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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > Coverage out of backfield - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG

"Feb 10, 2011
- Disable coverage speed matching when too far away from receiver (fixes sluggish coverage of HB/FB coming out of the backfield)"

"Feb 11, 2011
- Fix some coverage "overshooting" from fast defenders caused by 02-10 coverage update"

Looks like it still needs fixing
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jun 5, 2011 15:20:18 (title edit)
Edited by Pwned IRL on Jun 5, 2011 09:56:17 (title edit)
Edited by Rikkhen on Jun 1, 2011 20:15:11 (The response to this bug is perfect imo. not a bug. working as intended)
Edited by VolBrian on Jun 1, 2011 15:41:25 (Ttile edit)
Need to really give more information on what it is you are seeing as a bug. I'm assuming you mean the SS.

It looks like the SS drops into a zone, the WR moves into the edge of his zone which attracts his attention for a short time. So he starts heading at him for a few ticks. WR leaves and he moves back to the center of his zone. QB throws the ball, SS reacts to the throw (starts heading to the HB as soon as the ball graphic shows him throwing it) but doesn't make it in time.

As for that bug fix, i don't believe that what you are seeing in that play relates to what the changelog notes were referring to.
Originally posted by alindyl

It looks like the SS drops into a zone, the WR moves into the edge of his zone which attracts his attention for a short time. So he starts heading at him for a few ticks. WR leaves and he moves back to the center of his zone. QB throws the ball, SS reacts to the throw (starts heading to the HB as soon as the ball graphic shows him throwing it) but doesn't make it in time.

This is a great explaination imo. Not likely a bug here.

I assumed he was referring to CB4... who looks to be assigned to cover HB man-to-man.
Either that or it's a blitz, and he's set to "passive" pass rush settings.
Originally posted by stromstarhammer
I assumed he was referring to CB4... who looks to be assigned to cover HB man-to-man.
Either that or it's a blitz, and he's set to "passive" pass rush settings.

Could be that too but he didnt explain it very clear in the op.
Sorry fellas...It's CB4 who is set to cover HB. He does the EXACT opposite of what the changelog said many months ago.

The CB runs towards the HB while the HB is running towards the CB. Then when they meet the HB continues his path up field and the CB is 10 yards behind. It's the worst coverage setting ever and I thought it was fixed a while ago as I saw improvement before. Clearly though it's not the case here. And I feel like I've been seeing this kind of coverage for the past couple of days where the coverage on a HB or FB just isn't picked up properly.

I want to say it's as if the CB4 gets within a certain distance of the QB and suddenly thinks "I can get a sack" and go for the sack for a brief moment. Maybe it has to do with the same code for DEs in flat zones going for a sack if they have an opportunity?
Can we edit the title since the moderator clearly acted too soon with his response.
Dr. E
Originally posted by Rlurie

"Feb 10, 2011
- Disable coverage speed matching when too far away from receiver (fixes sluggish coverage of HB/FB coming out of the backfield)"

"Feb 11, 2011
- Fix some coverage "overshooting" from fast defenders caused by 02-10 coverage update"

Looks like it still needs fixing

That's caused by the angle of the CB. Move him inside and it wont happen.
That's the most retarded thing ever....because the CB is lined up outside of the Tackle box, ANTICIPATING the HB to go out for a route, he doesn't engage properly? What you're wanting me to do is put a bandaid on a bullet hole wound.
Originally posted by Rlurie
Can we edit the title since the moderator clearly acted too soon with his response.


I want to apologize for this being swept around.

Can you get screen shots of the DPC play and the exact tactics settings, all of them if you can.

I want to get more information on this subject and definitely some more replays.

If it's just happened one time, it could be many different things factoring in.
Query: can the CB even see (or keep his eye on) the HB starting from that position? I'd take the opposite tack from Dr. E and move the CB more outside the tackle box, provided he really is assigned to the HB first.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL

I want to apologize for this being swept around.

Can you get screen shots of the DPC play and the exact tactics settings, all of them if you can.

I want to get more information on this subject and definitely some more replays.

If it's just happened one time, it could be many different things factoring in.

Redrover gave an example as well. I don't know how to post a screen shot but I can give you GM access if you like so you can see. CB4 is set to cover man w/o move - HB Strong.
There is a good explanation of taking screen shots in here.
Going to mark this thread NEEDS MORE INFO.

Pending on..

More Replays
More Tactics Information
Screenshot of the Custom Defensive Play

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