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Forum > Discuss GLB Issues With Catch22 > ISSUES DETERMINED NOT BUGS > I Trap Counter Left - Guard Doesn't Pull - ISSUE DETERMINED NOT A BUG - CLOSED - #678
RG should pull on this play and the FB should come up an make the Guards block. FB does seem to do that, but the Guard rarely pulls.

And then finally, the guard pulls

Is this a bug, or intended that way?
Edited by VolBrian on May 13, 2011 08:54:32 (Closed)
Edited by TruthHammer on May 10, 2011 15:16:44 (Verified not likely a bug)
Edited by Androth on May 10, 2011 14:07:41 (NOT LIKELY A BUG)
Look like normal GLB. Gs to not pull if they "fear" the men in front of them is going to kill the play.

March 3, 2010
- Fix run block assignment missing DE's lined up too far outside
- Allow C to switch to lead block downfield like G's can when he has no one to block
- Allow pulling players to abort pull on run plays if player directly in front of them is still unblocked after all blocking assignments are handled

According to what tragula posted this seems to be working as intended and is likely not a bug.:

March 3, 2010
- Allow pulling players to abort pull on run plays if player directly in front of them is still unblocked after all blocking assignments are handled

The first replay, the guard pulls after the FB takes on the NT
2nd and 3rd replay, the FB doesn't get to the NT in time for him to pull
4th and 5th replays, the RG looks as if he is trying to release from the block when the FB gets there but doesn't do it in time to help on the play.

You'll notice the RG pulls just fine. It depends if he needs to help block or not.

Lead Bugs Mod
I agree this is not likely a bug, but I definitely think it's worthy of a suggestion.

The problem here, as I see it, is that the FB's assignment appears to not be included in the pre-snap assignment distribution. Most of the time, that's right, since he's lead blocking, and his assignment is variable depending on the motion of the defense. In this case, he's basically "filling in" as a linemen by taking the RG's spot. If he were included in the pre-snap assignments for trap plays, then I think the blocking scheme would make a little more sense.

Anyway. It's working as it's designed, so it's still not a bug.
Originally posted by TruthHammer
I agree this is not likely a bug, but I definitely think it's worthy of a suggestion.

The problem here, as I see it, is that the FB's assignment appears to not be included in the pre-snap assignment distribution. Most of the time, that's right, since he's lead blocking, and his assignment is variable depending on the motion of the defense. In this case, he's basically "filling in" as a linemen by taking the RG's spot. If he were included in the pre-snap assignments for trap plays, then I think the blocking scheme would make a little more sense.

Anyway. It's working as it's designed, so it's still not a bug.

Back some Few years ago when I Played Offense Lineman for a living we ran some Wing T when a Play called for me to Pull I pulled. Its the FB's Job clearly to pick up that NT no matter how big he is . A guard is to pull when his play his called. Only Time I wouldn't pull was when the QB changed the Play at the Line that's why you listen to the QB signals and know what heck your doing.Its all Block Coding in this game its a sim and unless you fix these sorry codes for offense Lineman reads to smart up its not going to change up. In these Cases a 4/3 Center would either double team the DT or block down with a double with the FB on the NT.IMO here its a must double team C/LG on the DT to stop him from shed blocking inside a good DT can read that Pull shed inside smash the HB for a Loss. Ask me how I know I ran Wing T offense for 15 years. Want to know more coding. A smart NT will follow that RG hip pocket right to the HB if he is smart. ITs all coding it has been for some time, Ive never seen these dots block so stupid in my life like I have the last few seasons. Its like they run a line thats it seems to me like they don't even know were or what there blocking till something gets in front them.
Edited by Truka on May 10, 2011 16:52:26
Originally posted by Truka
Originally posted by TruthHammer

I agree this is not likely a bug, but I definitely think it's worthy of a suggestion.

The problem here, as I see it, is that the FB's assignment appears to not be included in the pre-snap assignment distribution. Most of the time, that's right, since he's lead blocking, and his assignment is variable depending on the motion of the defense. In this case, he's basically "filling in" as a linemen by taking the RG's spot. If he were included in the pre-snap assignments for trap plays, then I think the blocking scheme would make a little more sense.

Anyway. It's working as it's designed, so it's still not a bug.

Back some Few years ago when I Played Offense Lineman for a living we ran some Wing T when a Play called for me to Pull I pulled. Its the FB's Job clearly to pick up that NT no matter how big he is . A guard is to pull when his play his called. Only Time I wouldn't pull was when the QB changed the Play at the Line that's why you listen to the QB signals and know what heck your doing.Its all Block Coding in this game its a sim and unless you fix these sorry codes for offense Lineman reads to smart up its not going to change up. In these Cases a 4/3 Center would either double team the DT or block down with a double with the FB on the NT.IMO here its a must double team C/LG on the DT to stop him from shed blocking inside a good DT can read that Pull shed inside smash the HB for a Loss. Ask me how I know I ran Wing T offense for 15 years. Want to know more coding. A smart NT will follow that RG hip pocket right to the HB if he is smart. ITs all coding it has been for some time, Ive never seen these dots block so stupid in my life like I have the last few seasons. Its like they run a line thats it seems to me like they don't even know were or what there blocking till something gets in front them.

I agree, Im an OC in High School and I run the Wing T... we need to get someone to code the blocks that understands what needs to be done
Originally posted by wchs63
I agree, Im an OC in High School and I run the Wing T... we need to get someone to code the blocks that understands what needs to be done

yes Ive been saying this for along time now just to myself till lately its drawing me to the forums LOL. I get so mad watching films here anymore at the Oline. Nothing more than watching films and watching a 3 man Dline rush shut the whole play down with the DE's ? Not taking anything from players here because I know both teams are good I thought I would pull some stuff for examples from my teams scrimmage today.

