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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > FS Man HB coverage......Stays in no man's land. - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - # 690

This is the kind of stuff that shouldn't be causing TD's. FS was cover man W/out move HB and no one else.

Cover man without move isn't supposed to mean he won't move the whole play. This actually happens whether it's normal cover man or w/out move. So that's not the issue. one time you can see the FS go the complete opposite direction of the play to his man.

Edited by TruthHammer on May 24, 2011 23:26:48 (Issue determined not a bug)
Edited by kuaggie on May 21, 2011 18:49:22

Why did the LOL just stop and watch the HB stop as well? The Guy laying down can make a tackle and miss? But the guy standing up can't even move?

Why does the SS run right in to 2 players that are already engaged? There is obviously no logic intalled for this.

the next play....MLB stalls and waits for HB to catch the ball , then he resumes his normal speed pursuit. I've pointed this one out many a times. This MLB even has Ball Hawk.
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 17:02:27
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 17:00:40
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 16:53:20
Where is the CB going on this play? He could have made the tackle far earlier, but decides to run away from the WR instead.

Watch the LB and CB on this next and why are they bouncing off of the FS? another costly TD play. If this logic was fixed, then that LB and or CB would have caught the HB. Instead they get stoned by the sim and the HB is fast enough to finish it off.

And this next play is not even in my playbook. This is the 3rd game in a row it has ran it and I took it out of my active playbook. How is it calling it still?
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 17:07:21
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 17:06:56
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 16:51:25
Edited by smittdog101 on May 15, 2011 16:48:32
Originally posted by smittdog101

And this next play is not even in my playbook. This is the 3rd game in a row it has ran it and I took it out of my active playbook. How is it calling it still?

Mods will need GM access to say anything about this. The rest I'll have to look at when I have more time.

Can anyone address any of these issues? Here is the Man Cover on the HB stopping while the pass is in the air AGAIN!!!!

Why is the MLB just stopping when he had a clear tackle in his sights? Defense logic flat out sucks.....period.

The FS just stops and lets the Back go by....what is the issue here. It's not like the back made a move or anything.
Edited by smittdog101 on May 17, 2011 12:15:18
Edited by smittdog101 on May 17, 2011 12:12:36
Originally posted by smittdog101

This is the kind of stuff that shouldn't be causing TD's. FS was cover man W/out move HB and no one else.

Cover man without move isn't supposed to mean he won't move the whole play. This actually happens whether it's normal cover man or w/out move. So that's not the issue. one time you can see the FS go the complete opposite direction of the play to his man.

You need to drop your FS back farther so he has time to meet the HB mid route.

Rage Kinard
Originally posted by AngryDragon
You need to drop your FS back farther so he has time to meet the HB mid route.


you consider that good coverage?
Originally posted by Rage Kinard
you consider that good coverage?

If I am only leaving one player to cover the HB route weak or strong then yes. I have other plays where the two defenders have the HB on either side to get better coverage. The trade of is getting pressure. If I am only leaving a one player to cover the HB or any receiver for that manner I need to do my best to get pressure.

By the way, why am I defending myself to you. If you owned a team I would beat your scrubs all day long.
Originally posted by AngryDragon
You need to drop your FS back farther so he has time to meet the HB mid route.


That has nothing to do with:

1. Him standing there and not even recognizing his man.

2. The FS moves away from the play as the pass is occurring.

Originally posted by smittdog101
That has nothing to do with:

1. Him standing there and not even recognizing his man.

2. The FS moves away from the play as the pass is occurring.

You might be right. I look at your first example and I think the FS can't find a good path to meet the HB from where he starts out. That is mostly why I suggested to drop him back a bit. I could be wrong.
QB Eater
It IS odd. But I would try moving the FS back a yard. It could be that he doesn't have a clear view at the HB and so his reaction is delayed. Not really sure but that would be my guess. For some reason he isn't "seeing" the HB. Just move him a notch to one side and back a yard and see if it helps.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester

If you havent already got a Bug Mod access, get me some AI access, as we cant make a comment either way til we see exactly whats happening.
Edited by Mike Rogers on May 18, 2011 18:16:13
Offer sent. The TE screen is still being called and it's not even in my playbook. My understanding is that it won't get called, even if it is hidden in there somewhere, because it's pulled out of the active playbook.
Mike Rogers
Lead Tester
Accepted, on my phone now, but will check it out asap.

However, packages do still over rule the playbook, so that might be the issue?

Its set up that way to make it easier to share packages and OAI I believe.

Will check out both issues soon as I get home.
Rage Kinard
Originally posted by AngryDragon
If I am only leaving one player to cover the HB route weak or strong then yes. I have other plays where the two defenders have the HB on either side to get better coverage. The trade of is getting pressure. If I am only leaving a one player to cover the HB or any receiver for that manner I need to do my best to get pressure.

By the way, why am I defending myself to you. If you owned a team I would beat your scrubs all day long.

I was talking about how the FS covered the HB, not your choice of play calling or where you lined the FS up. I use the same tactics myself at times.

The initial movement by the FS is good to get to the point where he is directly in front of HB.

However, after he gets to that spot, he constantly maintains the distance between himself and the HB. What he should do is let the HB close the gap and gradually increase speed as the HB gets closer to him. Then try to mirror the HBs speed once the HB is within a yard of him.


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