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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > 280 days old, no plateau boosts? - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG
I have 3 players that hit 280 days old today but they cannot boost. Looking at the boost screen for other players, it says:

Originally posted by Boost Screen
You can level up a player up to 3 times in one season. The price per level is the same as the price to create a player of that position. A player may only be boosted every season while he is younger than 280 days old. Once a player reaches 280 days old, he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau.

According to this, they should have each gotten 3 boosts today but they didn't.
Edited by Lensar on Sep 21, 2011 04:21:55
Edited by Lensar on Sep 21, 2011 04:21:33 (added to quick fix list)
Edited by TruthHammer on Sep 20, 2011 11:58:12
Originally posted by Jack The Quarterback

If it's tomorrow, the text in the second sentence should be changed to 281 shouldn't it?
Edited by keithj on Sep 20, 2011 03:53:03
If you want to be pedantic I guess.

Though... It says he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau.

And being as he got TP today he is not in plateau. Therefore he cannot boost until he is..... tomorrow
Originally posted by Jack The Quarterback
If you want to be pedantic I guess.

Though... It says he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau.

And being as he got TP today he is not in plateau. Therefore he cannot boost until he is..... tomorrow

Pedantic? I don't see how wanting correct information displayed on pages here is being pedantic. The text on the boost page is flat out wrong. I don't think anyone can disagree with that.
you have not reached 280 days, you are in your 280th day. Once you hit rollover tonight you will have reached your complete 280th day and be eligible for plateau boosts at the start of your 281st day.
Originally posted by alindyl
you have not reached 280 days, you are in your 280th day. Once you hit rollover tonight you will have reached your complete 280th day and be eligible for plateau boosts at the start of your 281st day.

Player screens say "Age: 280d old". Now you're saying the player screens (and home page) are both wrong?

No i'm saying you're being needlessly picky on semantics and i countered with other needlessly picky semantics. It's after 280, you'll get it tomorrow, it's not bug. At worst he needs to add a + symbol to make it 280+.

Also, your 280 day old players are not in plateau (take a look at them):
Not in plateau
Age: 280d old - Professional

In Plateau
Age: 335d old - Professional (-145)

Originally posted by alindyl
No i'm saying you're being needlessly picky on semantics and i countered with other needlessly picky semantics. It's after 280, you'll get it tomorrow, it's not bug. At worst he needs to add a + symbol to make it 280+.

Also, your 280 day old players are not in plateau (take a look at them):
Not in plateau
Age: 280d old - Professional

In Plateau
Age: 335d old - Professional (-145)

I understand all of this but I'm sure many players that don't read the forums don't. They see this on the boost page:

"Once a player reaches 280 days old, he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau."

And then they see this on their player page:

"Age: 280d old"

And they try to boost their players but can't and don't know why. Simply changing the boost screen to say "Once a player reaches 281 days old" would take all the confusion out of the matter.

Say I'm looking to buy a new TV and the store tells me "Once you have $280, you can buy this TV." If I go into the store with $280, are they going to tell me "Sorry, you need $281 for it"?
If it were a significant issue where you were just being denied ever being able to boost, i would agree.

However if you read what you quoted, it is actually correct.

"Once a player reaches 280 days old," So once a player is 280 days old this next condition goes into effect- "he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau." they can use plateau boosts when they are in their plateau (which starts at 281 days). Since you are not in your plateau at 280 days, you are not going to get plateau boosts. 280 days is just when the initial condition starts (since you can't reach plateau before 280 days). But some people may already be in their plateau at 300+ days right now so they have to state the earliest possible point a player could be before their plateau starts.

Also the TV example isn't the best to use. Not to pick on you but most stores advertise items (tv in this case) at 299.99. If you walk in expecting to pay 299.99 and not 299.99+tax you may be disappointed. Plus delivery if they don't offer free home delivery.

I understand what you are saying, i just disagree with the conclusion. Maybe they'll mark this as quick fix to add a + to anyplace it says 280. But things from that post have been quoted so many times in other posts that changing 1-2 places they personally posted it will still confuse the same people who think they should be getting plateau boosts before they actually enter their plateau.
tOmato tomAto
Originally posted by keithj
Originally posted by alindyl

No i'm saying you're being needlessly picky on semantics and i countered with other needlessly picky semantics. It's after 280, you'll get it tomorrow, it's not bug. At worst he needs to add a + symbol to make it 280+.

Also, your 280 day old players are not in plateau (take a look at them):
Not in plateau
Age: 280d old - Professional

In Plateau
Age: 335d old - Professional (-145)

I understand all of this but I'm sure many players that don't read the forums don't. They see this on the boost page:

"Once a player reaches 280 days old, he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau."

And then they see this on their player page:

"Age: 280d old"

And they try to boost their players but can't and don't know why. Simply changing the boost screen to say "Once a player reaches 281 days old" would take all the confusion out of the matter.

Say I'm looking to buy a new TV and the store tells me "Once you have $280, you can buy this TV." If I go into the store with $280, are they going to tell me "Sorry, you need $281 for it"?

Pretty much this. It says once you REACH 280 days old; and the player page says 280 days old. Therefore it's correct.

To alindyl's doesn't say once you have COMPLETED your 280th day, it says once you REACH 280 days old.

It should be fixed to say 281.
Originally posted by PING72
Pretty much this. It says once you REACH 280 days old; and the player page says 280 days old. Therefore it's correct.

To alindyl's doesn't say once you have COMPLETED your 280th day, it says once you REACH 280 days old.

It should be fixed to say 281.

No it doesn't say completed. However it also does not say that once you reach 280 days old, you can boost. There are two conditions to the statement. One is that you reach 280 days old. The other is that when you are in your plateau (281 to whatever the end is, 480?) you can use your plateau boosts.

Not trying to turn this into an argument of whether or not it should be changed.
Just that it isn't a bug really. 280 day old players (today, sept 20th 2011) will get their plateau boosts tomorrow when they reach plateau. As i said later, maybe this will get a quick fix/typo designation. But is there really that much confusion on when you get to use your plateau boosts that they need to go back and edit every place they said reach 280 to reach 280+ or 281?

I'm not a bug mod, they will decide on their own which way this goes. Just contributing a point of view and my interpretation on how this will go.
Lead Bugs Mod
"The price per level is the same as the price to create a player of that position. A player may only be boosted every season while he is younger than 280 days old. Once a player reaches 280 days old, he is eligible for 3 additional boosts at any time during his plateau."

This should say 281 in both spots where it says 280. Marking as a quick fix / typo
Edited by TruthHammer on Sep 20, 2011 12:00:37
Edited by TruthHammer on Sep 20, 2011 12:00:29
Lead Bugs Mod
Thread moved by moderator.

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