then the LOT can pinch in and help the interior OL.

I used to think it was partly b/c of the str DE's and the fact they got off the line a bit slower that the OT's would ignore and look elsewhere - think it's seen more at the lower levels moreso than the WL as str DE's still have some speed and get off to them.

Not sure if we need more replays (I'll defer to TruthHammer for that) but if we're just basing it off of that then I'm leaning toward processing it as a bug.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
Actually, it does. The first frame is not presnap. It's a split second after the snap. A lineman who begins the play having already taken a step is extremely common. It's kind of unusual to have so many O-linemen with FS, so you don't see it to this extreme very often, but it's not a bug.

all of our o linemen have first step and this isn't seen on the other teams...
Originally posted by bug03
all of our o linemen have first step and this isn't seen on the other teams...

Sure it is. First game I clicked, first drive of the game: - C is touching the LG. - C is overlapping the RG. - C is overlapping the RG. - C has HUGE overlap on the RG.
12th MIManITW
Originally posted by NiborRis
Sure it is. First game I clicked, first drive of the game: - C is touching the LG. - C is overlapping the RG. - C is overlapping the RG. - C has HUGE overlap on the RG.

Nibs, that stuff is cosmetic from what I understand. The replay doesn't start pre-snap, it's already started when you pull the play up.

My question was more on the 2 replays that showed the LOT diving in and down toward the guard, allowing the slow RDE to just straight run at the QB.

12th MIManITW
Originally posted by rocklee711
Ot - those first two replays definitely look a bit buggy to me.

No reason whatsoever that the LOT should be taking a "false step" to help the interior of the OL - should be where he at least stays in his area to block and if the RDE doesnt come because he's in zone or something then the LOT can pinch in and help the interior OL.

I used to think it was partly b/c of the str DE's and the fact they got off the line a bit slower that the OT's would ignore and look elsewhere - think it's seen more at the lower levels moreso than the WL as str DE's still have some speed and get off to them.

Not sure if we need more replays (I'll defer to TruthHammer for that) but if we're just basing it off of that then I'm leaning toward processing it as a bug.

Ya, thanks Rock.

I think you're right on. Their is no reason for the LOT to dive down towards the guard and allow the RDE to have a straight run at the QB like he did in those first couple replays. Especially when the LOT has no other real blocking assignment there.

I think it's related to the speed at which the RDE comes off the line. You can watch the LOT drop back a bit then make a decision to move to the LG, all the while the RDE hasn't really even engaged yet, hence the LOT isn't picking him up at all.

It's almost like there is a check there, and the slower RDE force the LOT to miss that check and push down.

If any of you watch games, watch the RDE on Guyana. The same thing happened to us a couple times against them. THE RDE would just stroll to the QB while the LOT would completely miss him and dive in.


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