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Forum > Game Recaps > Built a QB To Get In 70+ Thread - 1st Game - Missed it By THAT much! lol
Ali Khaman
Actually, I didn't build him to make it into that thread, but... this isn't bad for his first league game:

This play isn't too bad for being in the first game, finding everyone covered and hanging tough as my crappy CPU O-Line lets both of the two rushers in. Way to not panic and turn a sack into 10 yards.

Too bad the free player deal saturated the QB situation so bad. This guy would be on a real team in most seasons. Oh well - I'll wait for someone to go inactive and be waiting when a real team needs me. lol
nice build!
Good play kid!
Edited by Grumpus on Sep 6, 2011 23:35:30
Originally posted by Tim26
nice build!

.... Huh? Good first reply though...
Edited by SimpRec22 on Sep 7, 2011 03:29:38
Ali Khaman
Originally posted by SimpRec22
.... Huh? Good first reply though...

If you don't mind my asking - what's wrong with the build?
didnt capped 1 single major or minor attribute
you wasted to early SP into SA ,
boosted to early ...
Edited by Krytical on Sep 7, 2011 04:12:06
Edited by Krytical on Sep 7, 2011 04:10:11
Ali Khaman
If it weren't for the SA's - neither of the plays I linked to would have worked and he wouldn't have the second highest passing yards in his league.

As far as boosting goes - I hear both sides of the argument. Half the stuff I read says you can go early except at certain ages and others say to boost late.

Regardless - he performs well and, frankly, I'd rather have a guy on my team who could do that job as opposed to someone who built it exactly the same way everyone else did.

Thanks for taking the time to answer non-snarkily, Krytical. We might disagree a bit (though you probably are correct with the boosting time) - but I highly respect you for giving me a useful answer. Cheers.
Originally posted by Ali Khaman
If it weren't for the SA's - neither of the plays I linked to would have worked and he wouldn't have the second highest passing yards in his league.

Its not a surprise against a full CPU DEF ? , prepare for full boosted, CE and a normal skilled DB´s and DLine . Then you will see what I am talking about it .

As far as boosting goes - I hear both sides of the argument. Half the stuff I read says you can go early except at certain ages and others say to boost late.
It common opinion, but wait to the last day of season to boost is the long term to success .

Regardless - he performs well and, frankly, I'd rather have a guy on my team who could do that job as opposed to someone who built it exactly the same way everyone else did. Yes now against a nondepth team , but you will lost your fun when you see how a good def AI destroy your QB . Pray that your OL protect your Candy Ass .

Thanks for taking the time to answer non-snarkily, Krytical. We might disagree a bit (though you probably are correct with the boosting time) - but I highly respect you for giving me a useful answer. Cheers. .
You welcome man, read some guides and learn some creation 101 , then you will realy have fun even trough hard games.

Edited by Krytical on Sep 7, 2011 04:56:51
Ali Khaman
Long term will definitely tell.

As far as the math goes, unless I'm due to hit level 15, the reason to boost late is because it saves percentage on training days - but since I used most of my boost points for SA's - that's not really a factor. At that point, it becomes a debate as to who whether SA's in younger years are worth it. I know that in this case, he looked off or pump faked himself out of no less than 3 sacks last game.

Yep. A good offensive line is definitely a must. Tom Brady would be nothing if he hadn't had one of the best OLs in the game for the past 10 years.

And finally - as for guides - it's hard to know which ones are relevant still. During the first season I played, it was hard because there are always AI tweaks that come into play and a lot of the guides I've found are hard to determine if they came before a certain tweak or not. It's even harder this year with the accelerated growth. But yeah - I do read as much as I can find.

Thanks again!
I've been playing this game since season 3. never put a point in any SA until a minimum of level 35.

the reason?
As you level up, each time you gain amounts in each skill, but nothing in SAs. It doesn't matter what level a skill is at, when you level up you gain the same amount in that skill (if it is a major or minor skill for your player).

Say a skill goes up by .5 each level
if the skill is at 40 it goes up to 40.5 - a gain of .5 skill points worth.
if the skill is at 50 it goes up to 50.5 - a gain of 1 skill points worth (since 2 skill points = 1 point gain at this point)
if the skill is at 60 it goes up to 60.5 - a gain of 1.5 skill points worth (since 3 skill points = 1 point gain at this point)

It keeps going from there, but most people try to take 1 skill at least to 68 before moving on (I'd suggest 72+)
basically get it right at a skill cap (68 is where things cost 4 points per level, 72 it costs 5) so that each time you level up you gain more skill points worth into your build for the long run.

This is the simple math behind what the major build style "cap building" or "slow building" is. There is a lot more to be taken into account nowadays (like getting bonus tokens into training multiple skills early in your career, saving up BTs for custom EQ, etc.) but some of this comes into debate as to whom has the best methods for these things.

but the above math is basically the main reason why you don't put any skills into SAs until you have finished getting all your most important skills up to a minimum of 72.

Also about boosting.
until you are level 29 you will gain more experience per game at a lower level, after that experience levels out and you gain the same amount per game. This is when you boost early in the season, after level 29. Before then, if you boost at the beginning of a season, that entire season you will be gaining less experience per game because you are a higher level. So at the end of your career you will end up being about 5 levels lower than other people who started on the same date as you!
Ali Khaman
Wow. Thanks for all that math on the skills, Cael. I see the point on maxing something. I'll see what I can get going during my next few levelings. I sort of half assumed that most of my players during my first 3 or 4 seasons in GLB would end up getting retired before total full maturity. My father and I have played FPS football together since I was a kid - so the concept of a game like this isn't foreign to me, but the inner working of GLB will take some time to learn.

As for boosting... Levels 1-15 you get the same XP per game in levels 1-15, so as long as I'm not in danger of hitting 15 in the season, it really doesn't affect XP - or no? In the wiki, it says this:

Level ~Max XP/gm XP/day
1-15 625 50
16-31 500 50
32-40 375 50
41-52 375 25
53-68 250 25
69+ 125 25

The text below hasn't changed since last season, so I don't think it's been updated. I have read in several places that unless you are going to hit one of the thresholds in a season, it doesn't affect your XP. Since I (probably mistakenly) used points for my SAs, it doesn't affect training percentages either.

Anyway - your math above has been quite helpful, regardless. Thanks again!

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