Good Example Here is my NT I know his build know the owner of the other team and were both solid builds. I am in a 3/3/5 RE Flats pressure only from a NT/LE. My DT works threw a C/RG/LG/HB to the QB While the LT stands there looking around at the cheerleaders. I mean come on I know C/LG/RG have enough since than that. If we were to see there line of vision path they were looking straight or the other way

Again look here RT just stands there? Shouldn't he be taking a few steps back to form a Wall Pocket for the QB. If Iam the LG my head is on swivel here I am in a Pocket Zone I can help the Center Or I can pick up that Blitzing SS hell its only a 3 down Line. Granted I know the RT's are still been built like a center he still should be dropping into a Pass Block form.

Same here why didnt the RT Drop back build the Pass Wall He could picked up the CB RG picks up the LE while C is on DT LG has the option to he C or LT again its a 3 down line the Guards are free and until GLB allows stunts why are they just standing there.

Again this time on My teams QB sacked. I cant believe the V Pass Protection here that almost happen but the Guards just standing there either trying to block 3vs1on the NT or worrying about what they going to eat after the game. If they dropped back into the V like they started the RG would have been able to helped out the RT from the LE getting the inside on him.If you look close the LT is doing his job as a LT. He has that RE turned got a good base block going on. The RT looks like he is trying to block straight up why didnt he block and turn the LE like the LT did that would have stopped the swim inside for a sack ?

Again no pass logic at all. RT plays patty cake with the LE while CB zips by RG who knows ? Look close LG is bump helping that center as he tries to shoot the gap its working there. RG should picked the LE RT would been in that wall protection and picked up that CB.

Edited by Truka on May 10, 2011 19:07:24
Edited by Truka on May 10, 2011 19:06:26
These belong in the suggestions forum.
Originally posted by wchs63
I agree, Im an OC in High School and I run the Wing T... we need to get someone to code the blocks that understands what needs to be done

Well then you know what I mean about pulling lineman the Wing T is nothing but pulling and traps. I played some DT also over the pulling RG. When we played others that were Wing T offense I would get in hip pocket of the RG and let him take me to the HB 90% time. The other Time I was getting my azz crack blocked from a FB while the HB countered LOL and yes that's no fun but playing Wing T your lineman had to be fast and willing to take some hits that's why it works so good against a weak Dline. But that's a chance you take if you didn't go with the guard you had some big azz RT blocking down on ya so its either go with the guard and I mean fast or get cracked by the FB or RT LOL. I just watch films of this sim anymore and think to myself what my coach would be thinking
Originally posted by Androth
These belong in the suggestions forum.

why suggestions ? Its buggy IMO its not suggestions its getting the coding and fixing the way the offense line reads the plays. Until the QB can change the plays run/pass at the line the Lineman should know pass block or run block and be coded to play there blocking roles different depending on the play.
A bug is something that is not working as it was coded. A suggestion is something that should function differently then it is coded.

Changing how blockers and blocking schemes work is a suggestion.
Originally posted by Androth
A bug is something that is not working as it was coded. A suggestion is something that should function differently then it is coded.

Changing how blockers and blocking schemes work is a suggestion.

Either way it should be taking care of its starting to get old watching these lineman block like a bunch drunk idiots.Ive seen PEEWEE players block better than my older lineman have Suggestions to me just seems like a place things go and get lost NGTH kinda thing IMHO, In all honestly I cant remember last time I looked in the Suggestions who can sort threw all that BS some these people are posting there. I guess since its coded to read and block the way they do then move it to Suggestions and I will just have to deal with it a few more seasons after that I will move on to something else run my flex out on 1 player at a time. Ive been around this game since season 1 Ive probably watched more game film than anyone here but Iam not going to get into all that, I try to mind my own around here Ive got better things to do but this topic right here is starting to bug the shat out me and Iam seeing it all the time poor blocking paths and reads. Do what you all want with it Iam just say n
Originally posted by Truka
Either way it should be taking care of its starting to get old watching these lineman block like a bunch drunk idiots.Ive seen PEEWEE players block better than my older lineman have Suggestions to me just seems like a place things go and get lost NGTH kinda thing IMHO, In all honestly I cant remember last time I looked in the Suggestions who can sort threw all that BS some these people are posting there. I guess since its coded to read and block the way they do then move it to Suggestions and I will just have to deal with it a few more seasons after that I will move on to something else run my flex out on 1 player at a time. Ive been around this game since season 1 Ive probably watched more game film than anyone here but Iam not going to get into all that, I try to mind my own around here Ive got better things to do but this topic right here is starting to bug the shat out me and Iam seeing it all the time poor blocking paths and reads. Do what you all want with it Iam just say n

And in order to get it taken care of the way you are talking, you'll need to head on over to the suggestions forum. As this issue is not a BUG, but like Androth said, the owner of this business has it coded that way. Make a suggestion rally the troops and see if you can persuade him to change it.
Originally posted by Pwned IRL
And in order to get it taken care of the way you are talking, you'll need to head on over to the suggestions forum. As this issue is not a BUG, but like Androth said, the owner of this business has it coded that way. Make a suggestion rally the troops and see if you can persuade him to change it.

The guard didn't pull 5 times, how the frack is it not a bug? The play design clearly shows the FB stepping up into the gap the guard left and the play clearly shows the guard pulling around the side. Now my runners are getting clobbered on this play because NO ONE IS BLOCKING on the left side.

That's fracked up. Just saying.

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